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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Guys...Kawamori not being involved was said in jest! Nobody knows yet. Let's get it straight
  2. Naturally! Can't wait to see the fleet
  3. HLJ warehouse got my goods now! Gonna put this into shipment over the weekend Is that a +1 for the museum, Kicker?
  4. xrentonx

    Macross figures

    I was thiiiiis close...but then reason prevailed
  5. Very late chiming in but...very exciting news! I was wondering when my next fix would come!
  6. I hope so! I love the real Misfits and the fake ones!
  7. It's so good! Can't wait for this baby to come!
  8. xrentonx

    Macross figures

    I got no idea but I'm interested too
  9. I've been in for two since they announced it so I'm in a world of hurt this month
  10. My mind says YES but my wallet says NO! So conflicted...
  11. I like Transformers and I almost never buy a Transformer that turns into a plane. They just look terrible to me. I wouldn't waste 10 or 15 bucks on one. That to me is a waste. Buying five $15 to $20 Seekers when I can buy a really nice looking Valk every so often is a much better value. I don't want quantity. I want quality. This is my opinion though. The shopping cart wheels on the MP-11 mold and the way they designed the null ray attachment put me off that Masterpiece real quick and I love Masterpiece TFs. ...and yes, we understand perfect transformation doesn't literally mean "perfect." Most of us Valk collectors take it to mean no parts swapping and no shell forming (or at least a minimum). They transform as close to intended as possible and they do take liberties (hands that pop and swivel out instead of sliding out, for example). Main point is that most of us are fighter plane fans and it shows. I'm much more lenient when it comes to transforming cars and a little kibble here and there I can tolerate. Growing up as a fan of F-14s and F-15s, anything that deviates from what makes them look cool to me stands out like a sore thumb.
  12. I'm lovin' what I'm seein'. Any guesses on when these are gonna finally be announced for preorder?
  13. Looks fantastic! I was planning on picking up only one but it's hard being good when she looks like that
  14. Headsculpt could be better for sure. I picked up both cause you can't have Briareos without Deunan.
  15. I had no idea they were making Deunan and Bri http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005250&page=top http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005251&page=top
  16. For my money, I'm an Arcadia/Yamato man but I have tons of Bandais (just as many, in fact). I feel Arcadia/Yamato just respects the license more so I like them more. Whether that's true or not (maybe it's all in my head) is up for debate but that's how I feel.
  17. I liked the news better when we were all "they're doing the what now?"
  18. Booo! Where's m'damn 25S reissue, Bandai? Who I gotta slap?
  19. Been away from the forums for a few days and I get an explosion of ~*~*MAGIC*~*~! So many pics!
  20. I agree. Why would they up their risk with releasing all the molds at once? Granted they all have the same leg molds but the tooling costs money and canon or not, Destroids generally don't sell well and certain Destroids will sell better than others. It wouldn't make any sense to manufacture the same quantity for all of them and if they did, that's just asking for trouble. The Monster and Tomahawk are pretty much it for me (maybe the Spartan too). Defender and Phalanx are very low priority. Not sure how the Destroids rank for everyone else here at MW. Even then, the Destroids are second string and I'd rather buy Valks first. Edit: Plus at this point, whether that 30th Anniversary Valk sells well or not, I'm pretty sure Yamato/Arcadia's VF-1 mold has at least recuperated costs.
  21. My Alto 29 had a difficult head plate. It was a tricky sucker to slide evenly.
  22. Was the green Tommy canon? I got that one real cheap and it seemed to languish forever. Edit: it was also the only one I wanted.
  23. If people really wanted them then they should have put their money where their mouth is. I'm one of the ones who waited and got my Tomahawk (a great toy by the way) at the steep discount. This unfortunately sends a message to Yamato that they shouldn't waste their time and money. It's sad but that's the way it is. They shouldn't make something and lose money on it when we aren't willing to buy...THAT would be a dumb move. Edit: I really want one of those cool Macross Zero Destroids though
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