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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. That Punisher logo does look amazing. I agree, the padding/plating not only makes it look badass, but it also feels very functional and realistic.
  2. Enticing images. Some of these look quite good. It's really nice to see many of these ships from these angles. While they all turned out just as I suspected they would (since I spend my days doing nothing but slobbering over Macross artwork), it's still great to see the details and proportions in schematic views.
  3. Damn, the GU-11 Gun Pod looks even better than in the advertisements. Thanks for posting the video.
  4. Good advice. I'm usually pretty careful, but I'll try to go easy on this new figma.
  5. I've pre-purchased the Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell Arise. It will be my first Figma. I hope it's as good as it looks.
  6. Thanks no3ljim. The purchase of the Arcadia and Bandai Macross valkyries I made last year kinda got me back into buying figures...in a limited manner. Obviously, I'm looking at the far cheaper stuff (relatively), since I'm not going to make a habit of buying these toys in the multiple hundreds on a regular basis. This Arcadia 1/60 VF-4G Lightning III is going to be expensive enough. But I have pre-ordered the Figma Ghost in the Shell Motoko Kusanagi (Arise Type). I've wanted a GitS piece of merchandise for years. If they would have released a good figure for the original Oshii movie version of the Major, I would probably already own one. This Arise-Type will do for now, supposed to be released this upcoming month of March. In addition to the Arcadia 1/60 VF-4G Lightning III that's on it's way, I've also got one more Revoltech on the way, the Legacy version of the AV-98 Ingram from Patlabor. Much like the Eva-01 and Eva-03, I like to have Revoltechs in pairs to build battle sequences that take advantage of the articulation.
  7. Waiting patiently for the Arcadia 1/60 Scale VF-4G Lightning III to arrive. But recently I've purchased several Revoltech figures. I haven't purchased any Revoltech figures in years, but I have to say, they have REALLY improved. The detail, proportions and articulation in these newest figures is vastly improved beyoned the original lines. The Evangelions in particular possess incredible articulation such that they can achieve so many more varied and elaborate, acrobatic style poses than any figure I've ever seen. Very suitable given the depiction of the Eva's in the new films. Apologies for the rough photos, but I'm no Saburo and I only had access to my phone camera today Boba Fett (Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Type) AV-XO Type X-O Zero (Patlabor - The Movie Type) Evangelion Unit-01 (Rebuild of Evanlegion: Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Type) Evangelion Unit-03 (Rebuild of Evanlegion: Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Type)
  8. Love seeing the mecha and ships at this scale. Great work!
  9. No, I agree with you. The eye-less cowl did seem to work better. However, I think logically it makes more sense to have a mask with eyes so that people don't know he's blind. A blind guy crimefighter kinda makes figuring out his real identity MUCH easier. "That'd be enough for a clever man"
  10. Great trailer! Looks like Elektra has some really interesting and meaty material to do in this season. Good to see. Liking what's on offer here.
  11. Oh, that's the actor from Girl WIth The Dragon Tatoo, from the club. I couldn't figure out where I saw her from for the life of me. She has a great look for Elektra. Hope this season has some good material for her.
  12. It's amazing to see this new robot from Boston Dynamics compared to their old stuff. They are making great progress.
  13. Yeah, the forum software limits the picture size. You have to host them off the forums to see the maximum size. I am thrilled with the DYRL blu-ray V2 as well. This is my first forway into DYRL in HD, my previous version was a bootleg DVD of a laser disc release of the film, LOL So one can imagine how thrilling this release was for me. I've practically fallen in love with the blu-ray format all over again just because of this new DYRL disc. It is amazing to see how far we've come in animation technology and technique since 1984. The resolution is so high you can see many of the inherent limitations of the animation process, especially in some of the more layered sequences. It's also really nice to have such sharp and high resolution reference for the art that I build. Screenshots provided to me from the V1 blu-ray really helped me build several of the new pieces for the Macross Mecha Manual, especially getting the colors right for the Gol Boddole Zer Mobiel Fortress (which was colored incorrectly in the Macross Chronicle).
  14. HAHAHAHAHA! Funny because it's soooooo true. That is comedy gold
  15. This thing looks great in all it's modes. I love the VF-4 Battroid mode, even with small arms, it still manages to look great. The toy just looks like such a solid build. Can't wait to have this in my hands!
  16. Mr March


    Coming along nicely.
  17. Great images! Getting more and more excited each day that goes by.
  18. That's really good to read. It sounds like an accurate evaluation that matches with my own interpretation of what the toy was going to be based on all the many pictures we've been shown. I think it's still a product I'll have to pass on, but even with it's flaws, I was tempted. Thanks for the weighing in!
  19. Wow, orders are coming in hard and fast now. Just got my payment request, which I promptly paid. No turning back now
  20. Pretty sure given the context, aceoftherebellion is referring to Love Live! School Idol Project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Live! At least, I hope so
  21. A very nice shot!
  22. "You've been accused of many things in your life. Never an excess of Harmony Gold"
  23. Hear, hear! I've been continually checking my email since this thread got so active again. This VF-4 will be my first such toy. I too am a very big fan of the VF-4 Battroid mode, much more than the fighter. I think the transformation system is one of the best and most underrated such designs Kawamori ever made. I'm also really impressed how well it translated into a toy. Sure it's not without it's issues, but for a first attempt (Yamato) this toy is a positively inspired piece of manufacturing! I'm thrilled that we're both getting a re-release from Arcadia AND that there is clearly enough popularity for the design to do so.
  24. Some of my friends didn't make the connection either, which I think is fine and completely understandable. I don't think folks can be blamed for not recognizing the ship as a helicarrier, since it's only shown from a limited number of angles and there never is an overview establishing shot. However, I do think it should be fairly obvious that whatever one might think the ship to be, it's clearly NOT any conventional ship we have today. So if it's a fictional ship - in a Marvel universe movie - that kinda leads one back to the safe assumption that it's probably a helicarrier
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