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Everything posted by Whamhammer

  1. Thats your opinion. Like I've said I accept respect your opinion. You also have strong feelings about Robotech and I know nothing said would change it. In order for me to say something that would get you to agree to an idea of a continuation of Robtoech would be nothing short of getting you to accept Robotech, which you've said youre not interested and and Ive said Im not interested in trying to get you to accept Robotech. That is why I've said that it is a rhetorical question.
  2. I might be able to pin it, but Im looking to replace it if I can.
  3. I totally know what youre saying one of the biggest problems people have in communication writingwise , is that we talk in a different way than we write and that does lead to a lot of confusion. As you were describing I sure havent said those things and even dont hold that opinion. I'd say Ive been pretty critical of the things H.G. has done to Robotech and its fans. I just like to offer a different way at looking at things. I tend to look at things differently than others do (call that a benefit or a deffiency depending on what side of the fence youre on, I guess).
  4. Trust me, I havent taken much of what Kevin has said seriously for quite sometime. While he does have a hard job in P.R. there, I dont think he's the guy for it. He seems more interested in prooving a customer wrong when a customer has a complaint than listening to them and resolving it. I dont think its intentional ,Im sure hes a good enough guy, he might have his hands tied by his bosses and it comes out in frustration (been there before myself), if thats the case I wish someone would offer him a position with some real lattitude either that or H.G. get more on the ball <dont ask me to hold my breath> .
  5. Depends, what health plan are you on? Well Im glad to hear that, I hoped that was the case. Like I said if you have a need for me to elaborate by all means... ask me. Just as I would do with you. When it comes down to it , theyre just cartoons!!! <ducking for cover> No, Im not trying to get you to accept Robotech. Why should anything have a next installment. Why should Macross? Why should Star Wars? Why should Harry Potter? The answer to your question is that your question is rhetorical. Youre set in the belief that there shouldnt be, are you willing to say that you are truely open to such a solution if it was presented to you? Dude, my high school was lucky to be even able to offer Shakespear for people to read. They couldnt even teach the Constitution to most of the kids, much less have someone read what they might have called "modern litereature" . And by the time that show was on I was what, in my late twenties? I was probable at the drag strip running dial ins or some other race track at the time it was on. Should I ever get time to read books other than the ones getting thrown at me in school (Im going back for my degree) maybe Ill give it a shot, but right now, Im not picking up anything published-wise other than the occasional Motor Trend.
  6. Okay, that works. That complaint is what I've heard from several people in the past about not being able to get Macross stuff. Should I hear that again , I'll be sure to refer them to here to have you guys help them find it.
  7. It also seems that the Alpha also has more protection of vital components that the Valks do . The Valks seem to be more a "mission orientated" philosophy, put the extra weapons packs if you need them (and have access to them). The Alpha's philosophy seems to be "take into account all possibilites and work a comprimise in those roles"(give alittle bit of speed and manuerabilty here for firepower and toughness here, etc.), however they do have the Betas as a supplement (dont ask me why the Betas arent crewed, Ive been asking myself that for years). So yes, I agree with the way youve stated that. Yes , I was let down with the "dogfights" in S.C. , they had blown a really good opportunity there, especially the scene where they were trying to establish Maia as this "ace" pilot shooting down twenty some-ought enemy craft in one "furrball", it really wasnt convincing.
  8. Last I've heard, the complaint is that H.G. is making it hard for Macross products to make it into the U.S., is this not true?
  9. H.G., just as any company can work harder, it just requires the decision to do so and the will power to make it happen a little more planning wouldve been key in making S.C. a better product. McKeever loves to say how profitable and succcessfull they are. I say take that success, take that profit, convert it into capital and do something with it. If they dont want to , sell it to a company that does. Take everything else you hated about Robotech/Shadow Chronicles, would you agree that Shadow Chronicles wouldv'e been more palatable if just the dialogue had been improoved by say, 25%? That wouldve gone a long way in moving that franchise forward. The worst part is that members of thier fan base complained about it , and instead of listening, they portrayed them as the enemy . I have never said H.G. is willing to do the things that I suggested. Heck I plain doubt that they will, but that doesnt mean I shouldn't say it with the thought that it will get a few more people thinking about it and maybe roll with it.
