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Everything posted by tom64ss
That was awesome!!
Those box designs are great VF22Red. I like the revised first one the best (I think...... I like the one with all the black), but both look awesome and I'd be happy if either was used.
Models section has pictures at the bottom too. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/she/she_va3.htm
Look at the BIN on this Major Piece of Crap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...23&category=753
I don't think even Bandai knows when or if they'll do any more Macross toys. They seem to have a knack for reissuing Macross stuff out of the blue. The reissues of the models just showed up at HLJ one day. You shouldn't hold your breath though. It'd be simple enough, but the Blazer and the VF-17D don't have any main characters attached to them and I don't think the other two did that well anyways.
I think these MPC Alpha should pretty much answer that question once and for all. If they meet to good fan response, I think we're stuck with it. If they leave fans feeling like they did after the Rick Volume 1, I doubt you'll have to worry about the MSRP. They're already facing an uphill battle with the scale they decided to use.
I love these pics from the magazine section. It looks so good in all modes. Here's a link to the other page (action shot) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi..._102001she1.jpg
Go to www.robsthingies.com . Rob has WM's buidups archived in Cheng's place. (on the left)
this official data stat that is a non-scale model, but I get the size data from HJ, around 21cm in fighter mode,and compare the parts with YAMATO 1/72 it's a 1/72 scale model Yamato's VF-11B is non-scale also. It's estimated to be about 1/68 scale. That kit looks so much better than the Yamato.
Ask the mods to use their "power of combining". Either that or move the VB-6 list to Christopher's thread and use this just for the VF-4 orders.
WOW! Thanks for the great pics. *drool*
It was an honest question. No need to get defensive. -First, you e-mailed him telling him he can keep the money. -Then you filed with Paypal, taking the money away. It just doesn't make sense to me and I was looking for some clarification. And I don't think it's about money, it's about integrity.
hmmm... Am I missing something? How can Rob keep the money if you already had Paypal take it away from him? ditto ,but reading about this i just had to add the latest on my problem with this user.(the rest is in the old mw forums) he said im a rippoff as i didnt send him the item ,i have send him the ticket from the PO so he could see it was send . he complainted to paypal so paypal HAS refunded his payment to him(i didnt have a online tracking number for it, simply because he didnt pay for that kind of shipping) but i still do not have my armour back (my PO is searching for it now as it was registered) . he has the money and as far as i know (untill my PO says otherwise) he has my armour too. i can only say be carefull AGAIN with this user ARAFAT209 if for some miracle my armour gets returned too me ill post it here .
Answer: PS2 Reason: From: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/040301/15419_1.html
Why does the lack of response not surprise me?
Pic: Build-up: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ij8t-kbym/macr...inal/final.html Thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=3117&hl= I love that shot too.
Of course you do, you started it. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...4239&hl=hellboy and another short thread from a few weeks before that one. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...3748&hl=hellboy
Hellboy was a Dark Horse Comics title by Mike Mignola. I have a couple trade paperbacks and they're really amazing stories. (edit) Beautiful art by Mignola too. He has a gift for "drawing with shadows" Go to this website for more info: http://www.hellboy.com/z-old-design/index.html
I'm trying not to get too excited. I've been drooling over this kit for a long time. It's still a bit unbelievable to me that everyone pulled together and we went from "pipe-dream" to choosing a recaster in one week. Simply amazing.
You're sending the wolf? "...Sh#t estacado, that's all you had to say."
If he had refused to accept the money or do the order in the first place because of his views of America, I'd respect his views. I wouldn't agree with him, but I'd respect him for being a man of principal. Once he accepted the money, his political views mean jack and $hit. Accepting the money means you've accepted who, to the best of your knowledge, the funds are coming from. I'll wait on more news from Jesse before calling him a cheat, but his case doesn't look so good right now. If the translation was correct and he's using political views to reneg the terms of the "contract", Tanmen's not only a cheat, but he was already a sellout to those very principals he supposedly feels so strongly about.
Pine-sol and Easy off oven cleaner are good for cleaning die-cast (sorry, die-cast metal ) parts. Just make sure you take the Valk apart first. Metal parts last a lot longer soaking in chemicals than plastic does, especially the plastic that Joon's uses. Did you even read his post before responding? Phrases like "I think" and "I see no reason to" means it's just an opinion, take it easy.
I think ChristopherB's point was that, although this topic is very relavant to the topic at hand, it would be better for everyone if we started a seperate "Is recasting rare models wrong?" thread and leave this one just to discuss how to go forth with the VB-6 project. The topic has now split into two seperate discussions now and news updates about the project are getting buried under a ton of "I agree or disagree with Gundamhead" posts. Before we get anymore of these posts, and it becomes harder and harder to find updates in this thread from Melissa, Carl, or anyone who has news about the project, why don't we just start a new thread about the morality of recasting and leave this one for the project? It couldn't hurt.
I have every intention of building mine, but I doubt it will be right away. This is a kit I want to be confident I can build "exactly" like I want it before I attempt it. This is another reason why I'm glad this is being recast. If it were the original, I don't think I'd even want to breathe on it.