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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine at Amiami since I haven't ordered from them in ages (almost always fail at the orders too haha). Instead I got Spike Spiegel at CDJ because points
  2. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

  3. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

  4. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my email confirm from AmiAmi and CDJ. HLJ is a shi*tstain hahahah
  5. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    FINALLY. I got AmiAmi to work. This is the first new order I've done with them in like a year.
  6. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    I sent HLJ an email telling them their website sucks when they first deployed it. It hasn't improved. I can only get it to work some times in IE. In Chrome it shi*ts the bed.
  7. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    I can't believe how bad the new design for HLJ is. I should've just gotten two at CDJ instead of 1.
  8. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Still trying to get one from HLJ. I hate this new website of theirs. Nothing but problems!
  9. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine at CDJ. Why is HLJ's new site such garbage?
  10. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

  11. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-294953?utm_source=MAIL&utm_medium=html&utm_content=NEOGDS-294953&utm_campaign=Goods
  12. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    For CDJ, they send me an email whenever they put up Bandai preorders so I get the link at the same time they go live.
  13. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

  14. This one hit hard. Bourdain was pretty much the only thing I watched on "live" TV anymore and it's sad and painful to see him go like that. To me he had the greatest travel and food show on TV and I'm going to struggle to even see who can top him on this. The show was much more than just food and travel. He brought us to the tables of incredibly lively and beautiful people from across the globe and gave us such a unique perspective on their cultures disarming any differences and just getting down to actually talking to them as human beings. Gonna miss the hell outta him being gone now that there is an empty hole where he occupied a little of my time every week. I don't know if there is anything out there after you die. I just know that he is part of the stardust and I can at least still enjoy what he showed and brought us here. I hope he found whatever he was looking for.
  15. xrentonx

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not if you use credit card. They only do pending charges.
  16. xrentonx

    Bandai DX VF-31

  17. Yeah, I've been waiting for that so I can complete my goal of owning every single Macross show and movie on Bluray. I want the limited box sets.
  18. They haven't released the Super Criterion Uncut Limited Black Dragon Deluxe Box Set Collectors Gold DX Remastered Edition (Directors Cut) for the regular series yet, right?
  19. Just ordered it. I hope this is THE limited bluray version to get.
  20. xrentonx

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Had me sweating for awhile! I haven't felt the heat from a PO in a long time. I'll try not to oversleep again. Hahah
  21. xrentonx

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Got my 2nd at NY!
  22. xrentonx

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Can't believe I missed HLJ. Now I gotta go NY for my 2nd hahah
  23. xrentonx

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I actually passed out and slept through this like a newbie! I've never done that before...good old CDJ though!
  24. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    No problem guys The only reason I got it @ CDJ was because of the points I had. Makes it super cheap!
  25. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-277240 Had some fun bucks to spend on CDJ
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