Actually, I have both new re-releases (late July 2010) of the TV Max and Cannon Fodder 1A, and they have the new hip lock mechanism and lack the rainbow coating.
I just checked out Hobby Search, and it's a very helpful tool, but the information given isn't necessarily complete. For instance, it shows the Hikaru VF-1J w/ Armor Parts having the rainbow coated canopy, while the one I ordered from AmiAmi in early June is lacking the coating, and has the new hip lock mechanism.
Speaking of Hobby Search, though, has anyone checked out the price they were offering for the Max and Kakizaki DYRL VF-1A w/ Super and Strike Parts? Even though they're currently sold out, that is STUPID cheap! Too bad I didn't swoop up on that...I'm gonna have to keep an eye on them.