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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. Jarrod Perefect Transformation Hasegawa: http://www.geocities.com/duom/gundam/hasep...epv/hasepv.html Jarrod's site http://www.geocities.com/duom/
  2. That looks great LTSO. I wonder if these model kits will be easier and cheaper to get in the U.S. once the region 1 DVDs come out?
  3. Straight to 1/48???? What about the 7 existing 1/72 toys and the VF-19FP???? Your just upset because you got suckered into collecting the 1/60 line instead of waiting to see if Yamato was coming out with something better. So what??? Can you put Fastpack on your 1/60? Don't blame me because you bought an inferior toy. Well....I think it's already been established that a 1/60 YF-19 would be almost as big as a 1/48 VF-1 so you're already paying $120+ for a 1/60 YF-19. Why not pay a little more money for a bigger and more detailed toy? Bypassing the 1/60 scale to accomodate rich, size-crazed asses like yourself, seems a bit illogical. And as for me being rich or whatever the f### you want to imagine to make yourself feel better at night, you don't know me. And if you've collected the full 1/60 line so far, you've spent way more collecting 1/60s than I have collecting 1/48s so quit your whining, I'm not the reason you spent all that cash, you are.
  4. I'm looking at my 1/48, my HCM and my VF-19A and I can't imagine the top of a 1/48 YF-19 would be more than an inch or two taller than the top of the fastpacks on my 1/48 VF-1. That doesn't seem too big to me. If Yamato didn't use such big boxes, I don't think it'd be as bad as all the anti-1/48 people make it out to be.
  5. I'm a minority. I want 1/48 Mac+ toys. Everyone who's against the idea talks about them like it would be such a monstrocity, when all were really talking about is a few inches. In the end, it's really the price tag, isn't it? What's the point of releasing 1/60 Mac+ toys when the 1/72s were JUST released w/ FPs (well, 2 out of 3 of them were) and there were already all the non-FP versions as well as 3 different YF/VF-19. If they were made in 1/60 and it sold well, Yamato would eventually just make them in 1/48 anyways, and then all the people who bought 1/60 Mac+ toys would bitch about Yamato sucking them dry.
  6. tom64ss

    vf-1S heat shield

    They talk about this quite a bit in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&f=2&t=1178&hl= Somewhere on the first page, Graham confirmed that the "official" heatshield color of the Hikaru VF-1S is red and the Max VF-1S is blue. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of other threads where this is discussed too, but this was the first one I found. I kinda like the idea that they all get black heatshields whenever someone gets promoted to a VF-1S, but have always leaned away from it because there's a part of my brain that still wants to think that there was something extra special about Roy's VF-1S. I guess, in the end, I'd settle for either because I think they both look pretty good. edit: Oh yeah, welcome to Macrossworld.
  7. I did......I said it's one of my guilty pleasure.
  8. Ever seen the skit on SNL with Kevin Spacey when they did a parody of these? Christopher Walken auditioning for Solo, Walter Matthau auditioning for Obi-Wan, etc... That was one of the funniest things I've seen on SNL in years.
  9. Thanks for the translation Liu.
  10. tom64ss

    Rosario Update???

