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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. These are very imaginative and professionally accomplished custom paint schemes. I'm very impressed. Bravo!
  2. I suppose it's possible the VF-1J GBP-1S grey visor is a color error that's been perpetuated, but there's no way to really know. I think it's more plausible it's a deliberate style choice on behalf of the artists and when you look at it white vs grey, the grey clearly works better for the armored mode. The Macross Chronicle colors the GBP-1S Armored Valkyrie visor grey and several pieces of official art over the years have done the same. There are also a few toys that use the grey visor. The standalone VF-1j is uniformly white across every Macross publication I've seen. I think most folks associate the VF-1J with a grey visor when armored, so I've stuck with that color scheme for the revised armored valkyrie art in the next website update. For the standalone VF-1J, I'm gonna go with white. I can always do a color variant if fans want. It's easy enough. But the standard VF-1J profile on the M3 will use white after the next update. Yes, I've noted the change in the Macross The First VF-1J cockpit glass. I've built a VF-1J "Macross The First" variant profile for the next update of my website and manually redrew the cockpit glass to match the new canopy. See attached image below. close313 Thanks for the praise. The M3 is a lot of work, but it's worth it. In addition to new material that is slated to appear, the next update is an broad "renovation" of existing material. The VF-1S Battroids shown in my post above are a good example of what the revised colored art will look like. In some cases, even more detailed colors will appear on other pictures. But not just the valkyries are revised, there's much more including revised ships, vehicles, missiles, gun pods, and other material. Trying hard to get it out this year, hopefully by the end of the summer or early fall.
  3. Perhaps the toys make some distinction, but I can't tell from the line art if there is supposed to be any difference in the arms. I'll post a comparison picture here (TV on the left, DYRL on the right) Kanedas Bike Then you'll adore the next update. A space ship full of line art has been revised across the website. Getting closer to finishing the update, but still so much work, lol
  4. I know nothing about the show, but I'm inclined to agree. If it wasn't popular I suppose I can understand why more Mospeada wasn't made in Japan, but the mechanical design for that series was excellent and very distinctive.
  5. Oh yeah, one can notice that even just from the trailer. The hawk-like spacecraft they are flying around in looks reminiscent of Chris Foss, but perhaps more Peter Elson. The colors of the Guardian's hawk-like craft evoke that old 60's-70's sci-fi art aesthetic of such artists, a motif that the video game Homeworld adapted so well in recent pop culture. It's funny how a lot of the Marvel movies (and even the X-Men films) appear to be mining the 1960s and 1970's era of comic books for flavor and styling for their modern movies. Fashion really is cyclical
  6. When building the M3 website I recall having a difficult time deciding whether the visor was white or grey in the SDF Macross series. I decided to color one grey and then have a stylized coloring of the VF-1J featuring a white visor. Figured I had both bases covered. In most of the SDF Macross series, the VF-1J Valkyrie is shown with a white visor, though there are exceptions (Like the VF-1J GBP-1S Armored Valkyrie). I didn't have access to HD screen shots and extensive art books with colored Macross line art like I do today, so it was more difficult to reconcile contradictions when I first built my site 10 years ago. The Macross Chronicle and all official Yamato, Bandai, Arcadia and Revoltech toy/model products all depict the VF-1J visor as white. In the next update to my website, I'm going to change the standard model VF-1J visor back to a white visor, leaving only the GBP-1S with the grey. Hope that helps.
  7. Dare I say it, will "flaking paint" be the new "small hands"? Well, the craft certainly looks like a Star Wars ship. Not exactly all that original, but at least it looks good. More than I can say for a lot of the prequel spacecraft.
  8. The way Yune co-opts "Shut up and take my money" for his this RA kickstarter is enough to put off my next meal Perhaps some will, but Tom's post hasn't evoked the type of rabid response from Robotech fans we've seen in years past. Maybe I just haven't see it yet. Or perhaps Seto is right; even a lot of Robotech fans - at least those a part of the involved online community - have a much different attitude towards Harmony Gold today. Maybe Shadow Chronicles really did do a lot more damage than we suspected.
  9. I am getting the sense that something a little different is being done with the show. Not sure if it's enough to make the show all that interesting and it's populated with a few common tropes. I got a real "Mass Effect" vibe from the way those orbital colonies fell upon Earth. The overwhelming superiority of the enemy forces is pretty standard technique in mecha anime to evoke tension in the audience, even though as an adult viewer we understand that such a ridiculous disparity would mean the war would be short indeed. However, I'm willing to stick with it for a while and see what happens with the story and characters. I do like the animation style and the animation quality is really good. The mechanical designs do seem a little too similar to recent Gundam/Full Metal Panic styles. The way a lot of modern mechanical design in anime is very homogenous really makes one appreciate the unique style of the Macross Frontier valkyries
  10. I don't think Tommy Yune is what's most wrong with these interviews. I think the problem is simply the subject matter. It's a Robotech kickstarter and it's Harmony Gold. If you're an informed Macross fan looking/reading any of this, you see right through it because you already know the real story behind it all. How can that not bias us against what's being said/printed? But to be specific, I don't like the reductive, demographical way in which Tommy Yune speaks of the Robotech IP he's trying to sell. It feels very dispassionate and economic, like a business plan. Listen to an interview with someone like J.J. Abrams talk about Star Wars (the mystery box) and then read this Tommy Yune interview as he talks Robotech. You'll see the contrast.
