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Everything posted by bishopcruz

  1. Ditto, I just can't think of one currently. I mean the level of information in the interviews is ridiculously specific. But, I guess the researcher side of me won't rest until I get confirmation of well, anything. And still, the only Macross Radio I can find for that date is August 8, and it doesn't seem like it has much of an interview in it. I really hate to doubt the info, but i dunno, something smells a bit fishy, especially because it seems like NOTHING can currently be found about all the assumptions about Ohnogi and Kawamori. Really, if ANYONE can confirm anything from these interviews, please do. I hope this is all a mistake or something, because it's kinda disheartening. Here's the show that it should be, my Japanese isn't good enough to make out most of it.
  2. Yeah, got in PMed him, hopefully he can shed some light on this. It's just getting really weird that there is not much Japanese language confirmation of any of this. Ok, what's the talk of 3 different Macross Radio programs btw? The only one I have ever found was called: マクロスF○※△, and it seems that there was one for 08/08, just not 08/09. I found reference however to a Famitsu article on Macross Frontier which supposedly mentioned Ohnogi, trying to track it down, mainly failing. It came out sometime in October. If anyone can find it. I'm gonna ask around NeoGAF and see if anyone might still have/remember that issue, but I can't find the interview online. Then again I don't know if Famitsu mirrors its articles online.
  3. Ok, been unsuccessful getting into the data section of Macross Generation as of yet, will likely take me some time. Also found this nicovideo link: Right here It appears to be the Macross Radio that deals with episode 24, but my Japanese is so damned out of practice I can barely make heads or tails of it. I'd think that if an ep on 24 existed and there was an interview with Ohnogi on it, it'd be this one. If it isn't it could be an earlier episode. Apparently there have been about 50 or so. Edit: Never mind, it doesn't seem like they are focusing on a particular episode on this one, read it wrong I guess. On the bright side there is a Nakajima version of Angel's Paint that I hadn't heard before. It sounds really good.
  4. I dunno, SDFM had its share of triangle related heartbreak, and it could efinitely go for the melorama. I did notice the similarities to the KOR triangle when i was watching Frontier though, Sheryl did remind me of Madoka a whole lot, Ranka was a slightly more annoying Hikaru as well. I again would have little problem with a KOR style resolution mainly because 'I want to return to that day' was considered one of the all time great triangle resolutions in anime history for a long time. Hell, it probably still is.
  5. I would have been cool with that too. The ending felt too abrupt. Need to finally get through M7, could not get past the first 10 eps. I tried 3 times. Failed every time. The final episode is masterfully directed, and is full of win, it just ends WAY too abruptly for my tastes, especially with the amount of character investment that the series had given us. An ep like we discussed above, and it probably would have been a much more satisfying conclusion.
  6. Maybe, but it's nowhere near as good as: "A man and a woman? A man and a woman? It must be PROTOCULTURE!" I've been toying with the idea of making sing-along lyrics for some of the Frontier songs, but that'll have to wait until my 60 pages or so of papers I have due this term are done.
  7. Use of English in anime is notably poor. It was far worse in the eighties than it is now. That's about it.
  8. I still say that the Ep. 27 of SDFM felt much more resolved than the last episode of Frontier. Just rewatched it actually, and it doesn't really leave things hanging near as much as say the RT version (which for a myriad of reasons is still the version i immediately think of when I remember the ep in my head.) Frontier has the following to resolve: The LT Grace and the Galaxy Dealing with the Vajra on their planet. The next steps with fold quartz. Leon. Alto and his family. and quite a few more minor things. We still have yet to see how exactly a colonization actually happens, and with the new abundance of fold quartz that the Frontier fleet now has in their possession, humanity is on the cusp of being able to do exploration on a level that the SDFM crew could only have dreamed of. There is more than enough meat for a second season. Hell, even a coda episode would have helped immensely, Tylor's final couple of episodes are a great example of what I'm talking about, or hell the last episode of Tenchi Muyo! TV would work as well. Oh and one last thing: You can disagree with me about Frontier all you want. But badmouth KOR, and we'll have words. Stern, stern, words. Ok, I lied, another last point: If most of the above issues had been dealt with during the series proper, than I'd probably be less annoyed at the lack of a coda. But as awesome of an episode as 25 was, with everything that was left hanging, it doesn't feel complete, it doesn't bother finishing off its main threads, and it just leaves me (and many others) feeling unsatisfied. For me Macross has always been less about the battles and more about the aftermath. Macross F's ending couldn't be arsed to care about it.
