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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. You could've left it I like Mospeada and don't mind seeing it anywhere but if you want you can repost in "Your most recent Macross or toy purchase! General thread." It seems to accept all toys in addition to Macross.
  2. To be more constructive to colonknight, to us you are Masei. When you come into this thread saying you "bought from here" and are very happy, it doesn't mean much to us since you are the only one that is apparently really happy and without problems. You aren't like the rest of these paying customers who had problems with damage and quality. Why should I trust an account that uses the same handle as Masei's Skype account? There's only two accounts that post like this here and that's colonknight and luusama. Just come in here and be truthful that you are with Masei and they are doing everything they can to fix the packaging on all future orders so they don't get damaged. I'd accept that. When you word it the way you did, to me it sounds like you're lying. That basically tells me not to bother doing business with Masei so I may no longer be on the fence. Edit: Sorry to the rest of you guys for laboring on this. This type of stuff really chaps my ass.
  3. We talked about this, dude. Don't pretend you aren't affiliated with Masei. It's an insult to our intelligence.
  4. Doesn't count in THIS thread but that MOSPEADA toy does count in the show off your Macross or OTHER toy thread
  5. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-masterpiece-47/mp-23-exhaust-deco-update-181864/ A neutered paint scheme but I guess it's better than getting nothing at all I still have my original order with HLJ too.
  6. That headsculpt looks good...on my phone's screen. Gonna have to take a closer look on the laptop later. I may save a little money yet...or not
  7. Yeah. Masei probably owns all those eBay accounts. Still on the fence about these.
  8. I was gonna skip Luke but he's in his black uniform and that looks great. My wallet
  9. Now that the Advanced is out of the way for most of us, when do you all think we'll see the preorders for this one?
  10. Sacrilegious!
  11. I did HLJ just in case I need to cancel. May is a big month...
  12. I wouldn't buy the Dollfies but I agree that their heavily stylized faces look better than these. Their faces don't look too much like the actual characters (more of an inspired-by thing). The face sculpts on these feel like bargain basement trading figures to me and some of those have better faces.
  13. That 27 is gonna be a tough sell @ $300, I think
  14. You guys really should be posting to their social media with your problems though. There's no excuse that they are shipping these things this way. They should be packed properly in the first place
  15. In this day and age, I can't remember the last time I got anything through brick & mortar that wasn't food related
  16. I could never put my finger on it but the 7 era ship designs have never sat right with me. I just imagine they're made out of ice crystals or something because of the huge panels of zero detail (at least based on the line art). They're OK. Not terrible. But not awesome, imo.
  17. Haven't gotten my Bee yet but I'll pick that up in case I end up loving Bee. Also, that MP10 re-up was what I've been waiting for!
  18. Man, you're generous then. Sucky ass-holes get nothing from me because...well they're sucky ass-holes! 'Nuff said
  19. So NY opened up orders three times so far.
  20. For me...none. For you...B! You're a lot braver than I to have something like that around the house.
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