  10. Beyond, On these two points; 1) In my opinion, they shouldn't bother updating the Valk's design, they arent being used by Earth , her colonies or the Expeditionary Force for about twenty years or so. They use the Alpha's and Beta's. I would say that Earth had a doctrinal change that changed what they needed in a fighter, now the Alphas offer a more flexible of a platform than the Valks were able to (what appear to be a larger weapons payload and more protection for components, etc.) , the Logan and A.G.A.X. were also on a more ground support capable kick (the Logan was a story of a plane become "jack-of-all-rades-master-of none" in my opinion) The E.D.F. even used non transformable fighters as thier mainstay intercept force(to its detrement) almost like they were trying to stretch the military budget to fit the better equipped R.E.F. while funding the E.D.F. . Like I've said earlier, if you use the last Forty years of the United States militaries arsenal as a comparison point, they dont look the same as the stuff that out now. Also take into account the frequency of air power used in Robotech, that amount of conflict spurs change faster in comparison to the amount of air combat seen by our armed forces that The U.S. has had over the same span of time. 2) I'm still not that familiar with this forum design. Im sorry that it annoys you , but Im trying to get more confident with it and Im tryng to keep the my discussions better organized by putting them to one "reply" each. Hopefully, Ill get better soon. B.T.W. whats Brave New World? Is it anime? ( I only get to see like maybee one or two new series a year).
  11. I would love to stick to the arguement you make as long as you stick to the ones I was making, I really feel that you havent . I respect that you dont like Robotech, thats fine with me. I've tried to say how Shadow Chronicles and Rising couldve/would be better via better a staff and better development and planning and not using Macross as well as criticized the parties at be on its shortfallings. Youv'e responed in kind on how the only good Robotech is a dead Robotech which is your right to believe but is hardly anything to add to the topic and hardly respectfull to my points as well. As much as people can say Im insulting , theres been more than enough of it going to me and Im not one to lay down while taking a beating and Ive been known to stay on the recieving end either. Whn I have been proven wrong, I have openly admitted it and tried to add to the conversation on the way people see things. When you questioned my assesment of what you said, I told you where I was comming from and narrowed it down (even though, honestly I picked up a tone of insult from the way you questioned it, but wrote it off maybee I shouldnt of, oh well). I never meant to imply that your hatred of Robotech doesnt stem from Robotech, I meant to imply that it doesnt JUST stem from Robotech, sort of "thou doth protest too much" kinda thing like theres something underneath. When it comes down to it, if you want this topic to be primarily about talking bad about H.G. and Robotech yourre not really looking for discussion, discussion contains constructive critisims as well as points of contention. Maybe the Mod's should change this thread to "How Robotech sucks and H.G. is evil" because thats the only thing some people seem interested in discussing, would this be more accurate?
  12. If you were reffering to me in saying someone getting banned from RT.com , youve been skipping over posts yourself, I wasnt banned from RT.com, never had been ever. I walked away after I got tired of the way they treated people there that questioned them and accused people of being fanboys (some for even being "Macross" fan boys) so oure barking up the wrong tree there.
  13. Its not off topic , I'm relating what was said about the Shadow Chronicles not following Robotech history of fighter design to a historical basis for my arguement on it .
  14. The same can be said about all fan groups. Then Big West needs to find another way in then. Like I said , I have nothing against Macross products getting distributed here.
  15. Im talking about the actuall anime.
  16. Well then, I guess you dont get what you want. Ive learned that when its in enough of an entitys best interests that they will mend a fence or a bridge. Maybe Big West doesnt consider the American anime market worth it enough to pony up some fence mending to bring you Macross here?
  17. Thats your opinion.
  18. Like that never been done before. Initially the F-4 Phantom wasnt even desinged with guns because the latest selling point was missiles in air to air combat , then the Mig pilots started dancing in close so as the missiles were ineffective would that be akin to your refference? .Which main fighter are you arguing this time?
  19. <begin sarcasm> I totally agree . Due to the fact many Macross fans get a burr up thier butt at the mention of Robotech, H.G. should just shut thier doors and not make anything. The world will be at peace again.<end sarcasm> Theres a saying about auto mechanincs, if they arent complaining, they arent happy.Trust me on this, auto mechanics love to complain, and theyll find something to complain about if the previous complaint is resolved. I think the scenario is the same here. After you kill Robotech, you'll have to find another series that conflicts with Macross. Will it be that Mospeada is a total rip-off of Macross? Or that Project A-Ko insulted Macross's integrity in some scenes? Or some new series I havent even seen yet has some big battle-carrier thing and confronts aliens "and that just aint right man!!!" ??? No one puts a gun to your head and says "buy Shadow Chronicles and Shadow Rising" in a thick Russian accent. You can get a group together that wants Robotech dead, raise some money along side of Big West so they can give H.G. an offer they cant refuse. Or make an appeal with Big West and H.G. to work together to bring Macross here for you. H.G. does want to make money, an effort to bring Macross to the U.S. can be equally beneficial for the two groups.