  11. Oh yeah, that's the very laidback cool pose that I was talking about. And like I mentioned, that pose can have several awesome variations with the gun pod. You can do an action pose with that angle as well. The left leg forward, knee bent, gun pod carried in both hands at the ready. Awesome stuff. I've purchased several new Macross tranformables, so when they arrive in a week or two I'll take some photos and share them with you.
  12. Don't dare doubt it. Yes, the Robotech fans that hate Macross with religious vehemence are few, but don't ever mistake them as myth or one-in-a-million. In the 1990s and early 2000s there were Robotech fans that wrote disertation-length hate speeches on all things Macross, the creators, the fans, everything! Some Robotech fans posted MySpace and YouTube videos damning all things Macross like it was a moral panic. There were Robotech fans that acted as copyright bloodhounds for Harmony Gold, reporting retailers that sold Macross merchandise like Nazi youth reporting Jews. This was real Robotech fan behaviour. Don't ever underestimate the resentment-fueled rage people fed upon when the Macross-Robotech divide was at its height in geekdom pop culture. ESPECIALLY nerds and geeks, a demographic plagued by insecurity. Personally, I'd think SC is far closer to the original Godzilla than Macross Frontier, plot-wise and VFX-wise. But maybe with the kickstarter money, Robotech Academy CGI will look at least last decade
  13. I believe you're right, but look at it from the perspective of the Robotech development team (call it Team Yune to visualize). There is no downside to the kickstarter approach. What is there to risk should Robotech Academy fail? Does it risk Harmony Gold's money? None has been invested. Does it risk the reputation of the Robotech brand? There's nowhere to go but up. Does it risk abusing the Robotech fans? Harmony Gold has abused fans for decades. I agree with you that what Harmony Gold is pitching with Robotech Academy has no marketable modern hook. The Robotech Academy idea - kickstarter or otherwise - is not a sound idea for a modern animated series on any level. But I don't see much of a downside if the kickstarter fails or if it succeeds, the pilot's made and it's not picked up. No one will hang and no one will learn anything. It'll just be another Robotech project that went south. Try again in 5 years.
  14. Damn, I hate being right all the time But seriously, I thought I'd feel a smug sense of superiority to hear all this from a former HG employee. Perhaps to some degree, I do. But after reading Tom's post, I feel more depressed about this whole affair. For certain I've no interest in Robotech and would be happier if Harmony Gold were defunct. However, Robotech is a property like so many others that could be done well if only done by the right people. Clearly, history has shown the right people are far removed from Robotech. I will say this about the past few decades of Harmony Gold; all their failures, their legal threats/battles and their denial of Macross IP internationally is a testament to human ignorance, inefficiency and bureaucracy. For all the effort spent, the ill-will that's been spread, the disappointment that's resulted and the money that's been wasted over two decades, one poor sequel is all anyone has to show for it. How did it all come to this? Nonethless, thanks for the post Tom. It's good to hear at least one person came out the other side of Harmony Gold with at least a measure of wisdom to show for the ordeal.
  15. I'll assume you're looking mostly for Battroid (robot) mode poses. When I first purchased my VF-1 1/48 Yammies years ago I went through a phase where I was attempting dozens of poses and looking everywhere for inspiration. I did create some interesting poses (particularly action poses), but I think I was suffering from an attempt to show off or exaggerate the capabilities of the articulation. I think the more articulation available for a toy, the greater our tendency to make a pose too "showy". A partial solution was to avoid extreme poses and instead find "casual" poses. Most often these casual poses were the most stylish because they mimicked a "human" stance. Also, when using casual poses allow your Valkyries to be playful, lol. It's not always necessary to use a front pose so you can "see everything"; often times awesome poses can be found by placing the back or side of the Battroid facing toward the viewer. The quarter turn from behind with the head turned 90 degrees in profile is a classic battroid pose. The quarter turn from behind with the gun pod held in both hands (not aiming, but at the ready) is even more badass When you do go for more wild setups, I'd say don't be afraid to create some unstable poses. I know I had the bad habit of babying my toys because I was afraid of breaking such an expensive product. But that limits what you can build. Some of the best action poses I did find caused the toys to fall once or twice, but with some refinement the balance was improved. Use the animated shows for inspiration. Not necessarily the hero-poses, but the more common action sequences can often have the best stylish shots. Anime excells at drawing the world in a hyper-stylized fashion, so get some ideas from there.
