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About Whamhammer

  • Birthday 11/25/1972

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. Read the thread of insults being cast again , and make the decission. Im not interested in the sort of insults like Im getting here from this guy. I really dont have time for it. Azreal, I leave it for you to sort out. My E-mail address is in my info section. Let me know how it goes.
  2. Did a SmartCar and a Lotus Exige have sex and spew that thing out?
  3. I understand that, but Ive seen Top Gear and love the show,but I know sometimes they get a little bit silly on thier "fluff-pieces".
  4. Im not that close anymore (even though, you really should clean your houseswindows more, I cant peek in!!! ) . I live near Aberdeen Proving Grounds now , about an hour to an hour and a half drive from D.C. depending on Baltimore and D.C.'s traffic.
  5. Are the "Yo' momma" insults next in line?
  6. "V", do you need a hug? Im sensing a fair deal of negativity from you.
  7. Well, at least we got our Betas now and they were worth it. Unless they start comming our with Hovertanks or a really good new product, I'm happy with not buying anything. Especially since Im paying out of pocket for college now. I odnt need any "gotta havitts" right now. Only thing Im looking at right now is seasons four and five of Slayers. Even if H.G. comes out with something worthwhile, Ill have probably finished the Associates degree and be able to mop up the bachelors in sweet time. No rush for me.
  8. Yeah, sometimes those guys get a little silly in thier challenges. Like the fullsize r.c. car for instance. I'd take that "challenge" with a grain of salt. Lotus tend to be unarmoured vehicles and it would make more sence to use Folding Fin Aerial Rockets of a Hellfire on them , for obvious reasons.
  9. I never said less weight overcomes inertia easier, its one way to make performance, but not the only way. I never said the Solstice was a "Super-car" its never been suggested that way, I said it was a great platform. I'm not looking at the Solstice as a race car, but as a daily driver roadster that the masses can afford and enjoy. If I wanted something closer to a "race-car" I'd buy a Corvette Grand Sport or Porsche Boxter/Cayman S, pay $60k for it and do a few tweaks . Thats not affordable, nor is anything with a Lotus badge (even though they are a great performance value, giving up much to do with comfort), even walking in at what $45k? Affordable in my book is thinking to myself, "For about the same money, I can buy a loaded Camry V-6." Where are you getting your info on the Lotus evading Apahces? Number one, why would someone want to do that was this a one off?, number two do that enough and no matter how quickly you can turn , youre taking a dirtnap FFAR shrapnel kills in an area of effect.
  10. I've already said my beliefs on that. Futility or not , there is still hope. And to be a fan is to have hope.
  11. Thanks Jason . I try to keep an open mind on any issue I wander into (just imagine the fun of that, while being raised five miles from Washington D.C. , lol!!). There are some times where I feel a challenge to my fandom here from those with less affection for Robotech than I have, but for that matter I was challenged to defend my fandom on RT.com when I had better expectations of H.G. and Robotech by fans and staff alike there as if I hated Robotech. I dont like the way the some of the hate has come out on both sides of the issue. Im for furthering understanding, as long as its out of true interest and not made to insult. There are people who are going to bash something , no matter what explanation is given to them. And true even though Im not as crazy with Macross as most are, there is some interest, and I respect it for it being quality anime (except for the musical dogfighting thing, thats just wrong!! ) If youd remember about three or so years ago there was someone that showed up on RTech.com that only wanted to say bad things about Rtech and praise Macross . I tried to difuse the person and promote understanding not win them over to a "superiority" of Robotech ,while others called to ban him/her outright. Once it was obvious that they werent interested in discussion, just bashing ,I bid them well and told them I wouldnt have discussion with them anymore. I would take issue with the same sort of person who would do the same thing about Macross.
  12. I disagree on the Macross Purist point. I think your definition is closer to what a Macross Fan would be. I'd call a Purist to Macross being akin to what you define as a Harmony Gold Fundamentalist for Robotech. As you could figure by what I've said in the past, I would go with being a "Robotech Lover". I watched it as a younger self and enjoyed the storylines being tied together and the progession from Robotech Masters to The New Generation (and later seeing the tie in with the first "Macross" segment as well) and still like watching it. I like the use of the "narrator" , its an interesting way to move a story forward in this case. I'm not anchored to directly having "Macross" in any further projects , and actually dont want to see "Macross" in any further projects. I also dont think all roads lead to Macross for the Robotech fan. I've seen some of the Macross products via friends in the past and havent felt compelled to buy any of them. I still havent seen Zero and that does interest me from what Ive seen from the You Tube videos of its scenes put to music (I particullarly like the Ramstien video). I've moved on to Bubblegum Crisis (didnt like 2040), Hellsing, and Slayers as an example. I'm sure I can't be the only one out there that feels this way.
  13. Mechwarrior doesnt need that little part. It did fine in the previous games since MW:II . That couldve been a Templar or Black Knight for all it mattered in place of a Warhammer and it wouldve been just as good.
  14. Im a Robotech Fan. I did watch is when I was younger . I still watch it and enjoy it. I like the sagas progression from the Robotech Masters to New Generation stoylines (and I later saw the "Macross" portion ) being tied together as one story. I like the "narrator" aspect and think it works well. I like the "history" brought about of tying the three sagas together. I like the fact that it gave me an alternative to the status quo of cartoons of the time. I believe that the original Macross would never have been picked up for t.v. airing in my area as it was. As far as future Robotech projects, I'd be more than happy to see any future projects without direct ties to "Macross" . I think it doesnt have a place in the future. I also dont think all rods lead to Macross for a Robotech fan. In the past I've seen some of the Macross continuations and was never compelled to try to buy them. I am interested in Zero, I like some of the scenes put to video on you tube (especially the Ramstien one). I've moved on to Bubblegum Crisis (I didnt like 2040), Hellsing , and Slayers to name a few. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. As far as what you call a Macross purist, Id call that a fan. I've seen groups on the Macross community who are venomus and full of contempt to those who like Robotech. Id call the more venomous crowd purists , theyre closeto what you describe a H.G. fundamentalist. I also think the Robotech Fans base schism has already occurred by the way H.G. has treated its base,of which I am an example.
  15. There wasnt a resolution on the fate of that group that went to the other planet. Hopefully, we wont.
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