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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. 1/6 Kaneda's bike for me too Back then I was only going to get one 4G but ended up with two. I feel very fortunate and it really is one of the best Yamato releases. Also signifies the end of an era
  2. I didn't notice on mine either! Doesn't bother me personally though.
  3. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe it's the beer goggles
  4. Reminds me that I need to pay for mine on NY.
  5. I like em all. Already have Vader with an ST on the way
  6. xrentonx

    Hi-Metal R

    Same display, different tradeshow....yawn. How about a date already? :/
  7. Edit: Pasted video from TangledThorns at the bottom of the previous page... That's awesome and I'm hyped! Batman has always been my favorite Superhero
  8. Voted over $10k and rising...that's my guesstimate. If we count all my other Macross stuff then I'm sure of it. Thanks for making me think about it
  9. To be fair, 25, 27, and 29 are basically the same mold. Basically.
  10. Silvie is guaranteed first. All the old promo material I saw always had the red stripes.
  11. Mine is still on the way with an Amiami order. I preordered as soon as I heard it was another book by those VFMF guys Same boat as others...I'm only gawkin at pictures because I'm an illiterate caveman
  12. Granted I only frequent a few forums but this thread seems to have the most negative responses to the trailers so far (others are mostly positive). That said, count me as excited for this one. I like Hardy and don't give a damn about Gibson.
  13. Agh...so torn. They need to get rid of those glaring hinges somehow. More to like, I agree...but damn
  14. Just preordered this one : http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-011289&page=top Regular version sold out : http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-011285&page=top NY : https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/11714-zone-of-the-enders-riobot-anubis.html
  15. That's awesome and helps a lot
  16. Leftover D parts certainly. Those little fins are not canon on the S and A. I'm just weird and like the look of the little winglets despite them being non-canon.
  17. Now that I'm caught up on all toy forum posts and had time to digest this after my initial excitement...I do see the problems. Legs are too skinny being one. I'm still in for one because I gotta support a 2ss since I've been wanting one for ages. I just hope the aesthetics improve. Hell, I'd be more than OK with a years delay if that's what it'd take.
  18. Keepin that dream alive hahah
  19. I will tally it all up some day but right now...ignorance is SO blissful...so don't wake me up
  20. I knew in my heart they would correct that but there's a part of me that wishes they didn't because they look cool
  21. Been mostly away from these boards for a few weeks and I come back to this I'm liking what I'm seeing. I really wish this was Arcadia but I'm gonna take what I can get when it comes to a 2SS!
  22. One of them limited vinyl dealies? Huckgee is pretty well known if you're into vinyl toys. I like it but not gonna buy it
  23. Done and done! http://new.three-zero.com//index.php?type=Categories&id=21&pid=81〈=en-US
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