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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. That's it? Hmm... not as interesting of an answer as I had hoped. Oh well, thanks for the help Anubis.
  3. Where did the Blue Roses and Minmei Guard paint schemes come from?
  4. Unless you're buying Banprestos by the truckload. Hey, you never know. I know my housemate could set up an army of Lego stormtroopers and break them down into "squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments and finally divisions". In fact, that's probably what's going to end up happening to our attic.
  5. Here's a direct link to Crazy Canuck's blank line art: http://vaxxine.com/BLAST/macross/blanks/
  6. I'd be interested too.
  7. hmm.... good idea. Since you can't use this stand with the gunpod mounted underneath, maybe I'll buy some of these for my chunky monkeys.
  8. I'd imagine it's lighter because the VF-0 can't leave the atmosphere. It has to contend with gravity and since the nuclear engines still aren't done, it has thinner armor and fewer weapons to make it lighter. Overall, the VF-0 looks thinner too. Thinner arms, longer legs. Since its taller, it looks more "lanky". If they put a GBP-1S next to it, it would probably thicker but shorter. Stylistically, alot of people think the VF-0 and the new armor looks more "modern". I personally think that since the legs for the VF-1 will probably be shorter and wider to accommodate the new engine, the VF-0 and new armor almost look like they're "strip down" versions of the SDF Macross counterparts. The "crispness" of the better artwork make everything look thinner and more modern too. (ie SDF Macross vs. DYRL)
  9. In my opinion... it looks too "form fitting" to be a GPB armor. Look at the GPB1 and the VF11 GPB.... they look like fricking boxes stacked on certain points of the VF. If you take the GPB0.... give it a helmet with a mono-eye.... you get a Zaku or a Geara Doga. B) Maybe these guys kept getting their ass kicked so they used thicker armor on later models.
  10. They would each look better if they swapped legs. edit: forgot "would"
  11. hehe Gundam stands for: Guns Usually Non- Descript Are Massive
  12. It's easier to compare if you don't have to skip back and forth btwn pages.
  13. At least it doesn't look more "Gundam" than the FA VF-11.
  14. oops, no pic. sorry
  15. Here's one I've been using as my wallpaper.
  16. Oh really.... Vostok 7 I'm hoping that's a glow in the dark tattoo... I want a "glow in the dark" belt buckle like that.
  17. Does it really seem hostile? Everyone seem very firm on their positions, but I don't think it's been hostile. But if that were the case, why would they slap together a valk that can't transform. If they we're in such a rush to get back to battle, wouldn't it take more time to switch the nosecones back than to just give someone the "keys" to a fully working valk that they painted blue? And who's to say that they even intended on painting it back? I say they painted a 1D for the couple as a wedding gift. If they don't run low on Valks in battle, it could just stay out of combat. And if it did see battle again, who ever had to fly it probably "bought the farm" in a nice blue VF-1D Why would they paint the whole valk? Weren't you the one who said that it never saw other modes and was only used for 10 minutes before they had to paint it back. If that hypothesis holds true, they would've just painted it in fighter mode. They're painting a combat jet, not a show car. I don't think they'd spend too much time or effort slapping a paintjob on a Valk that was going to get shot at the next day. Besides, it's usually moving too quick for anyone to care if it wasn't painted perfectly.
  18. The transformable ones look like MPCs with those skinny legs and non-childbearing hips. The rest looks really cool. Thanks for the pics Graham.
  19. Awesome!! Thanks Graham! Looks like a cross between the GBP and the fully armored VF-11.
  20. Well alright... First and foremost, Mary wants to apologize to everyone whose been waiting on these for the delay of the finished product. The last two weeks, she's been helping her parents move out of the house they lived in for 22 years. She thought it wouldn't take more than a week, but as anyone who has moved recently can tell you, after a long stretch at the same place, you forget how much crap you accumulate over the years. Anyways, she says she's putting the finishing touches on them and they should be ready very soon. I not going to take orders or accepting money until I actually have them in my hands. Hopefully by this weekend, I can have some pics of the finished sheets and what they look like on my Gakken. Thanks to everyone for being so patient.
  21. I guess those storyboards were legit. We've now seen the full armored VF-0 and the destroid. Cool. B) Episode 3 looks like its gonna be a good one. New armored VFs, new destroids, new enemy variable mecha, new animation, new Yamatos....we're really getting spoiled these days.
  22. Nice job bake_art. They look great.
  23. IIRC, the Mac 0 toys from Yamato are planned for 1/72 scale and if they do well enough, some of them may get the 1/48 treatment.
  24. I hope your joking. Superman IS the original. Geez... Really? What about Achilles for one....or Odysseus(or however you spell it) Geez I was assuming we were talking about modern superheroes here. Although Odysseus is no where near a superhero. He's more realistic in that he's just a really clever cookie. If using mythology as a basis, then, yes- Superman is not the original. I think he was refering to the Iliad, which is all super heroes.
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