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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Mr March


    Looking good so far. I have a little more uncolored line art (in better scans and resolution) featured on my website post-update. Might be a little more helpful than before. Make sure to check it out if you need the reference.
  2. I don't think we as an audience are supposed to take Macross Delta that seriously when the creators are all clearly aware of the fanciful style they're setting for the story and tone of this new series. I mean, can there be much doubt about the kind of show that is Macross Delta? I would think the preview episode was pretty clear at establishing the various types of humor, fantasy, and character they are going for. I think to give the series a fair and healthy viewing, the audience has to accept this style going forward, not blindly hope against hope that the show will suddenly do an about face and become some serious, grounded war drama filled with hard-science fiction technology. Also, I have to question folks who are reacting with outrage at this point in the release of the Macross productions. The first time - reacting with outrage to the absurdity of Macross 7 - was completely understandable. In style and approach, Macross 7 dramatically pulled away from the real robot genre that SDF Macross helped establish and popularize. Some may disagree, but can all understand folks familiar with Macross up to that point might react to such a shift in style and tone. But now? Kawamori and Co. have clearly established where they are willing to take the Macross stories. Macross Delta should not come as any INITIAL surprise, shock, or disappointment to anyone who knows Macross. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... Lastly, I think fans (particularly male) need to come to terms with the way the more modern Macross productions are being sold. The Macross series are no longer being targeted exclusively at young males; the Macross shows are now far more inclusive and it can be argued some of the most important elements of Macross are being aimed right at female fans. Now, this is not to the exclusion of male fans; for all that Macross Delta may be, it's still clearly appealing to males with plenty of mecha and action. And female fans can choose from a wide variety of magical girl/idol anime made exlusively for them (the magical girl genre itself has also broadened to appeal to male fans). So we're still looking at a hybrid and characteristic to Macross thus far, Delta is a new type of story and show for the franchise. This time around, Macross isn't going the Macross Zero route. There are other options out there for that kind of anime (Gundam in particular are releasing several productions that might appeal to more hardcore mecha fans). So I'd say look to other anime to fill that hunger and if you choose to stay with Delta, try to enjoy the show for what it is.
  3. In my opinion, I really don't think the Macross Delta technology is all that unusual or as nonsensical as all that. It's different and new, but I'm just not seeing any major leap. A very different change in style and the use of technology to suit that style is very apparent, but I think that's all. I will say this; first (and this is rather critical), it's rather important to accept that in Macross Delta the setting, technology and action are being taken somewhat less serious than other contemporary Macross (or mecha anime) shows. If we can get past that, I think one can critique the technology of Delta more fairly. I agree with those who have said the technology appears well-rooted in most of the Macross OverTechnology shown to date and certainly within capability. I also think some are objecting more to the implementation of said technology and trying to question the world-building fiction in Macross Delta simply because it's silly or weird. I don't necessarily disagree with criticizing that silliness/weirdness of the show, but I do object to criticizing the technology as it fits in the show on that basis. EX-Gear technoloy and the volumetric/holographic technology shown in Macross anime like Macross Frontier, DYRL, and particularly Macross Plus can all be utilized in ways to achieve most of what we see in Macross Delta. IMO, certainly none of the technology shown to date is so far removed from what OverTechnology can do as to be considered magic. These "pin-point barrier drones" might be able to fly around to shield a human-sized object moving at a human-capable pace. But moving at Mach speeds and shielding something as large as a valkyire (while NOT blocking the valkyrie's own weaponry) is something else entirely. And building powerful, specialized technology for an elite, special forces unit like the Walkure girls doesn't mean it's easy and cost effective to do so on a mass-production or commercial level. I think there are as many reasons for the technology as people can imagine against it. For me, I was soured more by the implementation, not the function of the Delta technology. As far as the Macross science, I think the Delta technology is fine.
