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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Placed an order with them just in case...I chose the preorder payment
  2. He didn't respond to my PM so I think it is first come first served on Tokyo Hunter. Anyway, I think I'm gonna give these guys a try... http://yokattaweb.jp/services.html ...unless Nanoplasm or someone else is able to put together a group buy.
  3. I'm ready! Let's DO THIS!
  4. I like it for the novelty alone. It must feel nice and weighty with all that metal
  5. Yeah, after looking at that, I'm gonna say "ripped" is kinda harsh. "Inspired" sure...
  6. I really love the shade of blue. It's so dark it's almost black. Absolutely stunning...
  7. I'm in the same boat. It's got hands, give it somethin to hold. It'd be a neat extra. Right know it's Wolverine that shoots bullets out the arms rather than pointy knives, which, come to think of it would be awesome but.......uh........GUNS!!!!!
  8. Personal preference on this but a gunpod to me makes it feel "natural." It just feels right to have it gripping a gunpod (even though it doesn't need one). Still gonna get this anyway and have it borrow one of the VF-1 gunpods. Loving these pics
  9. I like the matte version a lot but I have too much on my plate already
  10. Yeah, those are the pictures. I saw them on Toyark too. I'm very impressed, Yamato! Good show
  11. Holy shi*t. I just realized that they have colored pics of all the modes now! In no way does it look plain. Loving this...
  12. Hmmm...so it's gonna be THAT much? Know what? I'm still down for this. Get me a preorder, interwebs!
  13. Honestly they look better for it
  14. It's an arcade-type shooter and NOT a sim. Easy-peasy, eh? Going back to the whole gunpod thing...yes, a lot of us know that it was never shown with a gunpod but it would be nice to have one just the same. It's not a deal breaker by any means though. If they include one then awesome-sauce. If not then eh...whatchagonnado? Personally, I'd prefer they include a gunpod because screw the anime accurate crowd (screw them so hard). I like my videogame characters to have a jump button and I like my Valks to have gunpods. I don't know why, I just do!
  15. Lookit this guy starin at Batman's crotch! (I looked tooooo)
  16. Yamato, you are gonna ruin me!
  17. Aw no way! You got the aftermath of the bitchslap scene! That's a keeper (not a misogynist. I swear)
  18. Not sure what that figure is but I don't think that is Shirow...
  19. Certificate of authenticity is mostly needless fluff.
  20. OK. I PROMISE MYSELF, I will never buy a 1/4 scale figure! I simply cannot afford to collect 1/4 scale and no space. I promise (Jesus, that Joker looks nice...)
  21. To me it's the equivalent of someone coming in, typing "Meh," and then leaving the thread. I don't really care but I don't find any value in reading it either.
  22. Mine is a full shot of Hikaru standing in a park. Gripping!
  23. That Canti is adorable. Mine should be here next week.
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