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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Punshier series is coming to Netflix http://www.slashfilm.com/punisher-spinoff/ This is more great news for Marvel on Netflix. I though Bernthal's Punisher was amazing and can't wait for this. It may be the first STANDALONE Punisher adaptation that will be of quality (aside from Dirty Laundry). The creative pedigree sounds good too.
  2. The Elysion might also be going back to the old school design for the main guns, using the two large superstructure sections on the top and back of the ship. Much like the main guns of the SDF-1 Macross. The carrier arms of the Elysion look really good; reminiscent of the aircraft carriers of the original SDF-1 Macross but much more futuristic. I think the transformation of the Aether makes the ship look much more like it's own independent space vessel once detached from the Elysion; which is probably more stylistic than any real reason to have it transform.
  3. I'm curious to what extent these enhanced physical abilities of the Windermerians manifest themselves? Enhanced strength? Stamina? Alertness? Speed? Resistance to disease/toxins? So far there doesn't appear to be much story effect as a result of their abilities. Maybe they won't really come into play until there is a physical confrontation of sorts between A Windermerian and a normal human.
  4. Not bad. Still looking good enough to keep me interested. i really like how they visualize Quicksilver's powers. Certainly one of the most entertaining uses of super speed I've seen onscreen. The new cast looks quite good and I'm glad Sophie Turner has turned her GoT noteriety into more roles. She should make a great Jean Grey.
  5. I seem to recall it being said at one point that Sharon's music was banned for some years after the Sharon Apple Incident. That - in conjunction with who Sharon Apple was and her/its crimes - would probably contribute to why she is not counted amoung the notable singers in the Macross lore.
  6. They do? I gotta log in again and see that.
  7. It's a joke about catfish that quotes Silence of the Lambs. Let's leave it as is so it doesn't produce an allergic reaction
  8. It's a Silence of the Lambs joke, dude. Don't be that guy.
  9. As awful as Michael Mann's films have become, he might not be the worst choice compared to those currently attached to the project. Still, the fella doing the Blade Runner sequel, Denis Villeneuve, would have been the perfect director choice for something like this, IMO. That Canadian knows how to direct introspective, hypnotic and carefully paced films.
  10. LOL! These "what I got" images are hilarious
  11. You should take photos and post them, showing all the different versions of home video for the film over the years. That would be awesome.
  12. Transformation time seemed good to me. About the same time as it ever was, but perhaps a bit faster (which would make sense given that the craft they were using are VF-1EX variants with EX-Gear equipped cockpits and current computers for 2067). It certainly wasn't as fast a transformation as we've seen for the VF-25 Messiah at it's best. But I was happy with it as it appeared in Delta, nothing wrong really stood out as far as I can tell.
  13. I'd be more interested in the types of dishes one could serve using Mercat meat. They do look delicious, especially with some fava beans and a nice chianti
  14. For any fans that are interested, I did build custom artwork of the VF-1J Valkyrie "Macross The First". Like others have pointed out, the MTF scheme and the Macross Delta VF-1EX Valkyrie paint schemes are different. But they are in a similar style. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/variant-vf-1j-mtf.htm Enjoy
  15. That is some nice design work. I like what you've done so far. Story idea sounds pretty good too.
  16. Yeah the Predacon storyline was great. I also liked the transportation bridge that ended that saga and how it lead into Cybertron. I thought the complete takeover of Cybertron by the Decepticons was a dark and really interesting idea. All the Autobots forced into resistance-like groups. Also LOVED Omega Supreme in those books. His first battle against the Decepticons remains one of the best debuts of any Autobot. We were just discussing that. For the same reason, Ratchet remains one of my favorite characters. ANd Shockwave one of my favorite villains. ALl thanks to that excellent story line.
  17. While the coloring and mechanical designs were simple (and the printing low quality, typical of 1980s era comic books), when they did feature a good artist the results could be quite dramatic and compelling. I can still remember some of the best panels from those early books like it was yesterday. But sadly the art quality could be inconsistent from one story arc to the next (sometimes from one issue to the next) as they did their typical shuffling of the artistic talent. The art may be dated and quaint compared to comics of today, but the best of it wasn't without merit.
