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Everything posted by ghostlightning

  1. The fansub group is [AnimeFiends] MyAnimeList fansub group page for [AnimeFiends] Check them out and see for yourself the kind of choices they made re the translations. The encodes I have of theirs are .avi files though.
  2. They do look at least as good as the remastered fansubs I've got, though those are much smaller memory-wise. The batch torrent of this is going to be huge. Factory satellite huge. Multiple batches perhaps? Thanks for responding.
  3. Hi Gubaba! I've downloaded both episodes. My question is, why is it at 800mb? Just curious.
  4. New post! Relevant to our interests: LISTEN TO MY SONG VOL. 8: [マクロスF]macross frontier 娘々スペシャルサービスメドレー(特盛り)(Ver.BeiJing Girl) Excerpt: In the banquet that is the finale of Macross Frontier, the main course is the Nyan Nyan Service Medley - a piece of music in excess of 6 minutes, scoring the final set-piece battle sequence with all kinds of excess going on. It’s a tremendous conceit, and a particularly Macross one. They pulled out all the stops in this one; and while even among Macross fans some may dislike it, I’m absolutely nuts about it. In the Nyan Tama album (OST #3), we’re treated to a 12 minute version of this track. While some groaned at the exteme excess, I’m of the persuasion that the only thing better than this version would be a 20-minute one (with Fire Bomber covers). I had ambitions of learning to perform this song, but I’ve already been bested - by 4 little girls. [click above link to read more]
  5. Here's something for us Macross fans! LISTEN TO MY SONG VOL. 7: DYNAMITE EXPLOSION I talk a bit about Macross 7: Dynamite, as well as Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me. Best of all, this post series always has videos of live performances. Enjoy! Check out the Archive!
  6. I'm embarrassingly overjoyed that you enjoyed reading, and thanks so much for sharing it with your friends. That piece, Someone's Showing a Bit of Character: Ikari Gendo of Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favorites. Will write more! ^_^/
  7. Ayt, thanks a lot!
  8. So it's not the same song? I could swear they sounded the same save for variation in the arrangement.
  9. I've seen 3 episodes so far... and I don't dislike it. I did find the 'Roman Holiday' reference extra cheesy but even this isn't a complaint. Here's my question: Macross II isn't supposed to be canon right? The song that the idol sings (I can't figure out her name yet) is EXACTLY the song that the Jamming Birds sing in Macross 7. No doubt about it. (It may be the same song Millya sang for her audition to the Jamming Birds and during her karaoke segment in her omake video but I'm not sure). Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know what to make of it.
  10. Thanks guys! I'll post links to any new Macross-related posts we make here. If you read on, you'll see that I 'read' most anime using Macross lenses anyway - even posts about say, Toradora! Will write more and work harder
  11. Thanks so much! Crusader's Macross Frontier coverage really lit a fire under my ass. Awesome propaganda. However, he really is an episodic blogger and won't be writing about Macross unless there's an ongoing show. Hope to see you around in these forums or in the discussion/comments sections in my posts soon! ^_^/ Also check out: 100th Post: The Super Dimensional Journey of Love Remembered Lafiel as my aspirations for Ranka Kicking Reason to the Curb with Song
  12. I should've been a member of this forum ages ago, it'd have answered soooo many of my questions. Better late than never. Thanks for the warm welcome and I hope you enjoy reading my stuff.
  13. We Remember Love isn't a fansite nor is it a review site. It's more of a place for critical explorations using anime as text. It just so happens that I'm a lifelong Macross fan (I saw SDF-Macross as a Philippine english dub in 1984: love at first sight). Here are some sample posts: TOP GUNS: Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory meets Macross Plus as Anime that Have the Most Love for Mecha The Rape of Klan Klan The Battle of Saturn's Rings: Great Battles in Anime History Remember Love with us!
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