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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. I don't remember them making a Glaug. IIRC, the Revell kits were just reboxes of the IMAI kits, so you can always look to those too.
  2. They come with Kakizake stickers??? Did I miss something? Does that mean he's getting an official release?
  3. Go here: http://www.me.umn.edu/~ngo/ Click Models, fifth row from the bottom are the old Revell Valkyrie kits.
  4. Damn, that's more than I paid total for both '64 Chevelles I've owned. My most expensive anime/Macross purchases to date would be a tie btwn the Takatoku VF-1J I'm selling right now and my 1/48 Max Type. If the 1/48 VF-1J comes with its Fastpacks, that's probably the hightest I'll go. In other word, no 1/60 Monster. No room for it anyways. BTW, for $1000.00+, couldn't you make your own 1/1 scale helmet out of a motorcross helmet. It would probably cost less, fit better, and look just as good, if not better.
  5. "This may sound like a stupid question" "Ah, there are no stupid questions" "You inherit 5 million dollars the same day aliens land and say they're going to blow up the world in two days... what do you do?" "That's got to be the stupidest question i've ever heard. I guess I'd row on out into the middle of a lake, bring along a bottle of tequila, my sax and some Bach." "How Very."
  6. It's in the archives http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...ct=ST;f=21;t=41
  7. Does it matter? The point isn't whether he sees himself right before he rapes her or right before he beats her until she's nearly dead. The point is that he did something that was so terrible and that he's so ashamed of, that he completely blocked it out of his memory. Either of those actions fit the bill. I think they left it vague on purpose because anything our imagination can come up with is far worse than what can be represented visually. All we are allowed to know is that his actions were not something you'd want to remember doing. The audience is suppose to fill in the blank with what they themselves think is the worst possibly thing you can do to a woman as a man. Whether that's rape or nearly beating the life out of her is up to you.
  8. sweet
  9. Oh, one more thing. The proofs you see above are not a complete set. There's about 2 or 3 stickers that she hadn't finished but don't worry, she knows all about them. She just wanted to have something to show me last Friday. She wanted to make sure I didn't think they looked like crap. Yeah, I'm serious, that's how much of a perfectionist she is.
  10. Another update: Took down the HUGE picture from before. It was a waste of bandwidth and I'm sure a total hassle for you dial-up people. Dropped by to visit Mary last night. When I put the proofs on my blue 1/35, they were great, except two things: 1) The stuff printed in yellow was a bit to translucent and didn't look good at all when applied to color (blue, red green and grey). She said she'll put down a layer of white primer first and that should solve that problem. I'll let you know when I apply the finals. Other than that, the other color stickers looked great. It's hard to tell which are old and which are new except my old stickers were all starting to yellow. 2) The other problem is kind of good and bad. The vinyl WILL stretch if you aren't careful. In other words, you'll have to be very sure that you're putting in the right place the first time, because peeling them back up may ruin them. I'd also suggest they be applied in an air conditioned/cool room. The heat makes the vinyl a little stretchier. One good thing about the stretchiness though is it make the sticker sit much flusher than originals. For those of you who had originals, you'll know that the originals were known for peeling off the tailfins, the front wings, and generally any part that saw any wear and tear. Well, these repros shouldn't have that problem. The other really cool thing about the stretchiness is that after you apply the sticker, you can go over the panel lines underneath with you finger nail and it'll bring it out, but if you want it to look original, just don't do that step and you'll never be able to tell. I wish I had pictures of my blue 1/35 with the new stickers, it looks so much better, but I've been borrowing a digi-camera from my boss and had to return it to him before he went on vacation. One thing I have to warn people about is that the Gakken 1/35s came with some stickers pre-applied. The black and yellow ones in the crevices of the shoulder and knees and the cycle sticker on the chest were SOME of the pre-applied ones and since they're not on the original sticker sheets, I will not be able to repro them. I just wanted to warn everybody early so nobody goes stripping every sticker off their 1/35, anticipating my repros, only to realize that some won't be replaceable. The other reason to leave them on until you actually have these in your hands is that even though I will include photocopies of the original application charts, there are no numbers printed on the repros, so where your original sticker are may be the only useable reference for where some stickers go, especially the smaller ones. Sorry these are taking a while, but the process she has to go through to make these is long and tedious. Especially the pre-cuts. Alot of the work is hand-done (well, a stylus and computer) and some of the things that need to be redrawn are a little tricky. That's why the "Henshin Robo" at the top is in a different font. (anyone ever notice the "s" in Henshin was a backwards "2") She assured me though, that stickers themselves are as accurate to the originals as humanly possible. Anyways, Mary said all three sets should be done by next weekend (9/5-9/7). She said she would've been able to have them done this Saturday, but she had a prior job making some "freak show" posters for a festival this weekend. Oh boy, I can't wait.
