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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. It's a pretty sculpt. I'll give it that.
  2. Military fighters in candy colored reds and yellows and blues...
  3. Those yellow highlights are getting painted over if I ever get one of these. I normally don't mind yellow at all. It just doesn't go well with the red and off-white and the placement of the colors are just terrible.
  4. I believe this has been deleted before and, no, I'm not a Brony. Not hating on MLP but I don't think every forum needs one of these threads.
  5. Love the Valk but hate the color combination. Remove the yellow and it would be much nicer. Right now it's just an eye sore.
  6. I agree. Until we see actual numbers and sales figures, no one here knows what they're talking about and it's all conjecture.
  7. You've got the right idea! Those look awesome together.
  8. xrentonx

    VF-1 toy advice...

    To a point, it can take a little more but it's still VERY breakable. It's a terrible misconception that the Bandai's are built like tanks. He's 8 years old so the obvious answer is a cheap Revoltech. Get him the good stuff like Yamato when he's old enough to take care of his things. The Toynami's are fine and cheap enough that if they get broken (and they will), you won't shed a tear about throwing them away eventually.
  9. I love RDJ and he's the perfect Tony Stark but it always makes me laugh when I think of him filling out that Iron Man suit with his stocky(-ish) build.
  10. It's a pretty proper HD transfer already (in 1080p anyway). It's just that we can't go back in time and have them reshoot with what we know now. Believe me, years from now when we have video screens that can display in 4K resolution or something crazy, we'll be saying the exact same things.
  11. ^^^ e:f,b what he said I think that's just the way the movie was "shot" though because quality wise blu-ray is still better than what we had before (unless you own a projector and own the actual film reels). It's just that the flaws do show up a little better now due to the "clearer" resolution.
  12. Those are beautiful. I definitely prefer your subtle weathering but that Max Sturmvogel is exquisite. That shade of blue really helps though
  13. I can't believe they actually got them!
  14. Hahah, man, that's the best kind too!
  15. Tell him to keep his dirty mitts offa it.
  16. So you're the puppet master, are you?
  17. Yeah, I ain't gonna do anything that's gonna make me sound like an uncivil ass
  18. After thinking about this for awhile, I'm pretty much positive I'm just gonna keep what I bought. I hate censorship and edits but in the grand scheme of things, this works out to be a few seconds in two parts that I'm not gonna really miss when all is said and done. I understand that to other people, even a few seconds is too much, but I mostly wanted this for the extras anyway so I'll deal with it. The only thing that is a shame is that I've never owned a legal copy of this film and this was my first legit copy. If there was anything I'd love to tell Bandai and Kawamori it would be not to make it so difficult for your fans to support Macross...then again, I'm not Japanese.
  19. Yeah, just don't go crazy with the chargebacks and you'll be ok. Chargebacks reflect negatively against you if you do them too much. Committing fraud with chargebacks is a common thing so it works both ways. Anyway, just be careful is all and use common sense when buying.
  20. Goddamn I am a ThreeA whore. I should be ashamed of myself...
  21. Anything preordered on ebay is at your own risk. I've done it before and luckily the two guys I purchased from were legit guys who didn't cheat me out of my money. I did pay via my credit card through paypal though so I could always do a chargeback if anyone tried to fu*ck me over. I guess that's pretty much the secret. Use a credit card that will provide you some protection...you will always win unless the seller provides proof (like a tracking number) of shipment.
  22. Oh my is that pretty. I definitely prefer the Fast Packed loadout
  23. And a very tired meme at that...
  24. No, man. Crack is whack. Oh god, it starts...God help us all
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