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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. That's it????!!! That's what was offending you???! What's offensive about that thread???!! No seriously. I read it three time, and I still don't know what your getting upset about. I want the ten minutes I wasted reading this thread back. Alright, I was joking on that last part. If anything in that thread can cause it to be locked for bringing up "religion", I gotta agree with Max that your name should not be allowed either. It has a lot more to do with religion than anything that was mentioned in that thread. You getting upset with that thread, is like if I got upset with the Engrish thread for being racist 'cause I'm Asian. Your being way too sensitive GM.
  2. In MGS1, Big Boss' clones were used to create Solid Snake and Liquid Snake. But according to Liquid, all of the perfect genes were given to Solid Snake, while he was given the leftovers. The best part was when Danny Devito yells, "You mess with me, you mess with my whole family!" What?.... Oh, that was Twins.
  3. edit: oops, sorry. Action is one of the Encore channels. I was flipping through the channels, and found Macross II being shown on Action (Sunday 5:20-7:40 PM EST). Never seen that before. Not a huge fan of the story but the mecha's cool and it's nice to see Macross w/ the "Macross" name on TV. Anyone else see this?
  4. Not Macross but..... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2237290294 Master Replica's most expensive lightsaber was only ~$500. This guy wants a 1/4 million dollars for what people could buy for ~$6000.
  5. Talked to Chris last night. He gave me some info, but there's a couple things even he isn't sure about yet, so he said he'd ask around. I'll let you all know what he come up with as soon as he tells me.
  6. A little bit. I imagine I'm the only one here he ever tried to challenge to a fist fight. I'm still trying to figure out what it was suppose to be over. He told me "anytime and anyplace", then tried to change it up when I didn't back down and not only gave him a time and a place, but what I was wearing and what i looked like. I guess it don't matter because he never showed up. The funniest thing was, a month after that incident, he PMed me and asked if I would sell him Alpha/Legioss stickers. What a dips**t. Anyways, with all the people he's ripped off, cheated, and lied to, I'm sure most of them would like to see some justice. Why not use what resources I have to help them out and try and help make sure it doesn't happen to other honest people with the same interests as me? But I'm just going to ask Chris what arafat209 can be charged with and how people not from NJ can go about pressing those charges, then pass on that information for others to use. I'm not actualy going to press charges myself.
  7. Hmmm, not a bad idea. arafat209 lives in Paterson, NJ and one of my really close friends, Chris, is the assistant county prosecutor for Passaic County (which Paterson is in.) I'll ask Chris in the next few days whether or not pressing fraud charges through the local law enforcement agencies will be the effective.
  8. Probably the magazine section in the main site : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...azines_menu.htm Welcome to the MW boards Replicant Mechanic. Check out the main site. There's lots of great stuff there.
  9. Yeah, I'm not too sure about bluealpha, but I'm sure about belenyer, and more people should report him,
  10. There's more info about his shill bidding accounts (as well as how to report him for shill bidding to eBay) on this page of the blacklist thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=172&st=140
  11. BOLUDO!! my neighbors/friends i skate with are from argentina! good food, good music, good friends. they even got me drinking "man-te"(sp?). its kind of crazy that i skate with a bunch of people that i can hardly understand but we chill together all the time....argentina's know how to have a good time. me...NYC Yes we are very BOLUDOS...indeed. Very funny!! It's almost surrealistic that you skate with argentinias in NYC. Mate is good but no for my stomach. <....argentina's know how to have a good time> yes, and that seems to be one of our biggest problems... I could use a mate right now. I'm about to pass out on my computer. When I was bartender, my old bar manager was Argentinian. Mate's were the only thing that got me through working early morning parties follow by a 4PM to Midnight shift at our restaurant/jazz club.
