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Everything posted by Whamhammer

  1. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you keep on counting that money your going to make. Your millions can set next to the millions that are building up in the value of my 02 WS-6 Trans Am....
  2. After working for Toyota for 15 years, Ive come to the conclusion that Toyota couldnt make a real performance car if thier lives depended on it. Theyre to busy fawning over themselves while offering cars that pretend to be sporty or luxury with techno-b.s. features on thier cars that are in a constant state of campaigns (what they call it when they catch a problem before your forced to do a recall). Thier new moto for Toyota should be "Toyota , when you really want to say Buick in Japanesse".
  3. I wouldnt go that far. The G8 was well liked by those in the know. Holden never forgot how to make better cars, its a shame GM US didnt work closer with Holden in the 90's. The real game killer for GM has had in the last thirty years was its marketing corps, they couldnt have promoted ice water to people in hades.
  4. Only thing I can think is that the Haydonites wouldnt use the Neutron S's because it uses protoculture energy as a catalyst. They are capable of the knowledge and application of the energy but being that is so "stigmatic" they wont use it themselves, they helped the REF with it as a sort of irony "Protuculture addicts" destroying themselves by protoculure itself.
  5. 1. There could be a million and a half answers for that, not going to think about it. Ill take what I can get from the basic concept. 2. 3.
  6. The way that the scenes of the shuttle looked, those are the general areas where one of the shuttles were. Perhaps this was an error made by the C.G. guys. This might give them room to make bigger craft, or not. Typical science fiction mistake at worst. I think the BSG vibe would be the whole "were trapped, doomed and mired in chaos" thing. The reboot B.S.G. was so depressing, everytime I tuned in I needed to schedule a therapy appointment. I have enough of that in my life to enjoy it as entertainment. I sure hope that S.U. doesnt go that route, I also dont want to see another Star Trek:Voyager either. They have more than enough opportunites to go down the middle and make it good. Time will tell.
  7. The cockpit was larger put didnt apprear to be as seprated from the rear of the shuttle which was smaller area that a PJ. Id say there pretty close in size, just different layouts. I'd say the PJ was more utilitarian of design, where the Desinty's shuttle was primarily for short term research.
  8. It cant be that big if youre judging by that photo. The shuttle scene left me the with impression that the shuttle was "Puddlejumper" sized. I'd guess that that ship is smaller than a Wraith cruiser.
  9. Its going to have to mesh alot better than it has for me to intently watch it.
  10. Dont get me wrong, I own all three of the available Betas and love them. I just think it would be nice to have a "piggyback" mode only version that was cheap enough to put with all of my fighters (I own a bunch). Also it wouldnt be as expensive to custom paint and mod a "cheapy" one. (I have a paint scheme Im dying to paint up, but not for 230 bux worth of Alpha-Betas!!!).
  11. I wish someone would come out with a "cheaper" fighter mode only Beta that linked to Alphas and was fully detailed(inculding missile pods). How many people (like myself) just have them as piggybacks for the Alphas anyways?
  12. That does seem to be a re-occuring theme over there. Especially when a customer/fan has a complaint, it seems that things get brought around to the customer/fan not knowing anything on how a movie/show/website/toy is made and they have unrealistic expectations. You can explain some expectations as unrealistic or ridiculous, but that many???
  13. I've seen the video they gave to prospective retailers for Rtech toys in 85 before the shows release (came as part of the box set I got, along with sentinels ep 1) . They did specificaly target girls for a fan base due to the idea that there were many female characters in the show that would be considered "role-model" or "heroin" types.
  14. It doesnt look all that great. Why should we be buying it over a GT500???
  15. Is sci-fi making it available for download? We got rid of our Direct T.V. over the winter and never got anything to replace it. My g.f and I loved Atlantis.
  16. They are? I saw some at the K.B. Toys STILL for sale a few years back for like three bucks during their store closing sale. Mostly that Robotech Masster guy and a Zent' warrior. And no, I didnt buy them.
  17. True , they are less complicated. I prefer the color scheme that Toynami used of the others too. I wished Toynami had done more with thematerials in the Alphas, especially the Shadows. They show a brittleness that the painted Blue and Greens didnt. Only reason I broke my Blue Alpha was that I was showing it off in sub zero weather(I left it in my car to show a co-worker) and tried to transform it (bad idea). Other than that the only ones Ive had problems with were Shadows. Im not so keen on the Valks, I can never seen to get the gunpod to fit in the hand and make it look like the mecha is actually holding it with a proper grip .
  18. I think you have to also look at the fact that in the original Alien and Alien 3 you saw a single alien dealing with more or less unarmed foes that they were able to stalk and probably study before the kill. The Marines were able to fight back. If you remember the colonists rearlly werent equipped (or trained) to put up a fight and fought a totally improvised loss. The aliens instincts wouldve been to react as they did to the colonists and to primarily capture as opposed to kill outright. Yeah, being in that plant should have been a wipe out, but those motion trackers going off while the aliens were setting up for the kill might have been the only thing that gave the humans a chance to put up a fight. They did adapt and change to "zerg" tactics in responce. Of course were all probably looking to much into it.
  19. Malfing Klickygarbage!!!!
  20. Darrin, Sorry to hear about your Shadow Alpha breaking. Mine did the same thing too. I think the problem is in the plastic they primarily used on the Shadow. I think whatever chemical they used to produce the "tint" in the plastic made them brittle as well. Im in the proccess of hunting down a replacement part that is not off of a Shadow and custom matching the shade and glossiness to match. I'm seriously thinking of talking to a friend into making replacement parts out of a more pliable material and custom matching the paint work myself. Of course the problem is time for me, but we will see how it goes. Maybe if we can do it, and do it well enough we might be able to cast custom "moded" parts. Well see. Another heads up, when working the arms, I suggest using a "Jewlers" screwdriver to bring out the arms during transformation. Youll be able to move the parts without putting pressure on them (I had a warrantied Shadow Alpha when they first came out that broke that way). Luckily, I only use my Shadow for display purposes.
  21. The Beta fighters were more than worth thier price to me . In my opinion, based upon the offerings by the other companies out there (price included), the Toynami Beta is the better product. Different strokes for different folks.
  22. Actually, the 2007 "project" I was referring to ,mostly, was "Shadow Rising" . I probably shouldve been more direct about that. The point I was trying to make is about H.G. in general. You could plug in any product in the equation, Shadow Chronicles, Shadow Rising , R.:L.A.M., or the most important and reverred Beta fighter, the end result seems to be the same. Hmmmm maybe a new Algebriac proof is in order. The "Agrama effect'? naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..........
  23. Lemme know what youre selling and how much .
  24. Its a shame. It couldve lead to a really good "American" company once they were able to design and build thier own cars.
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