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Everything posted by Whamhammer

  1. Isnt immenent domain where the govt compells you to sell them your property? I know that the government is buying up everything else, but I dont think theyve gotten that far yet..... yet....
  2. Honestly all H.G. has IS Robotech. I really would be behind a production company that is able to work on the project with a degree of effort to actually buy the franchise rights to Robotech. If that company wanted to they could let H.G. distribte it (provided they can offer the best capabilty in competition).But they need to get a real production company involved and H.G. to not being the ones with thumbs up or down on the project.
  3. I can understand where you are comming from. What it comes down for me is I like it and see an opportunity that H.G. is going to screw up unless they are willing to put a serious effort into it that they didnt show in thier most recent release. I wouldnt be against the franchise being sold to a comany that would be willing to put a serious effort into it. What I mean by "American" is more the actual location that the product is developed and produced.
  4. better watch out!!! Im breaking into the batussi!!!!!
  5. They certainly arent stiff , but I wouldnt say that they are agile in the concept as anime mecha are. The thirty meter hex concept is also used to convey maneuvering along with the notion that a phase is the equivalent of ten seconds as well which allows for motion correections too.
  6. There is an optional rule for the cockpit to be moved to the center torso, but if the center torso's inner structure (one of the most common hit locations being center mass) is hit theres a chance that a critical hit will destroy the cockpit (and pilot) and if the structure is depleted by damage , everthing in the center torso is disabled (in this case, killing the pilot). The heads not a bad spot to have in the tabletop game, theyve made it hard for a head hit to happen , you have to roll two six sided dice at the same time and both have to roll a six to do it (1 in 36 chance).
  7. Wow that second pix makes me think "Hmmmm ........ where did the Tau battlesuit come from."
  8. Okay, its time for me to unfirl the banner of mecha righteousness for the cause! I WANT MY RED BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. That is "bootiefull"!! I wish I had the budget to get one. Did it come with the fighters too or are they part of some other product? Is there a website that covers this product?
  10. wrongo.............. I'm Batman!!! (not Bateman!!!!!!!!!!! Batman!!!!!)
  11. I'm telling you , it was the ballet style uniforms, they ride up when you get nervous. Only in the later episodes, in the beginning ds9 was a Federation truck stop in space. Thier mashed potatoes were pretty good though. I stopped watching it untill the Dominion war hit the show.
  12. The Overlord. I guess that it is Beta like, never thought of it that way. Itd be kinda cool wit the Royal command unit linekd to the front of it. Hmmmm. McRibb............
  13. Okay, I'll give this a shot. Ill start with a little history to help out. When I first saw Robotech (summer of 85), the storyline had already been past the "Macross" portion of the story and was about a quarter way into the Robotech Masters and I followed it through to the end of New Generation, by the time the would cycle back to "the beginning" school started again (2:30 air time) and I wasnt able to see that portion till about a year or so later when the changed the timeslot to the a.m. before school. The "Battle Fortress" and Rick Hunter et al were just names . What I saw was the Robotech Masters attacking Earth trying to win technology from a ship wreckage that would help them to be able to rebuild thier power supplies before their enemy the Invid came to Earth to harvest the flower of Life which grew in the wreckage as a byproduct of the power source. They werent all that nice to the humans and we fought them to about a standstill and then the Invid came and crushed both weakened sides. The R.E.F sent waves of troops from the colonies and an expitionary force that was comming from deep space from an attempted confrontation with the Masters to kick the Invid off the planet, and you get the picture. I finally saw the Macross part, but it didnt excite me like it probably did those who saw it first. I really didnt like Ricks character all too much , I couldnt stand Minmei at all (her singing was so bad it left the Zentaedi wanted to run away in disgust! ), and I didnt like the looks of the Valks compared to the Alphas (to be fair, I prefer the looks of the F-15 over the F-14 that might have something to do with it), even though the non transforming guy with the two big guns looked pretty sweet. I thought it was okay for a beginning, but I remember really wanting to see the later stuff more. I had the large scale Gakken green Alpha and the large Cyclone (I think was Gakken too) a year before I got the Transformers Jetfire toy. I did see one of the Macross movies during a kegger. There was some guy who was a reporter that followed military gossip and followed the fighter jocks around his own jet, and the enemy had someone signing to counteract the Earth Forces signing and I cant remember much else becuase I think I drank too much and fell asleep. So as you can see , not having Macross in Robotech is not a sticking point for me . Protoculture was a fuel source from a plant, you could call it gasahol or something, it wouldnt have made a difference. To me when Scott left to go space to link up with Hunters fleet, he was just going to link up with the fleet of soldiers that he was a part of and he really digged this Admiral (I had hoped he was cooler than he was in the past). I really wasnt all that worried of what happened to Rick as much as what happened to the fleet and the ships that didnt show up for the last battle. I also figured that theyd run into some other group of aliens who we (the humans) would have to fight back. I really like the whole galaxy seige of Earth concept. I also like to see the design doctrines change as time went as well. So, I figure the way I see it being done right post Chronicles would be something like this. Dead or alive they have to find the R.E.F. flagship, it has the only highly efficent owerplant to resupply the fleet with thier power source. In the mean time the fleet needs to learn to find another way to power thier ships while fighting off the Haydonites. They also have to ditch the "Shadow" equipment and weapons the Haydonites helped them develop before they stuck the knives in their backs. The "Super-Shadows" are only so good, they arent atmospheric as well so theyre only of so much use. Standard Alphas make a good stop gap, but unless theres a way to crack thought the Haydonites "stealthiness" missiles are only so usefull, unless that made a "flak" missile that they can aim at an area as opposed to a target. Proboably a more gunslinger orientated design might be in order possibly a single or multimode (single for simplicity and numbers a dual or triple mode for flexibility) design, probably a mixture in quantities fof those to help fill the ranks of troops and machines with a realistic budget/effort/training. The Colonies will have to step up production and shift battle strategies, shouldnt be a big problem. The problem is Earth, the planets been hammered three times by aliens already and has had to struggle to keep itself together with an identity while under the Invid rule. Theyre going to be war weary and not want to fight, someones going to have to rally them. Two things can happend to the flagship once a rescue mission finally gets there (which may take a while) ; 1) Its destroyed by the Haydonite ships that stayed behind when Grant escaped to rejoin the fleet at Earth. (The most logical) 2) It was captured by the Haydonites and still would be destroyed, but the crew is captured. 