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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Looks cool (would look cooler with less animu) but Jesus that music is terrible and those corny glowsticks do not help...not for me at all
  2. Good question. I'm not sure. All I know is Japan and USA are on the same region so it's a non-issue for me...
  3. Wait...so it's NOT principles then...
  4. I might buy a set or two but if they have a Focker combo pack, it's all over...for my wallet.
  5. Sounds about right if you're going to a good private college. I don't envy you though cause that is a good chunk o' change
  6. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    They're saying it's just stock photos of the 30th YF-29 so no VF-27 announcement...yet.
  7. You can't divide by zero! The universe would cease to exist
  8. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    That's awesome! Love the scheme (makes me wish this came in black now)
  9. Hahah I guess not you? I'm not liking the new Starscream though. No chance of finding the original Japanese release for a reasonable price, eh?
  10. Wow, two people who lived in Pittsburgh back to back. I'm gonna make that a threesome because I grew up in Pittsburgh (preschool all the way through college) and I'm a Yinzer through and through. Even got the accent. Looking at the pictures in this thread, it makes me realize it's gonna take me ages to ever get a house to display all my crap in. Curse you, California! In your eye, housing market!
  11. I would re-buy Roy if they put out a new bundle. I don't get why they didn't do this for the 30th though.
  12. Absolutely!
  13. I agree. It would be so rad it would make you lose consciousness and your eyeballs would roll back into their sockets.
  14. Oh, Japan... That sounds so random. Hah
  15. You're right but "close enough for now"...at least it is for me. With so much released this year, I'm ok with them waiting on this. I'd be happy for just a Prometheus and Daedalus in scale with what we already got.
  16. Me too but I don't mind waiting while they get through the backlog of other things first.
  17. To be fair, we have something close enough for now. Shares the same name and everything
  18. Sorry, man. My version's cooler...and Google is a better friend when I'm actually on my laptop
  19. That dude has awesome facial hair but what does it mean? Is black Santa gonna personally deliver these to our trees this Xmas or somethin? I am totally down for that, if so.
  20. The aesthetics of a key-tar...which makes it sorta awesome?
  21. Much more clear. So like those clear plastic energy effects you get with some Japanese action figures except it's bodily discharge on these. GU-11: Yeah, I don't buy them either but they're fun to hear about.
  22. Seriously, just say "vibrator" if you mean "vibrator." You guys are embarrassingly coy about your porn dolls.
  23. I agree on MOSPEADA. I do not yet own a proper Legios and Tread. I only have the two Beagle releases. For Macross, it has to be the VF-2SS for me or pick up Macross the Ride license and do those.
  24. All I'm saying is I've never bought from NY before so whoever can guarantee me one of these gets my order and I cancel with NY...
  25. Man, Sept 3rd is not a lot of time to think on this...
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