  12. Uhhh, I know this isn't the the most important issue in this discussion, but I'm pretty sure Gundamhead's Monster was a scratch build of the regular Monster, not the VB-6 variable. I don't see why one would interfere with the sales of the other. Besides, I think most of the resin head around here will need to own both. Gundamhead's Monster: IHP VB-6:
  13. My wife's family is from Bloomfield, and Kearney, so half of the opening of the Sopranos is within 10 minutes drive of their houses. Even I, who am a casual Jersey visitor, was able to spot more than half of the places, and knew exactly where they are. I was waching Sunday night's episode at my boy Eddie's house, and when they went to arrest Robert Loggia's character, Eddie jumped out of his seat and yelled. "That's right across the street!!" I got up and looked out his door and low and behold, it was the house across the street. BTW, if you know the area well, you'd realize the route Tony drives during the opening credits doesn't really make any sense.
  14. Hey! I'm from Jersey. Come to think of it, I'm 6'2" and Asian. He is an exact replica… only two inches shorter. I shall call him Mini-m...., I mean Kyle… People who aren't from Jersey and make fun of it are just jealous. How else do you explain the popularity of the Sopranos? It sure ain't the writing.
  15. Great work LSB. I saw it over in the VB-6 thread and had to come here and tell you that. Great design and beautifully drawn. You have nothing to be shy about.
  16. It was on page 2. Here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5133
  17. AFAIK, the Academy is considered a Korean bootleg of the Bandai VF-2SS kit. That's what it says in the MW model section too. (seventh one down) http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...ootleg_main.htm I have unbuilt kits of both the Bandai and Academy at home. I bought the Academy off eBay from MW member rkiyo. From what I saw when I got it, the only thing different is that the sprue of grey part was almost black and the sprue of green parts were a different shade too, but for the most part, everything was pretty much the same. I'm not 100% (going by a faint memory), but I'll let you all know when I get home, and if I can scrounge up a digi-cam from one of my friends, I'll try and post pics too.
  18. I say no, because then we might need a section just for robotics, and one for music, and a new section just for Gundam, and one for Transformers, and so on and so forth.
  19. You'd bet your house on it eh? Is it a nice house? Does it have a sea view or a swimming pool? How many bedrooms does it have? I'm looking to upgrade to a bigger house. Graham Sweet, we're all getting Yammie VB-6s and Graham's getting a new house.
  20. I only mentioned the Dart because that's the only one I bought for recreation. When it comes to cars I bought for practical purposes, (work, school, or 'cause cause RWD cars w/ Posi suck in East coast winters) both Hondas I owned sucked (electrical problems out the wazoo) and Land Rovers......well we all know about British cars.
  21. -All the Gakken Legioss/Alphas smaller than the 1/35s. -MPCs. I even knew they sucked before buying one, but when I found one cheap and bought it, it was STILL worse than I imagined. They should be renamed MPOSs -Anything with the "Convertors" name attached to it. -Most of the first wave of G1 Decepticons except Soundwave and the tapes. (I never liked the seekers, and Megatron was just stupid as a toy) -Gobots (90% of them) -The first Aliens action figure line (not the McFarlane ones) -'66 Dodge Dart (It's a bitch to find parts for these) -The Kyocera 6035 Smartphone -Rack tuners
  22. Jarrod Trout's site: http://www.geocities.com/duom/ Jarrod's Perfect Variable Hasegawa VF-1: http://www.geocities.com/duom/gundam/hasepv/hasepv.html
  23. tom64ss

    Yamato display stand?

    I've still never seen any pictures of it hold a 1/48 in fighter mode w/ the gunpod. Maybe I'll get one if I find it cheap, but that's 3 or 4 tripod stands for that price. (assuming that $40US is relatively accurate) I like the tripod stands a lot more anyways. They make my fighters look like they're flying and give you the versitility of display in all three modes. These look like they're sitting in the launch arms the wrong way (aren't they suppose to grab the fastpacks?) and only in fighter mode or gerwalk (it looks ridiculous in gerwalk on a "launcharm" BTW ). With all the stuff Yamato's releasing this year, this one won't be too high on my priority list, despite the fact that they do look nice.
  24. Hey! I thought we all agreed that "awesome" was the only adjective we'd use to describe it.
  25. I want what he's smoking. I'm suprised he's gotten $99 for it so far. EDIT: Oops, my bad. He's gotten nothing so far, I thought he had a bid on it. Reason for such price is probably the cellar of miriya added in only few sets Okay..........but what the other $320.00 for?
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