3) The Haydonites decided to proceed chasing Grants ship , but the capital ships follwed further back and are what we saw fighting the R.E.F. fleet. Another Sentinel race manages to resuce the flagship but the powerplant is beyond repair. Need a new power source ( I like this one because it can introduce other races into the fray)(could turn the Nuetron S black hole making feature to an advantage, gravitic powersource technology???) This is where the better staff come in, they need to write the script to where the characters they have are more animated and develop as more likeable perosnality of thier own. These guys also cant get all these jobs done, so you need some otheracters . This would be a good place to install Reinhardt as a new leader and develop him into a good one. Dana can return to Earth and help prepare the ground forces there for conflict . where you could answer the question on why Dana and Maia dont get along, Dana has grown up from the fighting versus the Masters and the pasting Earth got from the Invid and doesnt like Maias self absorbed superiority (something she can work through), Maia never had to really deal with setback as Dana had to so she hasnt been humbled yet. (There still can be some resentment on Dana not being able to grow up with her parents on the Pioneer mission.) You dont even need thier parents in it at all. develop some new characters that have realistic depth and fill a role in the series and bring the fight to the Haydonites. It needs to be a series, a 26 episode would make sence. No time travel allowed. Market the new craft designs along with some new ships and make a new line of combat Haydonites that we havent seen yet, that actually look good. Its not perfect. But its a start. Why do I want it . Part nostalgic part I would like to see more of this series and see it become more than it has been with the prospect of working hard to make an American animation sci-fi that can work into it a more Americanised personna. Did I mention to fix the womens uniform so as not to make it a t&a show? Long day been sleepy, goonite, Whammy
  14. No way, when I drink that stuff I get the same effects as a case of "beer farts".
  15. Man, with all that funny writing how can you tell??? <Just kidding>
  16. You have to wonder what the endgame profit margin (after production, warranty and customer satisfaction issues) might be on these kind of cars . It cant be all that high.
  17. Do you remember the end of B-techII: Crescent Hawks revenge? You got that "training" mode that you could pair mech fights (with a bunch of mech choices) 12 vs. 12 .
  18. Depends on the rules set you look at. There was a set that you bailed a hex away (30m) from the mech, another was three (90m). The optional rules set that did have a possibility of engine explosions, the area of explosions was three meters and the damage was a percentage of the engines rating and reduced by a percentage of that in a specefied range from the mech. rule of thumb is that the average person was hosed (unless they drove an Urbanmech I suppose, it had a dinky engine) because it took only one point of "mech" damage to kill a foot trooper. If you went by the Mechwarrior RPG rules set it depended on how a person was built. I did know a player that was able to build a character that as tough enough (along with equipment he was able to wear in the mech, no it wasnt powered armor) that took a three "mech" points of damage and survived it, he was more or less out of commision for a long time and I think he lost an arm in the process. The man was no Kai Allard-Lao in the mech however (I think he equated to a 4 gunner and four pilot). So more or less, yes, dont be near an engine explosion . Its baaaaaaaaad!
  19. Okay !!!Thats it!!! Im calling you out!!! Sir , you are a scoundrel!!! This is worst than insulting someones mother!! How dare you say we have enough Betas!!! There is no such thing as too many Betas!!! If we had eleventie-billion-and-threeve Betas it wouldnt be enough and we would still have to list it as an endangered species!!!!! Dont you know that Betas are just like a baked potatoe? You never know when you want another, so you put on in the queue to be ready just in case!!! Betas are the things that gods dream of!!! The day that we will cure cancer will because Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer! The only way to make Chuck Norris cry is to steal his Beta, and we know that no person is tuely able to beat Chuck Norris!!! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!! <storms out of room, slams door shut and gets on cell phone> "Chuck? Hey, I just ran into someone that just talked about your mother AND they said they were going to take your Beta too!!!! You'll be right over? Great!!!!"
  21. I sure hope youre joking.
  22. I hope they do it. If there would be a (U.S.) suit involved , they should follow it to its conclsion. If Magna wins or looses it should help settle a big dispute amongst fans.
  23. The sad thing is that you might be right. Aside from derivatives of the Shadow Fighter (S.C. characters) , I dont see much comming out. I'd love to have some of the warships, or the "Synchro Tank" thing. Thats one of the things I hope in a future release of Robotech shows , products along the lines of the Alphas Betas and Cyclone really appeal to me.
  24. You know it!
  25. If you remember "Undiscovered Country", Star Trek talked about "human vs alien" relations, especially with the Klingons taking exception to the phrase "inalienable rights" during thier debate. While T.N.G. is not my favorite series, I wouldnt go as far as suggesting that the Human race and the Federation percieved themselves as superior. I think its more on the lines of having a T.V. show that was still trying to be in that 60's and 70's "wholesomeness" genre, the show was "soft" they were trying to show a galaxy that wasnt as "savage" as it was during the times of Kirk and were trying to go in the opposite direction of Kirks "cowboyness" and you get... Picard. (The ballet outfits in the first three seasons didnt help either, yick!!!)
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