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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Amazing work - I will definitely come back to this for inspiration when I build mine.
  2. I just build this model, minus the lights. Looks great, very inspiring.
  3. Very cool! Please keep posting updates. Can't wait to see the final product.
  4. Cool color scheme!
  5. This is great. It is really helpful to see all the stages you are going through. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I have the kit on my shelf. It definitely makes me want to take it out and get to work.
  6. Amazing! Are there any kits left for purchase?
  7. Amazing skull. I can't wait to see the finished fighter. Very inspiring.
  8. I'm definitely interested in this monster, and I mean monster, too.
  9. Amazing. Inspiring to see what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your project.
  10. Love to have one. If there's any left, can I sent you paypal like the last Inbids I ordered? It's like Christmas in August.
  11. Just saw this conversation. Can I still get one? New to this, but have paypal account.
  12. Are there any kits left? I'd love to get one.
  13. Truly amazing. Incredibly cool - love your vision and follow through.
  14. Really inspiring. Great work and I can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for posting.
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