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Everything posted by tom64ss
-Go to Kid Korrupt's website: http://www.geocities.com/valkcreations/index2.htm -On the left, you'll see a site map, click on Customization tips -The seventh topic of the list of tips that come up is one called Joon's 1/55 Bootleg Modification (by Rosario Love). Click on that. -That should bring you to a very good guide (pictures and everything )for fixing a lot of the inherent problems that come with your Joons. Enjoy
I own Joons and MPCs. Main topic: Joons are far superior to modern HK bootlegs, [edit] but have no metal legs and some QC imperfections.[/edit] The grey VF-1J Joons are really only worth getting for the packaging or if you're a completist. They sell for more, but as far as "worth" in owning, I say they should be worth $25. The Bandai reissue of the grey VF-1J is far superior. M&M (red and blue) Joons are cheap alternatives to their expensive Bandai reissue & Takatoku counterparts. Worth $40-60, and that's usually how much they sell for these days. The green Joons is a cool repaint, I'd like one of those. The Patriot repaint IMO is ugly, but both are unique to Joons. Side topic: I got volume 1-5 of the MPCs and they do suck compared to Yamatos and Bandais. I'm glad I got them cheap because I only got them to resell as a set. They are a little better than Joons as far a quality of plastic. Volume 1 is by far the worst, but with all of the improvements, volume 5 ain't much better. The sculpt sucks with it's disporportionately skinny legs that don't lock, where as the Joons, since it's a good Taka ripoff, is far superior in it's design. The only MPC paint variation that is unique is the volume 2. I'd take a red, blue, or green Joons over any MPC. Side, side topic: We state or opinions to sway people from buying MPCs for 3 reasons, -those of us that own them know how much they suck and don't want people who don't have them to make a mistake and buy one for more than they're worth. -HG are morally corrupt scumbags that deserve no financial support for what they've done to BW and their right to distribute outside of Japan what they've put 20+ years of time and creative effort to provide Macross fans with. 20+ years which HG made no effort to help, and at times hinder, Macross fans outside of Japan with access to videos or products (and barely anything for even Robotech fans for most of that time). The people at BW are the creators of what both Macross fans and Robotech (Macross Saga) fans love. If HG can't see the moral issues over their claims, then they are not the type of company that deserves my support. -Supporting HG/Toynami also supports their legal efforts to not let Macross fans outside of Japan from getting official Macross products at a reasonable price.
Niiiice! Looks great. Can't wait to see the other hand(s).
Dammit Tom... he said he didnt want his name mentioned. oops, my mistake. Oh, you can put me down for a VF-4 too if it's in 1/72. If it's 1/100, I'm not as sure........oh who am I kidding, I'll probably want it anyways.
That's awesome Melissa. Thanks, and send a thanks to the Mr. Anonymous too.
Don't let MEMO fool you, he's actually Samuel Jackson. [quote name=MEMO1DOMINION' date=' Never ] ......THAT'S THE WAY I TALK!!! HAVEN'T YOU SEEN MY MOVIES??? YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!!!! Samuel Jackson...............IT GOOD MOTHERF***ING BEER!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was set up by HG as a way to toot their own horn.
Me too. I love this thing.
You must hate that Wang Chung video.
Check out this page for reference. http://f11.aaacafe.ne.jp/~gazouup/gbp.html and his site of 1/48 customs: http://f11.aaacafe.ne.jp/~gazouup/vf-1.html I can't read any of it, but it sure looks purty.
HI BAKE_ART where can I find this page? I never see it before~! Is amazing works! AND I want to see the full body of the all 3 mode ! can you help me? THANk YOU VERY MUCH~!! http://www.geocities.com/duom/gundam/hasepv/hasepv.html I reckon a model customs page would be worth it just for this thing alone It'd be worth it for this too, Jarrod's latest (not on his site yet): The rest of the pics are in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5279
That's what was such a good surprize, all of that was out of nowhere, and pretty well done. The last shot was great. My favorite is the puddle scene. Classic Batman imagery.