  11. Just stretching a little. It still looks fine, but I was really careful not to stretch it too much. Nothing ever cracked or even "lightened", so it's not a huge problem.
  12. What in your experience is the best type of clear coating to use and do you know if it will work on vinyl stickers? That might help me out with the whole stretching problem.
  13. Whats a sock monkey? Man I am getting Old (BTW today's my Birthday ) A sock monkey is ..well a monkey made from socks. Add button eyes, fill it with stuffing and add smaller filled socks for arms and legs and poof a sock monkey. (Preferably made with clean socks ) Rob MN Happy birthday Rob! Sock monkey! I must be getting old too.
  14. I don't know about decals, but I with sticker, I just hand them off to my friend Mary and magically they appear. Actually, while working on the repro 1/35 Gakken stickers with her yesterday, I asked her about how the images transfer for vinyl stickers. She said those bond to the sheets usings some kind of heat transfer process. I don't know if this helps in any way. Vinyl may be a little expensive depending on what you're doing. She has access to much more expensive equipment than your average joe can afford. She had to use this process because everything had to be precut on the actual sheets since they're repros and not customs. We didn't have much choice. If you saw the originals, you'd see why. The only problem I've seen with vinyl is that it stretches pretty easily so you have to be very careful during application. After they've been applied, they certainly aren't something you want to try to remove and reapply. Then again, if you're used to using decals, being careful should be a no-brainer. Once applied though, the stretchiness of vinyl really keeps the stickers nice and tight on the edges. It also makes it easy to go over the panel lines with a fingernail afterwords and really "bring them out" again.
  15. Oh yeah, my Banpresto brownie didn't last too long. Poor bastard never knew what hit him. The MPC shouldn't count, mine was broken in three places when I got it.
  16. Romans ate donuts???!!! Who knew?
  17. Hey, if imode's comes with that, can mine come with Jennifer Connelly and Tera Patrick?.....please
  18. "The fingers you have used to handle your Yamatos are too fat, to obtain a special Yamato Handleing Wand, please mash down on the keypad."
  19. When I was about 12 y/o, I broke the leg off a large ride armor, snapped the wing off my 1/35 red Legioss, and cracked the backplate for my Jetfire. I took me more than 15 years to finally find ways and parts to repair those, so I'm much more careful with my toys now. edit: I forgot, around the same time, I broke the "little" antennas on my Matchbox 1/3000 SDF-1 too. That's still not fixed to this day.
  20. At 1/60 scale, they should be pretty small. I know my 1/72 destroids are a little shorter than my HCM. As long as they don't load them with TOO many gimmicks, they should be reasonably priced.
  21. ewwwww sorry, couldn't be helped. Between the discussions in TV and Movies about (ass) rips of Mac 7 and the Mann Release vs. Vaseline discussion on Valkyrie-exchange, it's hard to keep my mind out of the gutter. Seriously though, cool gimmicks versus pricetag will be a big factor. Destroids just aren't as popular among non-hardcore Macross lovers as Valkyries are. Personally, I'd like more enemy mecha too. Where's my Regult dammit?
  22. Nah....the Monster's definitely on its way. Here's imode post from Valkyrie-exchange talking about the 8/18/03 Yamato newsletter: Hello Monster, Goodbye Wallet.
  23. Macross toys- My Yamatos All toys- My Gakken MOSPEADA Ride Armor All stuff- My 1964 Malibu SS
  24. Max's nickname is Hef.
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