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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. ...or you can get one where the rod sticks right up her......nevermind.
  2. Oh I want to join in on that... I'll be Jon Stewart as the guy who thinks everything is better on weed... Haloween is good, but have you ever had Halloween... on weed? I'll be "the guy" passed out on the couch (Stephen Wright). Nice avatar >EXO<
  3. Mr. Monk? Tony Shaloub (that show is so funny) or the guys in the cloaks? If you go in the Dead Presidents outfit, you should go as Scarface from Half-Baked ("I think I'm gonna make a run for it B." ) Then just find two white guys and a black guy who look like stoners and you can go as the whole cast. The shorter of the two white guys can wear a tie-dye. The taller one can be Kenny and wear an orange jumpsuit with the words "Fresh Fish" spray painted on it. And the black guy can wear a Jamaican hat and be Thurgood pretending to be Mr. Nice Guy ("If I'm not Jamaican, why would I be wearing this hat.")
  4. WTF? ? ? Maybe I'm a bit naive, but what the heck are these? What's the signifigance of the letters "sdfs" other than the fact their all next to each other on the keyboard? I must've been asleep when they explained this.
  5. Hehe, I'm having a Valkyrie Exchange forums flashback. Silverhawks Starriors Galaxy Rangers Spiral Zone COPS StarCom Centurions Inhumanoids ........ahhhh good times.
  6. .....Wow, that's really cool. Amazing work as always Kishimoto.
  7. BINGO!
  8. No kidding, he should change his name to "Display cases 2NV", we all have VF-1's.
  9. I'd give a price if I knew how much Mary was charging me. It's turned out to be a little harder than she expected, but I don't think it'll raise the price much. She's very reasonable. As soon as I know, I'll put a price up.
  10. Rocco, I'm sorry to hear about your father's loss. I really hope they catch those bastards. BTW, there's already a "California Fire thread" here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=26&t=2562 edit: there's even pictures
  11. Sweet.
  12. Hey everyone, Thank you for your patience, I was really hoping to have these ready by now, but since I'm not the one with the skills, I'm pretty much at the mercy of Mary's work load. Trust me, I want some of these as bad as any of you. I looked a some near completed sheets last week. All the art is finally done, but she is having trouble with the "crispness" of the lines, a problem we didn't have before we started primering the stickers first. She told me on Saturday that she'd try and have as much done as possible this week. Sorry for the slow updates, but there hasn't been that much to update.
  13. Actually, it's an item from eBay in the US appearing on the Australian site (he ships internationally, so that's why). I've gotten e-mails from people all over the place using their eBay sites. I was just guessing on that part. That's good info to know about eBay.
  14. tom64ss

    Why do we do it?

    I suppose we can justify it any way we want to ourselves and others, but in reality, I suspect that this is the closest to the truth. Very true. I don't think any of my answers were justifications, just excuses.
  15. tom64ss

    Why do we do it?

    I'm a member of "the never had them as a kid and was jealous of the people who did" camp. Why do we keep buying the same toy repainted? Here are my 3 answers: -One VF-1S on a shelf by itself, can look tough, but when he has the whole Skull Squadron to back him up, he looks like a bad ass. -How else can we display one in each mode? IMHO, seeing any VF in only one mode, doesn't really convey just how f***ing cool these toys are. -Because Yamato keeps making them, and we're a bunch of Valkoholics.
  16. Come on guys, this is his wife we're talking about. He chose to reveal a part of his life that many of us wouldn't dare. He didn't ask for our advice. He didn't even ask for our support (not that we wouldn't give it to him anyways), just our understanding that he may be away for a while. Let's not judge his wife, tell him what kind of person she is, or tell him what he should do considering none of us know her or their situation other than what he's been willing to tell us. Katana has enough to think about without us verbally bashing the woman he chose to marry. It's disrepectful.
  17. 1/2 than regular price Good deal or good trap ? .... dunno maybe he needs cash that bad. The seller used to be (or possibly still is) a member here. IIRC from one of the "who are you and where are you from threads", 2cents is a tattoo artist. As far as I know, he's always been a straight up guy. My guess is, he saw how much Macross stuff goes for in Australia and figured, he could sell it for less than most Australian sellers, and still get more for his 1/48 than he could if he sold it on the American eBay. Is it just me, or have people around here been overly paranoid lately?
  18. 28
  19. Kinda looks like a baby
  20. If I lived in Florida, I'd offer you some couch space until you got things in order. Good luck Katana, that's a pretty tough position to be in. Best of luck with everything and I hope we'll be hearing from you soon.
  21. you have a 1/72 yf-19 fast pack? Also, the 19 kai and 17 are 1/65 Bandais.
  22. I see...... I suppose $9.99 is alot to pay for a squiggly line and some pictures of x's.
  23. What's wrong with that? I go to Outer Limits all the time. Nice place, although I've never seen a 1/60 there for that cheap.
  24. I have to agree. I still have Overdrive after all these years and it stands just fine.
  25. Here a pic from a few years ago:
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