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Everything posted by Whamhammer

  1. I understand agree with that. What I was saying was that the way that the staff caries themselves at times is as if you cant go anywhere else to talk about Robotech or anything related.
  2. The novels give a decent historical breakdown on the happenings in th emidst of the wars. They certainly arent the best works of writing to inhabit the sci-fi genre, you do have to have some suspension of disbelief with the stories at times. The biggest problem is that there are too many different writers with different thoughts on the product and it seems the powers that be didnt work to solidify the Battletech/Mechwarrior concept. Also the biggest travesty is when Michael Stackpole got a chance to write some "Star Wars"Rogue Squadron" novels. He was one of the better writers and did much to present a more logical storyline to the history of Battletech the chracters personalities made sence and worked. When he lead up to his work on "Rogue Squadron" , he tried to make the storyline work with the history by characters acting totally against any rationality to thier background. It was honestly hard to know the characters in the same way anymore. Other writers did good work in later novels, but the damage was done. I havent read any of thier newer works since the "Twilight of the Clans" series (with the exception of Measure of a Hero, I would recommend that one).
  3. Yeah, its almost as if they (H.G.) believe if they "controll" thier web-site and the people who inhabit it (by fear of banning and other punishments) that they dont need to be able to have an effective P.R./Customer Relations section. Its almost as if they think Robotech.com is their own "Pravda" (sp? ) and what is said there is the only thing to be said. The fact is that alot of fans get thier info from more than one source, and when Robotech.com alienates its members (in the waythat it does) it ruins their credibility as an information source as well.
  4. Sadly , I know what you mean. I walked away from that site myself. The staff were treating fans as enemies when they were asking hard questions and mentioning concerns. I thought that the staff were misunderstanding the concerns as attacks . I tried to help by re-organizing the complaints in a more positive and what I thought a more defined way. I was immediately treated as if I was a "troller" . I honestly was in shock when I read McKeevers responce to me. I didnt expect some flowerly statement of love, but I sure didnt expect that! Anyone who knows me well enough, (and if a person were around for the four-ish years I participated there, they would know me) , would surely have not defined me as a troller. For that staff to treat the fans (myself included) the way that they have, is disgracefull. I understand positive promotion of the product, but defence of the product to the expense of belittling thier own fans is not the way to do that. By all means, let them see what thier "enemies" are seeing , and maybe enroll them in some customer relations/ customer development seminars too.
  5. It sure as hell better come with my McRibb sammich!!!
  6. You dont know how much that show entertained infantrymen around the world. I cant remember a time where I wasnt in the field during an excecise and someone would bring up that group of bad guys in that Jeep getting blown up and out of thier ride in slow motion. Brings back the memories.........
  7. But why would they want Hannibal to die???? Thats what Liam Neeson does best!
  8. My question would be , if Yamato was do do the project with a better quality than Toynami/Aoshima's version, what would the pricing point be set at?
  9. The Fighters actually come with the kit, nice. Maybe if this run is sold out, they will decide to make more runs and it might lower the price some. I would love to get one.
  10. Can you send me the link to that companies website??
  11. Gui, I'm not sure if your reffering to Starship Troopers original written work , or the movie. Just to be sure , VF is talking about the original written work.
  12. I love you too........
  13. Wow, I'm seriously in shock and awe. I actually agree with Jeebers on something (military story and advisors)! I think that this is a first!!! Next thing you know, I'll find out he loves a good think crust pizza too!!
  14. I hope that H.G. is "monitoring" other websites , they might actually hear the legitimately good ideas that have been discouraged on thier site by people who have no idea on what customer service is about.
  15. Final Countdown , but this time with the song from Europe in it! Doing re-makes are really hard to do. Sometimes, its better to watch a spoof that pays homeage to it. The "Living Dead" remakes were painfull. Might as well have been watching "Attack fo th eKiller Tomatoes"....
  16. The seen with the guy griping about his fellow soldier setting off a nuke "too close" to him would be hillarious!!!
  17. Honestly, best thing to think about a Battletech mech is to think it as the next step in armored combat from a tank. Its more powerfull, somewhat more agile. In a tank you have to move the turret to get a bead on the enemy, in a mech you have the torso and all the joints to bring into line while keeping your balance with its legs. Also where tanks have from three to five crew , most mechs are only one guy. Its almost litteraly Robot-Jox (as much as Im sad to say anything about Robot-Jox at all), Solaris VII almost screams it.
  18. Oh yeah, glad you can read, cookies in the mail.
  19. What in Hades was that supposed to mean?? If the FASA mechs were supposed to be "fast,agile, and lethal" why is it that whenever a guy (in thier stories) fires a weapon that only creates half to a quarter of the mechs heat sinks ability to dissepate heat theyre sweating to death in the cockpit? I'm giving answers on game mechainics, and youre looking for a flowery dissertation that fills in all loopholes between A GAME and reality?
  20. I cant vote in this, theres no option of only saying Id buy the green one
  21. Also , its where that power is, how much you can rev it, and what the gearing is. It looked to me like the F-1 was geared shorter and/or hit its rev peak sooner. You can have all the power to weight you want, but if your set up to max at the half mile mark and the other guy gives the gearing up to keep reving further down the road , once you overcome interia youll push through.
  22. Before they can be ready to do that , they need to show some progress. If they can shave 200 pounds off the Camaro and tune the suspenion better for a more confident handling feeling , then they should be able to go retro and make it worth it.
  23. On "MEMO"s spelling and grammar, isnt English his second language? I was under the impression that he is from South or Central America.
  24. Thanks, I started getting cornfuzed there. Plus , I wouldve never said that. I HATE "FIVE GUYS", their burgers are slimy.........
  25. You do know I was kidding , right? Just figured I'd intro some levity into the fray.
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