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Everything posted by tom64ss

  1. Any particular FPs (DYRL or TV style) or will either do? For DYRL style, this thread has a bunch: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=4&t=3511 I haven't seen any pics of them w/ the TV style FP.
  2. Definitely. That might just have to replace the VF-0D I have now.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=36568 I like this line:
  4. They're all in on it! Your wife, your business partner, his wife, The Kennedys, LAPD.... It's a conspiracy I tell ya! BTW, we need details about the gifts and note. This isn't all about you MM. Please feed our curiosity. We have needs too. This thread rocks.
  5. hum thanks lots of THICK pieces of paper. I used regular printer paper for the micro missles and it worked great. I just had to cut them really small to shim in there because any thicker would make them fall off just as easily. It's a bit of work, but it beats my original plan, which was to use Elmers. As far as the arms falling down in fighter, they all, more or less do that. It's just too much weight for those little pegs. The only way to deal with it is to pick it up pinching the legs together. (Personally, I don't think it should ever be picked up by the backpack part of the FP. That backpack hinge is over stressed as it is.) What's Hikaru's 1J doing with FP's anyways?
  6. Problem 1, 2, & 5 can be shimmed with pieces of paper. It's alot less permanant than glue. (1 VF-1 2NV Tip)
  7. What if the elves are MW members? They'll wait until you get out of your car to go to the bathroom. Not only will you get another package and note but a messy gift on your door knob too. I'm dying for an update.
  8. Now I'm totally convinced its the wife and one of her friends. What did you get this time and what did the note say?
  9. Wow! That's great stuff to rediscover.
  10. Well, at least we know it's not really elves.
  11. That's be funny as hell, except the "elves" don't use the door knob. They call and say it's sitting in front of the door. The only person that would end up with a mess on their hand is MM or his wife. Actually, that'd still be funny. Yeah, that gets my vote as "most likely"
  12. It's signed plural (elves, not elf) so I think that pretty much rules out the girl scenario (unless MM is studlier than he realizes ). Anyways, here are a couple of my guesses: -Your parents/grandparents have a sick sense of humor. -It's a really goofy couple you and your wife hang out with. -Your siblings like messing with your head. -Your wife knows how paranoid you can get and decided to have a friend help her stage this. -You're a authority figure (teacher, boss, landlord) and your subordinates (students, employees, tenants) are f-ing with you.
  13. tom64ss

    pics requests

    I don't know if the color of the actual rose makes a difference.
  14. Love 'em or hate 'em, you get what you pay for. They're cheap for a reason, but can be pretty cool if you put work into them.
  15. -Mrs. Freedman: "I can't place it, but I've definitely had this taste in my mouth before. Officer Bimbo, can you taste this for me?" -Officer Bimbo: "It does have a bit of "wang" in it. Good, though. Can I have some more?" The Hollywood Knights
  16. W W!
  17. I certainly am. Thanks rocco Here's a link to the order thread for everybody. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=9&t=3795 Tom
  18. You know, Scotland has it's own martial art. Yeah, it's call "fukk-yew!". It's mostly just head-butting and then kicking people when they're on the ground.
  19. Alright, as promised. The pictures. First up, the blue. These are what the finished product looks like. Original left, repros right. Next, the red. The things circled were corrected tonight. There just wasn't enough time to print them. Repros left, originals right. And finally the green. Ditto with the circled stuff. Repros left, originals right. I'll have the finals on Friday. I'll start a thread for orders tomorrow. They will be $12.00 each $4.00 shipping (Priority Mail, I'll do DC if there are any big orders) in US 48. Alaska, Hawaii, and outside US I'll have to figure out.
  20. I will be supplying photocopies of the sticker placement guides, but the repro sticker do not have the corresponding numbers.
  21. tom64ss

    Age Check! :)

    29 in February
  22. Don't forget: "If you don't go back to bed, I'll tell mom about your Playboys."
  23. They're done!!! Woohoo!! I got test copies for all three colors last night. I'll have pictures up tonight. There are still a couple things that need to be fine-tuned, but I'm gonna see her tonight and I'll tell her then. I'll have final sets by ready to go by Friday. I will be starting a new "order thread" in the For Sale section after I put the pictures up so please don't try and order through this thread or PMing me before the pictures are up, as it will only confuse me. Thanks to everyone for being so patient and supportive.
  24. -"I'll have everything figured out by the time we reach the Frontier." -BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP -"What's that?" -"The Frontier."
  25. It should be Valkaholics Unanimous
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