  9. Here's what I could figure out from the screen cap. I hear you calling me tenderly And I see you coming to me when I am down with loneliness You walk over, and I wait with my eyes closed. Though my heart was clouded with tears until yesterday. I felt my heart beating with joy now. Do you remember the moment our eyes met for the first time? Do you remember the moment that our hands came in touch? Oh it was the first glimmer of love between you and me. I beleive(?) I love you so. Not horrible english, I mean not great by any stretch but for 1984, not bad at all. Also, the Christine Vee song wasn't bad either. Not amazing, but she has potential, much better than the Nyan Nyan duet I saw on YouTube. Ouch.
  10. But there are character and plot things left to mine, much in the same way SDFM did. You could say much the same thing you're saying about Frontier at the end of episode 27 of SDFM. Humanity had survived, they had made peace with the Zentradi, the earth was bettered, but everyone was alive, and Ichijo was in good with both of his love interests. It COULD have ended there, and been just as resolved, if not more so, than Frontier was. The fact that it didn't is what elevated the show. SK wanted it to have ended at 27. I'm thankful he didn't get his way. The reason people are generally dissatisfied with the lack of resolution to the triangle is mainly because it was focused on so very damn much in the Frontier. For better or worse (and often both), the main storyline about the Vajra and Grace was pretty much a backdrop for the space opera to play out. By not finishing it off, it leaves the main plot thread of the series pretty much hanging. I'd also disagree about the big question about the love triangle. Who would live and die was important, but I never particularly felt that the friendship of Sheryl or Ranka was ever at risk. I mean it seems silly that in SDFM where the LT didn't get as much time as it did in Frontier we got more resolution. I mean really. More time was spent on relationships in this series than any other Macross, and there were still a lot of threads left hanging. Not only with the main cast, but with others as well. New take for Macross I suppose, but a rather boring one. Also implausible in execution, and devoid of personality. Grace and the galaxy tried to fill the whole 'evil' role, but they were also poorly defined. As I'm rewatching this series with my roommate I'm again reminded of the highs and lows of the series. The highs are absolutely fantastic, and there are less and less lows as the series continues. Even the final episode was great, but it needed a better send off for the characters that we have spent so much time with. Hell, one more episode that decided to take the time to cap things off would have been preferable. I guess it's still kinda infuriating that a show that has some of the best directed scenes I have seen in a long time, and both truly amazing, as well as heart-wrenching moments faltered as it did in so many other key areas. The lack of resolution to multiple threads being the main one. Asking questions and then refusing to provide adequate answers is just lazy storytelling. It kinda reminds me of BSG, while there are parts of this show I will love forever, the last bits of it kinda taint the rest of the show.
  11. It's really hard to get attached to bugs. I mean they simply are. With no consciousness that we can see it just becomes an animal entity without personality. I really began disliking the Vajra around the time they became the borg, y'know adapting to be able to survive a nuke in the face. But maybe that's just me. Wierd bug races CAN be done well, see the Zerg from Starcraft, but without SOME sense of connection it's pretty hard to make them a sympathetic misunderstood or redeemable villain. Another quick point on the ending: Upon rewatching another reason I think that the story NEEDS to continue is the fact that there is practically no closure at all to the whole Galaxy plot thread. We know Battle Galaxy was destroyed, but we know nothing about the rest of the fleet. Grace is likely still alive along with the rest of her Cylon buddies, especially if they had direct access to pretty much the whole galaxy. What happened to all the voices in her head? The galaxy domination plot couldn't have just ended here with this battle. Not to mention I NEVER understood Grace's hate lines. Ever. Did she hate the Vajra? Did she hate regular humans? Did she hate everyone? And why? What reason did she have for that much hatred. I can get hating the Vajra, but wanting to see humanity enslaved and mindless seemed kinda odd. This ending felt more akin to a season finale than a series one.
  12. I have a Gateway MX-6453 running an ATI 200M and a Turion TL-52. It's a laptop but it should be more than enough to decimate 720p video. Most HD stuff I have ever grabbed runs perfect on it. I dunno if it's the players (MPC and WMP) or something amiss with the codec, but even CoreAVC didn't help much, if at all. Prebuffering of the subs helped a bit, but the problem still existed. I'm thinking it may be something slightly different with later THORA encodes that doesn't like my codec setup, mainly because the earlier ones with higher bitrates work fine, and these do not. On the bright side, I grabbed SMPlater (an MPlayer frontend) and the same files play perfectly without frame skipping, forced audio sync, or anything like that. It's odd, but at least I have a work-around for now. I'm really impressed with MPlayer BTW, seems to handle everything on its own, sans external codecs at a pretty low damn resource cost. Pretty crazy.
