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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. They haven't even sent me my shipping quote yet. Should I be worried? No response to my email yet either...
  2. I collect 3a but I think a 3a thread would be a lot more fun if it wasn't just 3 or 4 guys posting. Maybe I'm wrong though and there might be a lot more members interested in 3a?
  3. I am. That Snake head sculpt is dead on. They need to work on the Boss some more though. They need to go easy on that jawline. The Boss was more feminine looking in the game for sure. Keeping the preorder because I have faith.
  4. Am I dense? I thought he was talking about HG.
  5. I agree. Don't judge the rest of us based on a few guys who use a lot of hyperbole in their posts. I think a lot of us are tired of the same few guys posting the same Yamato/Bandai-warrioring bullshi-t every time these threads pop up. It's no longer clever nor is it interesting to read through.
  6. No hate from me! I would love to see this.
  7. Same old song and dance then? Moving along... I got the Kai instead. I already have the 19s and I like it in fighter mode. I'm sure I'll feel the same with the Kai despite disliking the color scheme and head design. I like these smaller 19's in fighter mode only. I prefer battroid mode for the Bandai VF-1's.
  8. Man, still 12 left at CDJapan as of this posting. I was all worried about nothing. There's no shortage of the LE at all. To those of you worried about Nippon-Yasan, I wouldn't sweat it. In my experience, most Japanese webstores seem to be pretty good about their service (i.e. they aren't gonna up and disappear with your money). They may not respond quickly to emails but it's highly doubtful they'd bilk you outta your money (i.e. not send you something or refuse to refund you if they didn't have it). I honestly have less worry about them stealing your money than some online stores in the U.S.
  9. Yeah...I couldn't disagree more with most of your views here but this isn't the thread to argue back and forth about things people have gone on about ad nauseam. Let's just agree to disagree... In any case, that VF-1S on HLJ sold out quick once the link was posted. I was just about to get a second one for posterity too I love me some Roy schemed Valks
  10. It's barely an issue at all though so I wouldn't panic just yet (not that you are). Could they have molded certain parts in the correct color? Certainly! At the end of the day, it's a really nice rendition though. I love my VF-25S renewal to death and so far have no problems with it. Knock on wood
  11. Just preordered this in my never ending quest to support all things Macross
  12. Awesome! I preordered with CDJapan. I really hope this one is good and they'll fulfill the order. Anyone know why it says "View Current Availability"? I was still able to place the order though: http://www.cdjapan.c...?KEY=BLJS-93006 ...but if you do a search under bluray for "Do you remember love" it doesn't have the add-to-cart button next to the LE like everything else on that page. Instead it just says "View Current Availability" next to the LE until you click on it. Then it allows you to add to cart. I'm probably over thinkin this and worrying for nothin. Anyhow, I got confirmation of the order so I guess it's good.
  13. I had to read that twice to get what you are saying
  14. We'll all probably have to wait until his next artbook or something. That's probably as good as we're gonna get for now.
  15. "Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner, you mean? That picture really is a thing of beauty
  16. Not to be an ass but the thread is really only 6 pages deep... I think I'm gonna preorder with these guys too. The only thing I'm worried about is if they'll be able to fulfill the order. That play-asia posting seems like they are never gonna open up the preorders.
  17. It would be my fourth or fifth attempt. I always end up not enjoying the first few episodes, losing interest quickly, and deleting the entire thing from my computer. It really is my least liked Macross series.
  18. I haven't watched anime in years because a lot of it is embarassing drivel (i'm talking about all the "moe" stuff that I just don't get at all) but this looks promising.
  19. That's funny because I would think not being a dumbass is rule number one...but maybe that's just me.
  20. Count me in as one of the fortunate ones that don't have to make a choice. As soon as VF-4 was annouced, I knew I had to get one sight unseen and going by Yamato's reputation alone (good and bad; mostly good). Seeing the 171EX didn't make me want Yamato's 17 any less either which I will have sometime this year hopefully.
  21. Oh, man...if Bandai doesn't do Ozma colors on this (again, I don't give a damn that it never happened in the animation and know it's a slim chance because it's Bandai), then I got a long term project with my second 171EX I have on preorder I'm just puttin this out there...they should just release everything in Skull One Focker/Ozma colors and I'd pick it up.
  22. At the risk of keeping this off topic, I'm starting to think the only way I'll ever watch all of Macross 7 is if I pick up the eventual blu-rays. That way, I'll force myself to watch it cause I paid for it! An expensive gamble, I know!
  23. Most of this stuff I already have...however, how can you say "no" to VF-1A Cavaliers? I surely can't anyway! No idea why it's not part of this new Macross sale though
  24. Hell yes! Preordered...finally!
  25. Yeah. I would prefer the regular olive drab too. I was never a Defender fan so that's an easy pass. If Destroids were as sexy as Valks, I'm sure more would be made. As it stands, if we're talkin OG Macross, I'll only go for a Tomahawk or Monster.
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