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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Ordered. Now I gotta take the walk of shame
  2. Just saw this and it is his second best movie as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed Elysium but it had some major problems. This one had problems but I was thoroughly entertained regardless. Who cares what the reviews say? Will explain more later but I'm gonna now preorder that Threezero Chappie
  3. I've been buying them as they come out Support Macross
  4. As much as I dog on the mold, I'll pick one up mainly because it's the only game in town for a green CF 27. I might be dead by the time they ever release a good mold of the 27...or too old to care about collecting Valks
  5. I never liked the horned head but I'm glad they're including it all the same. Does this mean no tampoed numbers? The numbers are different between Grace and CF right?
  6. This was the color I always wanted on this thing AND the CF head...but this damn mediocre mold though... I might get one anyway even though I shouldn't support this one
  7. That's the Yamato Regult kit! Should be 1/60th. Lots of effort to make it look good too
  8. Nice! Got the email from hlj about my Exhaust and the Japan release of warrior class RID Grimlock. Now to ship it all with Playstation Prime and I got a box of weirdass Transformers on the way
  9. True but sometimes there's nothing like pawing at a box in person before you commit to a buy
  10. Just saw that in my email blast last night but I passed out in bed before I did anything about it. I'm gonna wait and see if HLJ puts it up.
  11. Gotta check my email to see if hlj charged me yet for Exhaust
  12. I'm not liking the sound of that. MGS and Kojima Productions are the only things I really care about from Konami. They pretty much haven't done anything interesting to me outside of that studio and that property. Is this an early April Fools thing? Please tell me it is.
  13. I would buy two more if Arcadia ever reissued them. I'm kicking myself for never picking up a second when they were easily available.
  14. Sure did! I'll own a PS4 some day but mostly I'm an MGS chump
  15. I've never posted in this thread before...and now I have
  16. Looks like I'm gonna put metallic grey paint on my shopping list
  17. So much exposing of things! Is that legal
  18. Most likely they would.
  19. This ones hard...hmm...if SHTF, I've narrowed down to one of the following: DYRL Roy 1S, Arcadia YF-19, VF-4, or Roy 1S Low Viz. I'm leaning on the low viz if everything blew up tomorrow! Hell, I might go down with the ship
  20. Ya'll are lucky I suck at removing packing tape while leaving no trace evidence Not that I would of course
  21. Gotta resist spazzing out and getting a second one. I just know there's gonna be a CF version in my future. This thing sold well enough for a CF, I hope
  22. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Nothing yet...it's been awful quiet from Bandai on these though.
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