  4. Thanks for mentioning the size of these figures, fellas. I already own the rather large Dropship and APC from Aoshima many years back, so I'll pass on those. But I think I wanna grab the ships, the Sulaco, Nostromo and Derelict.
  5. Didn't even know this was a thing. Naturally, I'm cautious about the whole idea. But I will give them credit for that poster; it's very sexy!
  6. To each their own. I feel rather the opposite; for all the violence and nudity in the action films of the 80's and 90's, IMO there's damned few classics compared to the vast numbers that were made. Personally one of the things I adore about Deadpool is that much of the misogyny and machismo from 80s and 90s action filmmaking was blissfully absent. They even had a scene or two which was rather gender progressive, especially in a genre known for poor depictions of women. I also found Reynolds confident yet nerdy and self-deprecating masculinity extremely refreshing. Deadpool isn't afraid to be who he wants to be and even when getting pegged, he's still a badass. The film had all the stuff I loved in older action films, but featured far more tolerance. However, I will agree with you that I find the PG-13 trend of our current movie culture annoying and even disturbing at times. Especially things like the Dark Knight trilogy; as much as I love those films, the lack of blood and trauma for all the terrible violence really rubs me the wrong way. I've always felt that if one is going to show violence in a film, one has the responsibility to show it results, whether stylized or not. One of the reasons I love Netflix's Daredevil (and Jessica Jones to a lesser extent) is exactly because it always shows the consequences of violence - physical and psychological - and wove those themes right into the DNA of the story and character. Naturally, a PG-13 rating means that if a film features violence, it's going to be difficult not to trivialize it due to lack of blood and gore. Now if Daredevil could just take some notes on the much better face mask in Deadpool, all would be right with the world
  7. At least in the short "Dirty Laundry", Thomas Jane was perfect as Punisher. He deserved better writing and directing than what he got during his run as Punisher. As did Ray Stevenson. We'll have to wait to see how this Punisher works in the series, but I love Jon Bernthal in everything I've seen him in, from The Walking Dead to The Wolf of Wall Street to Sicario. He works with some of the best creators and always delivers a stand-out performance. He reminds me - career-wise - of Garret Dillahunt; another great actor who blazes in every role, but doesn't get the credit he deserves. I'm looking forward to Bernthal's performance almost as much as the next season of Daredevil itself.
  8. The sex and violence In Deadpool is definitely R-rated material and there's no shortage of it. However, I will agree that I did not get the impression it was the most violent or sexually explicit R-rated movie I've seen. It's edgy for a comic book movie, but I was shocked more by the language than anything else. But films like this don't really get made anymore. We older folks might have been raised on Robocop and Basic Instinct, but it's been a long time since that kind of filmmaking was the norm. And let's face it, most folks don't go to see Dredd or The Raid, not in the kind of numbers that fill the multiplexes and lead to $100 million in domestic reciepts. Perhaps to most folks raised on the last 15 years of mainstream popular culture, Deadpool is shocking.
  9. Wow! These look great! And for $25, it's an actual affordable geek product for once I'm curious, what size are these pieces? I'd think I'd be interested in getting quite a few of these.
  10. I think the mask is about the only thing I don't like about this series. They need to do some refinement. The costume itself is awesome. They should look at what was done with Deadpool. Very good implementation.
  11. Oh, this film was filled with things I never thought I'd ever see, such as when Speaking of which, Gina looked like an absolute beast in this film. Did she pack on muscle for this role, I mean, more than usual?