When did Graham rule out 1/60? I do vaguely remember reading somewhere that Yamato had let it be known that they would concentrate on 1/72 scale in the future, but I can't recall details or the source. Yamato originally told Graham they were interested in making the Mac0 toys in 1/60. Quoted from the newletter here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/news/_news_n052.htm The rumor of Yamato concentrating on only 1/72 and 1/48 scale was just one of the rumors from Emiko's infamous list.
How about a photoshopped pic from the article? Dig it... I look through this at least once a month.........and sigh. http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/john_...ohn_moscato.htm
I've never liked any of the Batman movies. I thought the first one was a huge disappointment and they got worse as they went along. The fan film I downloaded from here a while back, Batman: Dead End, far surpassed all of the movies..........and it was only 7 minutes long. Hopefully this one won't suck, but I doubt it.
That's one of the pictures in the set of pictures for mslz22's 1/48 VF-1J Enigma custom More pictures can be seen here (third one down): http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...customs-148.htm
Graham, your new page is now one of my favorites here. Here's some old threads with customs: Great moose has a custom scheme 1/48 on the bottom of this page Min's 1/48 Blue Roses Montarvillois' Custom 1/48 Low Viz Both Deadzone and Valkyrie279's 1/55 TV Max VF-1As Skull-1's 1/55 Alaskan color scheme Has links to Skull 001's 1/48 TV Max VF-1A Completely original idea Kishimoto's 1/65 Full Armored VF-19 made from a bootleg This thread has Rabidweezil's DYRL Kakizaki as well as a great custom color scheme, both 1/48s He says it's not done, but it's a cool scheme Skull-1's 1/55 "Hard Case" custom scheme KK said this one isn't done yet either, but I looks amazing. Kid Korrupt's 1/55 Ostrich custom And last but not least, this new thread from today Hayao Kakizaki's 1/48 TV Kakizaki custom
I love that sucker too, but I'm pretty sure Graham wants to keep that page dedicated to customized toys only. Now it's just a matter of talking Shawn into making the same type of page in the models section.
You can also try posting in the "Wanted" section down there at the bottom. Someone might have one to sell. FYI, the Hikaru 1/60 VF-1A is a different shade of white than the 1/60 Max 1A and both VF-1Ss (Strike and non Strike), so if you want to avoid painting, you'll definitely have to look for a 1/60 Hikaru specifically. There should be a bunch floating around. Good luck and welcome to the Macrossworld boards.
Wow! Thanks for sharing Carl..........Did I mention "Wow!"
Wow. I missed one weekend and come back to this. Cool idea Graham. Its off to a great start.
Yayyy!!! A semantics war!!! If Keith had wrote: instead of: ..it would sound like what it really is, a hypothesis. "Conclusion" means a proven answer, which it wasn't. You can even draw a conclusion with very few facts, but in this case, there wasn't any facts at all except "it was there one day and gone the next". Anyways, considering the bad blood between the Macross and RT camps, stealing the image of the YF-19 is fuct. It'd be like if the Yankees lined up for a team photo and A. Rod was wearing Babe Ruth's old Red Sox jersey. It may seem funny to some, but would really be in poor taste and show a complete lack of respect.
Except from Coolio, who says his label gave permission without his consent. As Weird Al says: "Hey, he hasn't returned any of the checks we sent him." Sad thing about people like Coolio and eminem getting offended by Weird Al's parodies is that they're both too stupid to realize the should be flattered. Weird Al doing parodies of their songs puts them in a class with Nirvana, Queen, Madonna, The Kinks, The Police, and Michael Jackson (back when he was still mostly black, and respected.......um, kind of). Those 6 bands/artists alone are some of the biggest pop icons and influencial artists in the last 4 decades of music. It'd be like getting offended at someone for nominating them into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Morons.....
$3.99 starting bid as well Who else is wishing the had a carton in the attic? If I only knew then what I know now Why's that little thing so expensive? I think that Bumble-jumper (Cliffjumper in Bumblebee colors) is believed by many to be pretty rare. Actually having it on the card makes whats cool about it even cooler and that card is in great shape. Here's a link: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~mingus/tech/bumper.htm That price seems does seem way too high though. Thanks pfunk.
I want Drake or Vasquez. "Anytime, anywhere.." <---------Oh, and the dropship............obviously.