  13. Quick question, has anyone had issues with audio/video sync with the later THORAs I was trying to watch ep 17 and the video would slow down as the audio kept at the same speed. Now what's weird is that my CPU is nowhere near 90% so it's not getting that taxed, and earlier episodes with higher bitrates play without a hitch. It's really wierd. Do later eps use a different encode or something? One place in particular that gets it really bad is Ranka's concert in 17, holy hell it slows to a crawl. Yet Sheryl's concert in episode 1 works fine. I'm using the K-lite codec pack. Any ideas?
  14. From what I understand the "radio show" is a commentary or something extra on the DVDs and not an actual broad/podcast.
  15. I can't disagree more, I think the Coda episodes are what elevated Macross from a great anime series, into an all time classic. Macross would have not been anywhere near as satisfying without them. Love Drifts Away leaves us with a surviving Macross, but the rest of the world completely destroyed, a still unresolved triangle, and a lot of questions. The final nine episodes not only allowed for a change of pace from the more or less frentic first 27, they gave the characters time to breathe, allowed THEM to take the spotlight over the action. Yeah, the animation wasn't the best, but maybe we've been watching different series because let's be honest, the animation quality in SDF could be amazing, but most of the time it struggled to be passable, and was never consistent. You are right in not seeing codas in a series today, hell, most time's we're lucky if we even get a good ending for crying out loud, or an ending at all. That doesn't mean that many of these show's don't suffer for the lack of them. Frontier suffered from it's lack of resolution, it's still one of the things that sticks in my craw about the show. I loved it a lot of the time. But the ending wasn't what it could have been, or rather should have been.
  16. Yeah, Frontier needed an aftermath arc in my opinion. Part of what made the original series so damn great was its coda episodes, the whole idea that life went on even after the major battle was amazing. Not to mention those episodes had the best character development of the entire series. With about 9-13 more episodes, focused on character development, the series could have moved from good to great.
  17. I think the idea of redoing the series to actually, y'know, fit with the current continuity is a fine one, kinda a pipe dream but fun to think about. The series can likely be condensed into fewer episodes, especially if you kill the constant flashbacks (of which there has to be at least two full episodes worth, or it seems that way.) At 26 or so episodes it'd be a lot more marketable. I'd probably 1. Get the Macross off Earth in 1, maybe 2 episodes. 2. Cut "Longest Birthday", (the Kamujin/Hikaru fight can be moved.) 3. Combine "Blind Game" -> "Big escape" into 2 episodes. (This would also be a good place to introduce the "Ai Oboeteimasuka" recording, mayhap in an area that "Misa and Hikaru" find during the escape.) 4. Cut Global report and Phantasm. 5. Begin actual Max/Milia interactions around the time of Micro Cosmos. (Meet in line for the movie, or something. You could play it up that Miria, while having no clue how to interact with Max, completely dismisses him as a possible candidate for the ace who beat her.) 6. Combine Love Concert and Dropout (Ai Oboeteimasuka premieres). 7. More Max/Miria interaction in Good-bye girl. 8. Virgin Road -> Messenger into 1 ep. (instead of fighting, the wedding is interrupted by the ship) 9. Combine My Album and Lonely Song into 1 ep, focus on Kamujin and Misa Hikaru. 10. Cut Viva Maria. Cool ep, but doesn't add a ton to the overall story. 11. Combine Satan's Dolls and Broken Heart. 12. Cut Rainy Night (yeah, I know, but the Roy/Claudia backstory while awesome, is more expendable than most of the other stuff. Move the key interactions between Misa and Hikaru to previous/later episodes.") 13. Final eps stay the same. So yeah, pretty major condensing of everything, though looking at it, you could really do it even more. As is this would give us 24 -25 episodes. In a 26 episode series, I'd probably return Messenger, and after that, I dunno I'm torn between Viva Maria and rainy night, tough choice. Just typed this up for like an hour, and am now kinda wondering why, but yeah, if I was kawamori for a series, that's what I'd do.
  18. Found a copy on ebay, friggen shipping is killer, and I feel ripped off but no other options. Wish I had known about this a month or two ago. With the difficulty of getting this thing in the US, I can't imagine that we have much effect on the overall sales of these mags though. It's not to be found anywhere. Does Gundam Ace sell well here?
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