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Everything posted by Whamhammer

  1. I dunno, the narrator never bothered me much, maybe I was just awestruck by the coolness of the Alpha and Betas !!
  2. Sure, I will take a shot at it. If Robotech fandom leads one to an orignal form of the sagas, my pilgrimage wouldnt go towards swing-wing Valks' it would be toward Alphas and Betas and Cyclones! OH MY! (Just imagine the Wizard of Oz scene there.). I love that mecha the best, the backdoor storyline of redemption is good as well. There is a history that is worked between the meshing of the three stories. Transformers itself is a borrowed product made into its own story, you do know this, right? I do give credit where it is due however. I own four MPC Valks (including fastpacks for two) (got Ben Dixons for 30 bux including shipping on E-bay), theyre nice. I Also own nine MPC-Alphas and Three Betas with a smidgen of a single Aoshima Alpha to be sure (As well as a Rand Cyclone,not the Beagle or Toynami, the brand eludes my head at the moment.). All roads dont lead back to Macross from Robotech, some do, but not all. And if youve ever been on their site you'd have seen I am far from the park my brain at the door sort of guy. Whats Macross VF-X? Is that a Playstation thingie game? (dont have a game console myslef). There are also different levels of fandom. There are the guys who go in debt to buy everything a product has, the guys who buy what they can afford and really, really want. And the guy who courts his girlfriend with love poetry , all in its original Klingon. You can be a fan and still have an open mind to other things. You can be equally satisfied with a Reflex Cannon volley, or firing off the Wave Motion Gun or watching the awe of firepower and destruction from Lina Inverse firing off a Dragonslave, can we not?
  3. I have an easy solution on the purchasing problem of the $150.00 - $200.00 Cyclones, be unemployed like I am (going back to school and havent found a new one yet.). The Green Beta is going to be my last purchase , unless something changes dramtically. I cant see paying 150.00 for a Cyclone.
  4. The solution , compressed air!!!
  5. Apparantly , fourth season has a side plot of the team trying to get a replaement sword for Gourry, he gets in a depressed funk many times about his sword.
  6. Trust me, more fans than you can believe arent exactly happy with the way that H.G. is running the product, I cant tell you how many 85'ers I know were let down with Shadow Chronicles and the lackof product before during and after it. Its fallen off the radar of most.
  7. I think the reason you dont see Southern Cross stuff in Shadow Chronicles is that it is(overall) the least popular of the three sagas. The predominace of ground pounders versus the romantic fashion of fighter pilots and jet fighters has made it hard to compete with the other two. And of course some people dont like Dana either. I myself like the saga and I appreciate the ground pounder aspect of it (being an ex-ground pounder myself). I also think that they wanted to keep the equipment in the series as much New Gen' as possible, it makes sence to keep it New Gen'. It wouldve been a bad idea to use Spartas when you never saw them in New Gen'. If I were to haveplanned it out, I wouldve introduce ground units in Shadow Rising and they would be a natural progression from the Sparta and A.G.A.X. in addition to the Cyclone and Synchro Tank and other New Gen' equipment.
  8. Thats the beauty of freedom. Its your right to like what you like. I enjoy goofy, The Slayers is goofy, Nadeisco is goofy that clip wasnt goofy. To me, that clip screams of a pokimon and acid induced influences. No matter how much you can not like Robotech, to use that clip as an example of something that is prefferable for the sake of it not being Robotech is a stretch at best. Ive seen Macross stuff past the first series and theyve done better than that. If that is an example of Macross 7 as a whole, I could see a Macross fan complaining well beyond the complaints that the Robotech fans have made about the plot (or lack there of) Shadow Chronicles .
  9. Yes, it is worse than Reba West. Reba West is just a voice that can't carry a tune to save her life. Thje guy was trying to engage in a musical dogfight wielding a guitar in the cockpit. Thats the kind of stuff that makes Iron Eagles look good!!!
  10. ooooooooooooooooooookkkkaeeeeee, that was just the worst thing ever......
  11. I had an 89 T/A and I have an'02 WS-6 T/A and really havent had that much problems with them, and usually when I did it was because someone didnt fix something right and was a repeat problem (like mistaking a hub bearing noise for diff gears being shot,glad ext warr covered that one). For the price they werent that bad, usually stuff that was near their performance capabilities with twice the price. And I saw just as much problems reliability-wise with Camry's as I did with F-Bodies (I worked in both G.M. and Toyota franchises) and Camrys are supposed to be such a great reliable vehicle. I think most of the pony cars bad rap is that people wanted a much more comfortable ride out of them, which youre just not going to get (even though they did get much better). Not the best car ever, sure crap Id argue against that. And no, Ive never had a mullet.
  12. Dudes, the name calling and insulting is a little over the top. Cant there be a debate without the sophmoric remarks? I'm just sitting around and waiting for the "Yo' Moma" lines.
  13. The hood and decklid on my WS-6 are both composites (not to mention the doors and fenders). If they could do it on the Fourth Gens' theres no reason that they couldnt economically apply them to the fifth gens (especially with the continuing use of these materials on the Corvette). Plus the weight savings would come into play with C.A.F.E. regulations.
  14. I seriously doubt it would take too much to drop 150 pounds off of any of those models mentioned above in the design process. I dont remember hearing that the Camaro uses composite materials for the hood and decklid for instance.
  15. Not really a solution,I prefer to watch Slayers dubbed, voice inflections help with the sarcasm of the show.
  16. I still dont undertand how any of the three can show thier faces after relesing such portly pony cars (Camaro 3,900 pnds Mustang Cobra/GT500 3900 pounds Challenger SRT-8/RT 4,000-4,100 pounds). I've been thinking to ways to lighten my 3,500 pound Ram Air WS-6 because I thought that it weighed too much, and then I looked at these guys! Yeeesh!
  17. I still hope that Lisa Ortiz is doing Linas voice, the other girl just doesnt carry the character well enough!!!
  18. There is a fourth (Slayers- Revolution) and a fifth (name eludes me at the moment). You Tube has the direct japanese episodes to see, but it doesnt equall being abletowatch it at will in home fully produced.
  19. Yeah , but the Project Phoenix re-sculpts have been out for what, six years now?
  20. its really wierd its 150x113 and 64k it should be working. When I bring up my member info I see, but not on the posts. I wanted to use this one.
  21. My Lunchback will pwn you lol (aiming pie launcher)
  22. Atlas C couldve also been a detected designation because it mght have had a C-3 netqork master n it, I believe that was about the time the started doinking with that stuff, it was widespread by 3039 in House Purina (I mean Kurita, wrong game, lol )
  23. I hope they didnt have anything to do with importing over the new Slayers seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Ahem................. "Stage fright go away , this is my big day!!! Lalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  25. Over the last year, I've been intro'ing my g.f. to anime. She is in love with The Slayers and cant wait for the fourth series to come through over here. She liked Hellsing. Right now were watching Bubblegum Crisis. She doesnt like the subtitled, but prefers the dubbed (i dont like the dubbed voices, wish they had done better than to have had the actors not all on hardocreanti-depressants {zombie like voice acting}, but she doesnt like subtitled so oh well).
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