  16. I hope for that too. I'm not sure why they aren't eager to reissue these products considering they sell out so fast and have such a busy aftermarket. I can only hope they reissue the stuff I'm looking for. As for the purchasing, a little research never hurts. If one doesn't keep up with the industry, it's very easy to be overwhelmed by the myriad products and releases. I think toy sellers can only get away with confusing their consumers because fanboys will put in the effort to figure out the mess By "base" I meant "without accessories", not "initial mass production unit" Yes, I have been visiting the "For Sale" section regularly and did see that thread. However, I've already purchased an Arcadia VF-1S 1/60 Scale (Roy type) and it is currently on it's way to me. I'll keep my eyes open for other stuff I'm looking for. Thanks.
  17. Mr March

    YF-21 WIP

    Much appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the tips The Old Man, technoblue and chyll2. Your suggestions are a good idea to make the best of what is a less than ideal situation, but I think I'll opt out. Purchasing a variant VF-25A I don't necessarily want just to obtain a Super Pack set is not my thing. If I do pull the trigger, I'll go with base VF-25F model. Nonetheless, I do truly appreciate your help.
  19. IMO, you are vastly overestimating the attention span and level of interest the majority of people have for any entertainment they consume. Also, most people have an amazing ability to filter. Especially when someone is trying to teach them something. They hear "fanboys" speak in a litany of anger and they tune out, the fandom equivalent of rap music. If a tiny handful of casual fans backing the Robotech Academy Kickstarter actually learn something about HG, Robotech and their business from the kickstarter comments, we can take that miniscule victory and consider ourselves lucky. Expecting any more than that is not where our hopes should lie. I'm not sure about habitual backers, but I agree that a very significant percentage of the current RA kickstarter backers probably haven't been anywhere near Robotech in decades. If we simply step outside fandom for a moment we'd know how casual folks approach their popular culture; they never get into entertainment (or back into old entertainment) UNTIL it resurfaces into mainstream popular culture. This is why 80's remakes and live action adpations from the 1980s are all the rage. Almost everyone that paid to see Michael Bay's first Transformers movie hadn't read/watched/thought about anything Transformers since they were Generation X pre-teens. They acted on nostalgia alone. Kickstarter in particular has been a huge draw for casual fans to back all kinds of nostalgia products, from Reading Rainbow to Star Citizen to Wasteland. I'd bet good money this is EXACTLY how Harmony Gold has managed to obtain "most" of their Robotech Academy kickstarter funding thus far.
  20. This. As fans, we have a tendency to assume everyone knows as much as we do and have known it for as long as we have. In this case, years. The truth about is only those of us who are way into Macross would know the ugly details about Harmony Gold, Carl Macek, C&D, legal battles and so on. The vast majority of people that watched and remember Robotech (if history is any indication, it's about 2/3rds) are blissfully unaware. It's the reason demagogues get elected It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that most of the folks contributing to the Robotech Academy kickstarter have no clue about the long history of this intellectual property.
  21. Mr March

    YF-21 WIP

    hi res would be MUCH preferred. As high as you can.
  22. It's good advice. I'll have to think about it. I just know what I'm like as a buyer and accessories don't really work for me. They look good for certain and most are built quite well, but aside from the VF-1 Strike Parts, I didn't really use any of them all that much. During the Yamato 1/48 days, I purchased quite a few accessory sets for my valkyries (Strike, Super, GBP Armored, etc) and pretty much regret doing it. I ended up selling the accessories first before anything else. I don't really want to make that mistake again. I've tried purchasing a lot of toys and accessories, but eventually my personality gets the better of me and I resent having so much clutter. I just end up selling most of it as the years go by. So the solution has been, don't buy much at all. And if I want something new, I sell something old. That way I keep things to about a couple dozen pieces, rotate them on display and that's good enough for me. Anyway, I truly appreciate your warnings. You're right, it's best to get them now. I'll consider getting a Super Pack for the VF-25F Messiah. How much are they going for?
  23. I think I'll just stick with the base models for now. I love the Super/Armored Packs as much as the next fan, but I'd much rather spend the money toward buying another valkyrie (such as the VF-25F Messiah or YF-30 Chronos) than spend money on accessories. That VF-25F is looking good
  24. I think YF-30 Zinjonos (*wink*) is talking about the old concept art showing an Armored configuration for the VF-1J GERWALK.
  25. But someone told me there are English guides built by the Macross 30 fans, posted right here on the forums. So you can properly navigate that game and understand the mission objectives enough to effectively play even as a non-Japanese speaking/reading player.
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