  12. Love the Regulds!
  13. Just saw Deadpool! I thought the movie was great! Very funny, entertaining and a breath of fresh air (or perhaps, a foul wind that grabs one's attention) for the super hero film genre. It's filthy, violent and over-the-top, just like Zombieland. And much like that earlier film, it's a movie with heart, filled with genuine human moments that never feel forced, unearned or melodramatic. And what a treat to see a big, quality R-rated action-vfx film again, with squirm-in-your-seat gore and plenty of hard hitting action with really inventive effects. Also, I loved the Deadpool costume. Folks running the Daredevil Netflix series, take note! The characters were great and all the actors looked like they were having a good time. Morena Baccarin and Ryan Reynolds made for a great couple and more importantly, their relationship felt meaningful without ever falling victim to sentimentality. The characters were written the way love actually works, through genuine connection and not stupid dramatic declarations of bullshit. No one running through an airport in this film, lol! Reynolds was great as Deadpool, managing to pull off a character that we actually care about while never loosing the in-your-face attitude, the dirty mouth or the adorkable charm. And daring as all hell, our hero get's pegged with a strap-on by his girlfriend? That's more sexually subversive than a hundred Oscar nominees! And what review could be complete without mentioning the great fourth-wall breaks and endless film/geek-culture meta-humor. It never overstayed it's welcome and was always about as varied as one could get, from poking fun at comic book character film-licensing to an out-of-nowhere-but-dead-solid-perfect reference to James Franco in 127 Hours! I must admit, I should have seen that end credits sequence coming, especially with all the 1980's pop-culture references. But damn, it got me good! The movie does suffer a few weaknesses by way of the underwritten villain, some typical Hollywood gender exploitation and a plot that had no surprises. The budget also showed it's limitations, but it's tough for these kinda films to get made these days, so I can forgive that one. Overall, a solid 4 out of 5 for me. And remember fellow Canadians, "Regina rhymes with fun!" COMEDY GOLD!
  14. Yeah, I think I posted a while back that with the amount of time and effort we've all spent discussing this subject, we could've completed a drawn fan art of a transformable tank. If any of us were good at drawing, I suppose, LOL!
  15. Very encouraged by the warm response on the blogs and podcasts. I adored Zombieland, so I hope these same fellas have delivered a film that's at that level of quality. I'm seeing it tomorrow.
  16. I suggest re-reading my post then. And I happen to know exactly how a tank handles because I've actually been in one. As I said, it's the perception more than anything else, which colors why agile, high-speed and flight-capable doesn't equate "tank" in the minds of most audiences.
  17. I think there might also be a genre/creative bias involved too. Most anime mecha are generally depicted as high-speed, flight-capable, supremely agile and precision machines. Those kind of capabilities translate well when compared to the performance of a conventional fighter jet or a fictional space fighter. These capabilities do not necessarily translate well when compared to the performance of a conventional tank, which (however inaccurate) is generally perceived to be a heavy, slow moving and imprecise vehicle.
  18. Speaking of high res...where them big versions at?
  19. More PAK FA is always the answer. Love that design
  20. Yeah, the way the fiction is written for the paintings allows the art to combine futurism with nostalgia, yet the paintings feature a style of sci-fi we've never quite seen before. This books truly is a little gem, one that I was very happy I purchased.
  21. I just received shipment of a book I purchased of Simon Stalenhag's amazing collected paintings, "Tales from the Loop". Perhaps a contradiction to describe it thus, the phrase "science fiction realism/naturalism" best defines this incredible collection of Euro-suburbia through a filter of a science fiction-themed alternate 1980s Sweden. The book is an incredible collection of amazing artwork - all accompanided by cleverly written fiction from the artist himself - that has captured my imagination in a way few things do these days. http://www.simonstalenhag.se/ I've not looked and read through the entire book as yet, but so far it's shaping up to be the best collection of art I've purchased since Tenjin Hidetaka's Artworks of Macross Valkyries. Stalenhag's work combines elements of retro science fiction, with equal measures of modern and old school mechanical design, all set in the gorgeous landscapes of the Swedish cities and country side. I recommend this book to sci-fi fans, fans of art and those that love robots.
  22. Dredd Netflix series would be the greatest timeline
  23. It's astounding! Incredible work! Yes, please post links to really high resolution images. The bigger the better!
  24. Very cool images everyone. Thanks Keith
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