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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Still blows my mind what kind of origami magic Yamato did to get that to go from fighter to battroid.
  2. The point isn't about the freedom of speech though. What he's getting at is that this has been discussed numerous times before and bringing it up again isn't going to change the answer for the time being. We're not going to learn anything new here about getting the FB2012 scheme. It's not going to happen in the near future. It might...but not anytime soon. Is it possible to make a FB2012 scheme? Yes. There's always a possibility. Is it going to happen any time soon? No. Yamato does not have the license for FB2012. What more can we add? Bringing this back on point. Have we seen any pictures of the conformal missiles being detachable?
  3. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Just picked mine up from the post office today too. I love it lots. Took me a long time to transform it and as usual, I always have problems getting the head to slide and pop up. Everything came tight as a drum, nothing cracked, no missing pieces, no nothin. Looks like I'm batting a thousand with every Valk I own. This was the NY shipment. As much as I didn't like the pricing game I had with them, the little thank-you note they handwrite is nice so they got that going for them. My HLJ copy comes in next week so I have a second one of these to inspect and gawk at soon.
  4. Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends... I think this is the main reason a lot of guys enjoy the new MLP. It has the same creative pedigree as these four fantastic shows. Myself, I have not given it a chance (already got too much on my plate) but from the clips I've seen on Youtube, I get why guys enjoy it. That's what I can relate to...wanting to see shows made by creators that worked on awesome stuff. Really, the small association with "moe" and furries are the only thing that I dislike about it but it's not a major concern. Girly stuff?...too much pink and rainbows?...unless you're some ass-hole homophobe or mysogynist, who cares?...if it's written and animated well and entertaining that doesn't matter.
  5. If it exists, there is porn of it.
  6. Already paid my source months ago. Gonna cancel NY for sure since the price is more ridiculous than the 25G
  7. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    So after all the nail-biting and cancelling of orders (with NY) and then scrambling for new orders (long story), it turns out I'm getting two of these babies. One from HLJ, which I barely made (Yay!)...and one via a second order with NY (after cancelling the first preorder with them in haste). The HLJ order came after the 2nd NY order. Guess which one I overpaid for? I wasn't planning on keeping both but now that I've looked at the pictures, I'm leaning toward keeping both because I love the VF-25G (second to the Ozma). I'm still not happy about the price I paid for the NY order but I'll deal with it. I understand why they up the price like that but it makes me less likely to go to them first for any kind of orders in the future. On a happy note, I pulled my HLJ order like a champ. I'm one lucky bastard
  8. IN THE VAGINA......wait...what?
  9. Accurate enough, I think. Should probably have the word "inspired" in there somewhere.
  10. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Very cool!
  11. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Order placed! Hope this is good. I just placed this order by the skin of my teeth. It's now back on "Order Stop."
  12. They are cartoons...we're all grown up here. We can say that word
  13. That last part is gold when read in the yelling Bat-Bale voice
  14. Oh, I totally agree I was just being facetious. I'm the guy who LIKES the green canopy after all!
  15. Seriously, man, totally not worth it. Unless you don't mind disintegrating plastic...
  16. Basically don't paint up your intakes like a big yellow target for the enemy
  17. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Damnit! I wish I had a friend in Japan
  18. Awesome! Thanks for the update link.
  19. I loved the green canopy but I'll live with the purple. You can't win them all.
  20. Boooooo! Liked the original scheme much better but I'm still getting this.
  21. Aw yeah! Me quadruple!
  22. Same thing happened to me. I started off with just the 1/48 Roy and 1/48 Stealth Strike Pack. It looked so good at the time I was all "I'll NEVER need another Valk toy for the rest of my life. I'm set for life!" ...then the 1/60th line started. Thousands of dollars later and there is no end in sight.
  23. Not a thing...but PREORDERED...yoink! Thanks for the link
  24. Yeah, I'm not worried if they banish me forever too. You're right. Lots of choices and it ain't gonna kill me to lose one. It pays to have a little patience. The only other thing I've preordered with NY is the Skull YF-29 but I already prepaid a preorder with another place. I'll likely end up cancelling that one from NY too...if they don't ban me forever and ever.
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