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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Amazon themselves won't but perhaps an affiliate will?
  2. I got one of those and it's actually devil Sheryl. There is no devil Ranka.
  3. That waist twist and the clearance from the backpack are gonna push this Valk to the number one spot for articulation
  4. CDJ shipped mine already. Still waiting on NY to ship my second one.
  5. So colorful As much as I wish that there are more low viz schemes, when you have them all together like that, I can't help but admire the colorful schemes that Kawamori allows for in his show.
  6. Well...they SAY they don't allow cancellations...but they have allowed them in the recent past. Honestly, it's a mess and many customers here have had different experiences with NY. I'm assuming that their policies don't allow cancellations except on a case by case basis. Now what criteria they use to allow cancellations...hell if I know
  7. I just transformed my second one today and no nicks on the yellow paint on those jaw protrusions at all. It's a very tight fit though so I can definitely see the paint rubbing if you aren't extra careful. I was as careful as possible going from fighter to battroid and back and did a careful inspection and I managed not to scratch any paint. It's not easy to do though. There's a point when you gotta recess the head that I just went "fu*ck it, I'm gonna push it down and pray!"
  8. Already got the SP version but after looking at the pics a bit more, even though the color and nose art are really the only difference I can see, I think I'm down. Count me in for one. I could use a second one anyway Edit: Yay 2000 posts. That's a record for me on any forum...been tired of eatin all them pineapples
  9. Hmmm I might be interested depending on how much of a "renewal" this is...
  10. Don't wanna sound like I'm defending them but they probably don't care what our intentions are...just that we place the order with them or we don't. We can get the Valk somewhere else for all they care or just buy the armor packs to resell. If we preorder something that's basically a special order that they know they will be stuck with stock, they are gonna make non-cancellation policies like this and actively enforce them...or be lenient on a case by case basis. I'm not saying it's right or wrong though...just that our intentions on buying an item likely doesn't matter to the merchant.
  11. Don't let the name deceive you, all funbux are a load of bullshit in varying degrees. I always say that word with some disdain
  12. One word: funbux
  13. Gonna try and transform my remaining two this weekend but I don't recall any rubbing issues with the head. I'll trip report this weekend but I believe you slide the head back then pull up for clearance.
  14. That's pretty awesome but I doubt it's anything to do with Toynami.
  15. Classin' up the joint with those CFs! Lookin' good!
  16. Yeah, I preordered this version too! Something about the design speaks to me even though I've never read the comics or seen the toon. The first version is a pretty awesome figure.
  17. Just saw it today and loved it! Easily the best X-Men film and I thoroughly enjoyed X1, X2, and First Class. I never saw X3 but it got such bad word of mouth that I ended up skipping it. Mcavoy, Fassbender, and Jackman were great and they can have Jackman play Wolvie til he's in his golden years as far as I'm concerned. At this point, I can't imagine anyone else taking up the role and I love the guy. My only real complaint was that Wolverine didn't really see any action in that cool future getup he had on. The mutant deaths were surprisingly visceral for a PG-13 (Iceman and Colossus for me). THE Quicksilver scene was awesome and very funny to boot. I didn't stick around for the after credits scene since I had to really take a piss though.
  18. Didn't mean to scare off people from using their debit cards but just be aware
  19. So far I've had time to transform only one out of three I got. No stress marks on any of the three though
  20. I'd suggest never to use a debit card 'cause I find them a hassle for ordering things online though it is a perfectly viable method to pay for stuff (with caveats). I speak of this as a customer and knowing how it works "on the other side." Saburo is correct about most places doing a "pending" charge to verify the validity of the card. A lot of these policies do depend on the shop (and how big or small they are). Some shops will charge a pending charge of a penny or a dollar (something small and insignificant) to verify the card. Others will charge the entire amount. That's the idea of the pending charge in a nutshell. Most places will then "settle" that pending charge upon shipment of the product if it was the full amount and within a suitable timeframe (a few days after the pending charge). If it was a penny or dollar pending charge, they would recharge the correct full amount or if too long of a period has passed, they would recharge the full amount. The problem comes in that a lot of places are unable to determine if you are using a credit card or a debit card during that pending charge (at least easily)...this is especially true for older backend systems. They basically treat all cards entered in as credit cards. This works most of the time but every so often some debit card user doesn't have enough funds or wants to cancel an order/reorder something else and their funds are on a hold due to that pending charge. For a credit card, this doesn't matter since they have high limits that are typically in the thousands. Debit cards vary since it is dependent on the customer to transfer enough funds into their bank accounts. For a credit card, unsettled pending charges typically disappear/invalidate after a few days or a week or a month (depending on cc company) if the merchant doesn't do anything. This is true of debit cards as well...BUT...it is still a hold on your actual money in your bank account that you can't use until the pending charge disappears. So if you want to use those funds right away, you've got yourself a problem. Now you've got to find a way to do an early release of that pending charge...and every bank is a little different in how they handle that. Some will require you to provide the merchant the necessary steps based on their policies (usually faxing the bank some kind of form that authorizes the release of those funds)...etc. I speak of this from experience working with SMBs and smaller businesses. I'm pretty sure the bigger places have much more sophisticated systems though.
  21. I think there are only two variants, a black and purple one and another one that is a lot more red. Third post down for pics: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37897&page=18
  22. I just got the little action figures myself! Pretty cool but they do feel a little fragile in places (like the ankles). I was pleasantly surprised I could pull the helmet and armored vest off!
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