My problem with the size is that it's not one of the existing 3 scales Yamato already has out for Macross toys. I would definitely buy one in any of those scale just for variety in that scale. I give Yamato the thumbs down on that one.
The only real benefits of the smaller scale are price and space consumption.
I agree with Spiff on his points. We have shown that Macross fans are willing to pay more for a well made toy. It's that belief that has me banking on Yamato making a bigger size soon.
And sure, we all want cheaper toys, but is there really anything you purchase you don't wish was a little cheaper? I don't think the 1/72 scale would've been so much of a jump in price, especially in all plastic, that it couldn't still be considered inexpensive. After import costs and exchange rates, it's still not going to be "cheap" over here in the US anyways.
As for space consumption, I guess I'm a product of American culture, and I like big cars, big guns, and big toys, or maybe it's the fact that, dammit, I prefer perfect transformation, something about it makes it just that much easier for me to suspend my disbelief.
Plus, what's the point of using computers to aid in transformation design, if things like nosecones have to be shortened in order to "get the right purportions" . That's a big disappointment for me in the design of the VF-0
IMO Yamato's plan is, since MacZero is a new series, they want to attract a younger audience in Japan. This in turn gives me hope that they really are planning on launching a new Macross series. (All fingers and toes crossed, not only for a new series, but that it's not as farfetched as Mac7 )
Will I buy it? Maybe,...eventually.
First editions of anything, from new toys to new cars, are usually plagued with problems. Plus, if they're really that cheap, I might wait until three or four different models like the 0D, 0A, and Anti UN come out and get them as a set.
But frankly, had it been in one of the other existing scales, none of that would have mattered to me. The ability to compare it to mecha from other series would have made the first VF-0 no longer a "will get toy" and instead a "must have right away toy."
That's my opinion.