  20. Thats all fine and good, but Ive been talking pretty much the whole time about Shadow Chronicles and its "follow-up" Shadow Rising. New Gen and Shadow Chronicles are set circa 2040 where the "fighters of the line" are the Alphas and Betas and thier derivatives (Shadow Alphas, Betas and "Super-Shadow" fighters). Shadow Chronicles is set in the timeline of the last two episodes of the New Generation and within a couple days of the Invid leaving the Earth. The mecha presented are within realistic expectations of what could have been developed, especially since the R&D guys would still be following up on projects on fighting the Invid. As far the fighters following in the lines of previous equipment. Why should they? Forty years ago the U.S. air arsenal's main line aircraft was the F-4 Phantom multirole, the Navy was begining to ramp up the F-14 Tomcat which was a pure air to air machine and designed to protect the carrier task force (towards the end of its life it was modded to prefrom air support duties) . The F-4's , A-7's and A6's (and in the Eighties F/A-18's) made up the majority of the Navies airpower. The Air Force had the F-4 also , but was also working towards the F-15 and in the mid-seventies the F-16 as well (not to mention one one my fav's the A-10). Today most of the aircraft I mentioned have been retired or relegated to second or third line duty ( there hasnt even been any true air wars to spur innovation in this field), and the new generation of planes comming out are as similar to the Phantom II and the Tomcat as the Tomcat and Phantom II have to WWII prop planes or Korean war vintage jets that filled a similar role. With time and neccessity things change.
  21. Ive never been against H.G. working with the powers that be (in this case big West?) to bring the "total" Macross product over to the U.S. and other markets that H.G. has influence in and help distribute it. As a matter of fact, I'm all for it. As far as them stop making Robotech all together, thats where you and I differ. I understand that you dont like Robotech, thats fine, your entitled to your opinions and beliefs. I like Robotech and I am just as entitled to my opinions and beliefs. I think they can make future projects and help distribute Macross's products, especially if there is a deal made that is mutually beneficial to Big West and H.G. .
  22. Hey guys, I'm in a pickle. As I've mentioned on the other sections in Mospeada/New Generationland , I broke my Toynami Shadow Alpha (shocker). I was setting it up in my display case in place of my Green Alpha/Legioss ,who will be getting moved in my "Alpha-Beta-McRibb combo" section , it was fresh from the box (knowing how fragile ShadowAlphas have been in the past it was N.R.F.B.) . While trying to bring the landing gear out to connect it to the exterior panel, my finger slipped and I snapped the right-hand "strake" on its pivot-point. In the attached picture (Thanks VF') , the area where Bernards right foot is placed (the "strake") is the area that is broken on mine. Does anyone have a beat up Toynami Shadow Fighter that I might be able to buy from them (with that part intact, of course)? Worst case, any Toynami Alphas for that matter, but preffereable a Shadow. I can make a payment through paypal if need be. Thanks in advance, Whammy' )
  23. Hey guys, I'm in a pickle. As I've mentioned on the other sections in Mospeada/New Generationland , I broke my Toynami Shadow Alpha (shocker). I was setting it up in my display case in place of my Green Alpha/Legioss ,who will be getting moved in my "Alpha-Beta-McRibb combo" section , it was fresh from the box (knowing how fragile ShadowAlphas have been in the past it was N.R.F.B.) . While trying to bring the landing gear out to connect it to the exterior panel, my finger slipped and I snapped the right-hand "strake" on its pivot-point. In the attached picture (Thanks VF') , the area where Bernards right foot is placed (the "strake") is the area that is broken on mine. Does anyone have a beat up Toynami Shadow Fighter that I might be able to buy from them (with that part intact, of course)? Worst case, any Toynami Alphas for that matter, but preffereable a Shadow. I can make a payment through paypal if need be. Thanks in advance, Whammy'
  24. Those are really cool!! Are those "crabs" still available to buy somewhere? And to they have to other types as well?
  25. Thanks VF' , the are where Bernards right foot is placed (the "strake") is the area that is broken on mine. Does anyone have a beat up Toynami Shadow Fighter that I might be able to buy from them (with that part intact, of course)? Worst can any Toynami Alphas for that matter, but preffereable a Shadow. I can make a payment through paypal if need be. Thanks in advance, Whammy'
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