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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. That's Crime Story... Michael Mann's series about 60's organized crime vs. the Feds. Just be glad they didn't use Bon Jovi's "Runaway"
  2. Woohoo!!! ....and Kolchak: The Night Stalker on DVD!!!! Finally.... I can stop looking for the VHS or the bootleg DVDs
  3. Yeah, but 1/48 scale would've been about the size of a 1/55 and justified the $80 price tag.
  4. tom64ss

    Custom 1/48 TV VF-1J

    Wow, that's hot
  5. Other than the size, it looks pretty sweet. Is it shorter than the Alpha Super Poseables?
  6. This might help: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/news/_news_n038.htm
  7. Cool, thanks man. At least putting the FPs back on is easier. I think that color would look good on a TV style VF-1S too, once again, ala the old Takatokus.
  8. Oh great, a little bondo, a saw, and some paint, and >EXO< will have a 1/10 Minmay giving us the bird.
  9. The third one too. Can we see them w/o the packs?
  10. It looks better that way, more like the 1/55 color scheme. The second comparison shot really shows the difference.
  11. I heard if you look in a mirror and say Shawn's name 3 times.......
  12. Which episode is that in? Read the title of the thread, slappy.
  13. tom64ss

    TOMY Gashapons

    http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5990 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8606 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8382 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7264
  14. More pics! More pics!
  15. No flame war intended and you do have a good point. Taken to PM.
  16. Because, you did it to people like me when you first joined, and yeah, we settled our problems, but a year later you're still having arguments w/ people on the boards, not via PM. 14 days ago, you posted this: nah not really, i'm gonna pass on it too. its pretty obvious this guys blatantly gouging everyone on shipping. i buy stuff from overseas all the time and shipping a 1/48 is $20-$25, yet this guys trying to charge us $50! i want one but not bad enough to accept this persons shipping fee. besides, if hes willing to lie about the shipping, what else is he willing to lie about. thanks but no thanks dude. i'm sure you're a real nice guy but please ask the next sucker in line. in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8272 and although I agreed with you, 9 days later you had the balls to post stuff like: and 2 days later: Sure, I thought the shipping charges were kinda high too, but you both "crapped in his thread" and "showed no respect for your fellow man" Like Blaine said, you probably pissed people off, and they, like me, don't think just because you say stuff like: .....that we need to "automatically" believe you've changed your ways just because you said so. *********************EDIT***************************** Some people, are perfectly willing to see if you've really change your attitude so you can: -Let your actions speak louder than your words and stop fighting with people on the boards. Especially in this case where it seems like your words and your desire to have the "last one" are what's causing all these problems in the first place. -Or keep being the way you were before. I actually find it kind of funny most of the time now. It don't bother me too much anymore. It only bothers me when you both expect us to put up with it when you do it, and also put up with your whining when others do it to you. Just pick one and go with it.....
  17. absolutely.... "True Love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, when the mutton is nice and lean, and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky. I love that." Rob Reiner's (that's a clue Christopher, haha) directed a few of those: 1 of my favorites "This one goes to 11..." "...and it's none, none more black" and another "Ya let'em beat'cha ya cackknacker" "...only one food for the rest of my life? That's easy, Pez, cherry flavored Pez...."
  18. Geez Christopher....."My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."
  19. subotnik beat you to it this morning. Here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8897
  20. Niiiiiiiiiice!!! I think it looks great.
  21. Your students are doing an amazing job. Can't wait to see picturess of those hatches and the details inside. It sounds really cool. Here's a picture of the cover of the Design Works book Neova and others were mentioning. edit: woah, that cover didn't look that big in the books sections. Anyways, go here for more info on the Design Works: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/...esign_works.htm
  22. Uh. . . okay. And the thread goes downhill. . . Consider why this thread started, I don't think downhill is an option.
  23. You two should stop flirting and just get a room.
  24. Yamato is coming out with a VB-6??? How much is it gonna be? Man I would pay $200 for that!!!
  25. I personally like the idea, as we are begining to see various things like friendster and other networking outlets that seem to spur fruitfull relationships. Unfortunately it is far enough outside the Terms of Use of MW, that it would require Shawn to do, and I know he likes the place the way it is. We HAVE had in the past threads dedicated to who we are and what we do. Maybe a Mod could respond in this thread and give you the OK to do that, but beyond that like I said, its doubtfull. maybe they could add some "little buttons" for our myspace, friendster, etc... like the ones we have for AIM, YIM, and MSN
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