Customer service for Macross toys at Yamato-USA. I know Yamato isn't suppose to sell Macross in the US, but frack, it's the electronic age. Just cuz a toy is only released outside the US, doen't mean we can't buy them. Not anymore. Obviously. Look at Godzilla's collection.
Misaligned tampo, crooked gunpods, landing gears... we can complain, they can listen, they can not. As long as they make cool Macross toys, we'll still buy them. But the arm issue on the VF-0 series is a pretty big deal. They really should offer some kind of customer service for a situation like this. Even a mail in exchange w/ receipt copy for purchase date to a US address would really be a gesture to show that they really care about those of us who go through so much effort AND MONEY to buy their toys over here.