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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. I really wish I picked up the other scheme for the Ghost booster. I only got the one.
  2. Only person who has hands on with this so far is Shukenzero. Ask me again likely next week
  3. I'm pretty glad that he does the tweeting myself even if he does ignore fan suggestion. Color never bothered me. I understand that it bothers others and I'm happy I'm not in that boat. I like seeing that they have sculpts and engineering correct first though. Different priorities...
  4. That said, outside of Transformers 3P or a few other boutique toy manufacturers, I can't think of any other company that handles a big license that is as active on social media. Bandai's designers ain't going around tweeting test shots and engineering samples as often that's for sure. Fans take care of that part at shows. They did listen a little better when Graham was more active with Yamato though.
  5. Cheap is relative but 2980 to San Francisco. I was expecting 4400+ though
  6. EMS was surprisingly cheap from HLJ.
  7. Just put in my ship request! On the edge of my seat here
  8. That box art really is nice!
  9. I don't get why this wasn't a web exclusive. It's a beautiful scheme but still...
  10. If they include Edgar-with-the-belly, it's gonna make it hard for me to pretend it's another pilot when they release the true-Shin-color-revision-markII down the road.
  11. Most likely yes
  12. See you all Sunday night
  13. Thanks for the early pics, Shukenzero Now that the color is settled, I'm excited to get to handle one of these within the next week and a half or so. For some reason my brain didn't think those deltas would swing out like that even though I knew full well this is a VF-1 based design.
  14. Gonna ship as soon as it hits my peedubya!
  15. Forgot to add that my Nora had a minor issue with the clear pieces that represent the wing lights falling off. They probably didn't use enough glue. Easy to solve problem though. I have an Ivanov without that problem but you should check em. They'd be a bitch to find if they fell off during handling.
  16. I getcha. I tend to just buy stuff that looks cool with no regard to how they display with the other stuff around it. So my collection is full of oddities all over the place
  17. xrentonx

    3P SD VF-1S

    I was ready to dog on these but...you know what? These are vastly improved with the changes they made. If they can work on the headsculpts some more, we may be talkin...
  18. I think he means that the manufacturer would have to bundle? So just adding a movie as a second item in your cart won't work afaik. Hopefully I'm wrong 'cus that'd be awesome if it worked.
  19. I'm liking that Cap a lot! I'm not a big enough fan to throw down on the HT but this scale and price is good enough for me wrt the Cap.
  20. Since Ripley might be involved according to those concepts...I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt because of Blomkamp. Even though Elysium was easily the weakest of his movies so far, there's always something I love about his movies.
  21. It's dangerously sharp and can get floppy from what I hear. Mine is not floppy yet but I've been stabbed.
  22. The hope for a CF is my reason for only getting one. Though I don't care about the shade of blue, I do agree that the show color should be the lighter blue (going by day time shots out in the sun). That was never a point of contention with me anyway. Is the textured look supposed to be weathering or part of the scheme?
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