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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. So the entire book is Macross related papercraft? I'll pick it up if it's all Macross related stuff...
  2. PO starts Sunday night (about 11pm California time)
  3. Another Macross related book/magazine just popped up in my email inbox: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-1779921
  4. It's a ball joint but we don't know if it's THE BAD BALL JOINT yet. Nobody who has one in hand has weighed in on that detail yet.
  5. I try not to use Goo Gone on paper products as a rule. It might work or it might end up warping the cardboard... If you try it, use very little. Pics of what you're working with might help though.
  6. You mean the sticker is on the actual nice box with the pictures and logos and stuff? Or is it on a brown shipping box? Got a picture? I'm pretty good at removing that stuff but it depends. Sometimes it can be a lot of work...
  7. Me too. Just got the hlj tracking. It'll be a miracle if it comes tomorrow so I'm expecting it next week. If usps misses then I gotta pick up at the post office on the weekend. Very excited!
  8. Boooo! Total pass. I don't pay full price for digital anything. Better be a heavy dirt cheap discount if it's digital.
  9. My shame would be amazing wearing that around in public
  10. Those hip wings aren't canon on the S but I'm kinda hoping they'll leave em 'cause I like em. The backlash and crying would be delicious too. Hahah
  11. Yeah. The aftermarket pricing on Mandarake are likely speculators trying to get rid of their excess (they and NY speculated poorly). If I understand the web exclusive thing correctly they still paid Bandai the full MSRP for em (they might get a discount for resellers but I have no idea of the actual details so I'm guessin) so Bandai stiil made their money as far as they're concerned. The Valk was popular enough among the people who wanted em in their collection. I have three The Valk is not popular enough right now to scalp for sure but Bandai profited.
  12. That's awesome. Is that Ghost securely attached or is it just laid on top?
  13. xrentonx

    3P SD VF-1S

    I went from not interested at all because of the bad aesthetics to kinda interested after the modifications so they're moving in the right direction for me. I love the aesthetics on the recent Mastermades so if they can ape that and have the same quality then I'm sold.
  14. They're justified sure but the people who like the color are equally as justified. The color talk is starting to kill the momentum of the thread anyway and it'd be nice to talk about something else. We've heard everything there is about the color at this point and it's getting repeated ad nauseam. It's time for the people who actually have one in hand to enjoy (or not enjoy) their Valk. I'm still waiting on my tracking for this thing...
  15. Nah that grey's juuuuuust right.
  16. Is it the missile thing? It's the missile thing right?
  17. Gonna try and sleep in a whole lot on Sunday morning for this. I'm gonna be bright eyed and ready
  18. Hahahah...man, we all want something different Bright blue! No, Navy! Nuh-uh, has to be more greyish! Gotta love it
  19. I keep hoping for the same every time this thread gets bumped.
  20. Couldn't wait til school let out so I could catch some Duck Tales as a kid. It kinda jumped the shark with Bubba duck though. I loved me Gizmo and Darkwing so go figure.
  21. Now that I think about it I'd love the darker Focker low viz colors on a Zero. It's something I'd throw money at. Especially an S in that exact scheme. Gotta stop thinkin about it. Starting to drool.
  22. Honestly, I like both them colors so I'd personally be OK with either!
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