    Ohh shut up!! PLEASE! Give me a break already. Everyone has personal problems but there is no reason to rip people off..... I know you're out some money and I know the situation sucks. You have every right to be mad at Rolo, but please don't redirect that anger on the only person who's offered a possible solution to this problem. Valkyrie only offered up what information he had about Rosario. I don't see anything in his post that suggests Valkyrie believes any of Rosario's problems were in anyway an excuse for what he did. I can't imagine there's anything in it for Valkyrie to fill the orders himself other than helping out both someone he thought of as a friend and the people in this community who were affected by this situation. Maybe this isn't what most of you want, but at least he's trying.
  11. Well maybe not within the confines of the the Sci-fi/Fantasy genre, but if we were talking about just any kind of movie, Nothing But Trouble (Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, John Candy, Digital Underground ) is hands down, the WORST movie ever made.
  12. They don't look any different in either picture. The fingers themselves seem to still be in the same position. Well how about that. Good eye WDC. I correct my statement....."they may be articulated."
  13. Like what other dvd release from who in the last couple of years? try to limit it to anime. Not anime, but X-Men.......X-Men 1.5 It is pretty typical of DVD companies in the U.S. to pull crap like this. If you think this is bad, wait until SW Ep. 3 is done. I bet less than a year after the 6 disc SW Boxed Set is released, they come out with the "Super, terrific, lots of extras edition" (Alright, that name's probably only gonna be for the Japanese release, over here it'll be the Directors Edition or the Special Edition, or something equally pretentious like that.) In the end, I'm in the boat with the "who cares?" people. If it's just footage from the original animes they work into it, a) Those of us who have seen the original SDF Macross have already seen it. b) It'll probably come out like crap because they obviously still can't leave EVERYTHING in. and if it's all new footage they make themselves, well, you KNOW that'll suck.....so who cares?
  14. Forgot a couple.... Universal Soldier I Come in Peace 8 Legged Freaks
  15. It's hard to pick just one: Highlander 2 Space Truckers Phantom Menace Battlefield Earth Matrix Revolutions Starship Troopers Soldier Johnny Mnenomic Screamers Jason X Bad Sci-fi movie that's a guilty pleasure of mine (this is a big secret, shhhhh): Howard the Duck
  16. They're definitely articulated Spartan Link http://www.dsnw.ne.jp/~comet/model/spartan.html Modeler's Link http://www.dsnw.ne.jp/~comet/modeler.html Thanks for pointing this out Shawn, this guy's Amazing.
  17. "I got all these missles but what the hell am I suppose to shoot them at?"
  18. Sorry to see what happened. Here's a possible solution: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3156507704 Too bad the wings are for a Low-viz and not a DYRL valk. This is only one of the auctions of Low Viz parts that Montarvillois has on eBay. Check out his thread in "Auctions" for the link to all the auctions. You could also ask for the parts you need in "Wanted". I know dejr8bud has parted out a couple 1/48s and sold the parts. Kev at Valkyrie Exchange may have some parts too. Good luck.
  19. I agree completely. I was excited to see an announcement for a dealer in the NY area, as I will probably be there over Thanksgiving. But then I thought 1) I don't have any money, and 2) The wife wouldn't much appreciate a detour based solely on toys... 1) Rob a bank 2) Tell her Northern NJ is the mall capital of the world and Secaucus has many, many shoe outlets (That usually gets women off my back about my toy buying habits). Then rob another bank to pay for her shoes.
  20. you can contact the buyer or the seller, but the buyer would be a lot easier to contact don't you think??? xstoys would certainly be easier to understand. If you contacted the seller, he may offer to "blow 1pie" for you. I'm not too sure what that is, but it sounds perverted.
  21. I'd like a copy of Sentinals too. No really, I'm serious. The desire to own it is controlled by the same part of my brain that HAS to look when I drive past a really bad traffic accident. It's so bad, you can stop looking. Besides, owning a copy of Sentinals is owning tangible proof of how lame HG is.
  22. Lock it, delete it. By all means. My "new Low-viz shipment" announcement's been ruined anyways. Reposted in "dealer announcements." edit: the fight doesn't start until page 2. It's kinda sad to see all the other "on topic" stuff go, but them's the breaks.
  23. tom64ss


    Cool, here's my favorite: Not exactly the same, but here's why:
  24. oh ya, because FAF isn't lame? *fairy* air force! eheheh, the patch should get you into a few san francisco bars for free. jk, i love yukikaze. I'm pretty psyched too. I can finally stop looking for the fansubs and wait for this official release. Woohoo!!
  25. If it's the suvastika, remember that it was a symbol used before the nazis. Besides it's the reverse swastika, which has a different meaning. See Blade Of The Immortal manga. >EXO< is right. The reverse swastika is a Buddhist symbol. You can still find it on a lot of vegan/vegetarian foods in Asian supermarkets as a sign that the food is "Buddhist friendly" (like the way Parve is for kosher Jewish people.) That sign is probably for a Buddhist Temple. edit: Oh, "shitseeing" , that is pretty funny
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