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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. It's pretty much true though and can you really blame them? It's pretty much a no brainer to walk down to your local Japanese toystores, buy up all the stock and then sell them online to us foreigners at a healthy markup. That's just business savviness on the part of NY. Most of the other online e-tailers who cater to us non-Japanese folk don't seem to be doing this (maybe a few others but many are content on receiving whatever stock Bandai gives them and settling on selling that). I'm assuming the jacked up preorder pricing is them gambling on being able to fulfill orders this way at a later date. If I was really desparate though...NY is probably better than eBay in many cases.
  2. Far from it. I'm just saying it was totally ridiculous like everyone else here have been saying.
  3. Yes, I have.
  4. That totally sucked last night. I barely made that order by the skin of my teeth. I would've had one order with cdjapan 30 minutes earlier than I did last night but my shopping cart was stuck in some kind of looping error.
  5. Fu*ck yes! Anime-Export it is! Got one
  6. I'm loving that black nose though and secretly wish the fighter was all black (Focker inspired still; not an exact Focker). I think all black would still be enough for me to differentiate it from Ozma.
  7. I'm picking up both of mine from Fedex tomorrow. Can't wait! ...about HLJ...I put in the request to ship these both from my private warehouse on Sunday and it looks like HLJ shipped immediately for me. Maybe I'm just lucky or I'm the golden boy or something but I never seem to have any problems with them like other people. Only weird thing was that the items remained in my private warehouse for a few days. I'm not sure if they are still there (I'll log on later to check) but I did get the tracking number for the shipment. I'm chalking all of these up to growing pains with the new website. Give it time and I'm sure they'll work it out.
  8. I'm an unapologetic Focker fan so you're gonna have to excuse me if I'm gushing at all but I do love this scheme now that I'm at home and have looked at the pictures on my laptop. My Android screen was too small to do these any justice. I have the Alto version and while I like it and all...screw Alto! This is the version I really wanted (*cough*OZMA*cough*) and I think, for me, it blows Alto's candy-ass out of the water. I don't even really care for those ridiculous twin cannons on the YF-29 and I'm willing to overlook those now that they slapped a Focker inspired scheme on this thing (I need help, I know). It didn't even need to be an exact copy of the scheme (not even sure how they would do that), just a Focker inspired one like this did it for me. I even like that green-tinted canopy, as over the top as it is. I love what I see right now but it could be a little better for sure: 1) put the Jolly Rogers on both of the vstabs 2) get rid of the tiny purple details and just change them to green 3) YF-29S head like Ozma's ...now, Bandai, get moving on the official Ozma version of the YF-29S! Klan version too while you're at it.
  9. Wait wait wait.....Sideshow? This means I still have a chance of not gettin gouged by a Chinese dude on eBay? (not just Chinese but those were the first two that showed up when I searched for Gordon on eBay)
  10. Maybe I'm blind but where's the purple (other than that tiny part below the cockpit)? Edit: I see em now but they're pretty insignificant.
  11. I'm a huge Focker addict so I need this one.
  12. ...sonovabitch...of all the characters to make exclusive, they picked that version of Gordon. Anyone want a kidney?
  13. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    I couldn't figure out how to do it with update scanner so I used the one for chrome.
  14. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Same here. Hlj seems to be doing something though. The page change alarm seems to go off everyday and I have it set to only look at the "order stop" text on the page.
  15. Yeah, that special gunpod color for Ozma is the cherry on top. It makes him even more spectacular than he already was.
  16. Dude with the graduation photo, right?
  17. I'm not gonna panic just yet...but what the hell?
  18. Does this only happen with Paypal?
  19. Sounds like bad luck, man Someone just got the order in before you did so the system couldn't stick anything in private warehouse. Plus they're ironing out a lot of bugs with the new system. I've had these in private warehouse for a good week now.
  20. I don't think so. I'm sitting on two of these in my private warehouse right now. I'm gonna finally request to ship these this weekend.
  21. Good choice on the Focker. You are a man of impeccable taste.
  22. Count me in for two sets when you set it up
  23. ...if you wanna make it a 117 clone sure. I'm liking that red though
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