  18. An absolute classic. Yes, those Marvel transformer comics came around at exactly the right time and the right age for a kid who was starved for good character and narrative in his science fiction and fantasy. I loved Ratchet in those books; clearly not designed for combat, but upon his shoulders fell the survival of all the Autobots. I was always impressed with how brave Ratchet was, fighting even when he was always outmatched in battle and relying on his wits. They also wrote Shockwave like a legitmate threat and not just some caricature. The whole arc with Ratchet, Shockwave, Megatron and the Dinobots was so great. I loved all those books.
  19. Wow, that brings back the memories! I adored those old Marvel Transformers books. They were far superior to the cartoons.
  20. I love it. I admit, the move to CG does make the look of the VF-1 Valkyrie feel a little weird. This is a mechanical design we've always known as line art and all the "proportion cheats" and other magic that was used to make all three modes look so perfect when drawn by hand. We have had the plastic models and CG models in books like the Master File series, but seeing it animated is something else entirely. The physical compromises of a CG model means the VF-1 Valkyrie will look different. But I think it was incredibly well done. The design compromises feel carefully thought out, although I was hoping they would be inspired to steal some of the design sensibilities from the 1/72 scale Hasegawa kits, since I have always felt those proportions for the Battroid mode are still some of the best renditions of a real physical version of the VF-1 Valkyrie. But overall, I'm very pleased with the look.
  21. Mind blowing! *faints* I HAVE to make some custom colored art of this! Wow, this looks so damned good and also plays expertly upon that ole nostalgia. Well done!
  22. The official trivia for the VF-19 Excalibur states it's engines and airframe were reworked specifically so that the average pilots could control the craft and exceed the performance of the YF-19 prototype (http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-19f.htm).
  23. Excellent detail.
  24. I also considered that context, but your post specifically asked to exclude gun pods and asked generally "what rail guns have we seen in the main Macross timeline?". That's why I jumped in and because - as always - this was an opportunity to use all that useless Macross trivia in my head, lol I understand some fans might prefer ignoring unofficial trivia. However, I've posted before that as official Macross merchandise (even with "disclaimers") those products are by definition beyond fan-fiction (which is all unofficial by default). But some of the best material in Sky Angels or the Master Files describes trivia that's not officially covered. Those publications fill in gaps that fans can find illuminating, some of it is even in line with the official statistics. Most important of all, some of that unofficial trivia HAS made it into the official canon over the years, most notably the Macross Chronicle. IMO, it's always worth considering. Regarding variable fighter rail guns, like I said even ignoring unofficial trivia, the performance of the variable fighters would presume the gun pods fire faster than conventional weapons. Real world militaries employ fast muzzle velocity weapons with high rates of fire out of necessity (both air-borne and ship-borne CIWS), because without such weapons it's impractical to attack high speed targets like jet fighters and missiles. To effectively attack a target with the speed and maneuverability of a variable fighter would likely require a gun pod firing munitions far faster than conventional guns. At that point, rail guns (at least those firing 3,500 m/s) really becomes a moot point given that the gun pods would need to be hypervelocity just so the official fiction make sense. That's why the Destroid Defender guns fire at 3,300 m/s, an OFFICIAL hypervelocity figure that is NOT a rail gun. It's also why Masahiro Chiba and the Master File writers wrote trivia for hypervelocity gun pods. They simply thought through the practical demands of the Macross fiction.
  25. To an extent these attitudes are generational, but we're not bound by that and shouldn't feel like we are. I am not and when I was I put the effort in to change. I don't think I ever looked at the cultural value of the next generation or the hope they can bring until moments like this come along. Nonetheless, it is an unfortunate reality that some people from every generation will simply refuse to adapt. It seems at odds with nature itself. But like Morpheus says in The Matrix; "You have to understand that many of these people are not yet ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it" Regarding the crawl; it actually makes me think; could there be a way to do a variation on the crawl for the non-trilogy films? Perhaps even just a change in the music could have a really profound affect on how the audience views the Rogue One film. I hope the creators behind this film at least had those conversations. I am gen X as well, and I know this board's demographics only TOO well. The whole point is that it's not supposed to matter. And if we as a culture must "suffer a trend" for a decade for there to be real, effective representation, that is a small price to pay for something that benefits so many. It's like I said in my defense of the characterizations and violence that so many unfairly maligned in Batman v Superman; creativity is independent from quality. Creativity doesn't happen only with the caveat that it must be GOOD. Creativity is as is, it's worked into something and hopefully refined into quality. A failed product doesn't mean all of it's ideas or results are failures, just a failure of implementation.
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