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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Damn, I was hoping this was going to be released sooner rather than later.
  2. I agree with you entirely. But IMO, the toy companies like Bandai/Arcadia and Big West/Kawamori really have no excuses at this point to ignore us. I can understand the past tendency to treat Macross II differently (a nice way of saying they ignore Macross II) when so much of the regular Macross continuity was not covered/exploited/merchandised. A decade ago, Macross was in a different place and a lot of the products we now take for granted (blu-ray releases of all the animated shows, the Yamato/Arcadia toys, the Bandai toys, the Macross Chronicle, the Master File Books series, etc) were not yet realized. Priorities were made. They have a business to run, they chose what they believed would sell the best, blah, blah, blah... HOWEVER...now we have all this; we have toys of valkyries we never thought were possible, we have high def releases of everything, the Macross Chronicle and Master FIles have documented the franchise AND...Macross II just came out on blu-ray. Now is the time for a VF-2SS Valkyrie II. It needs to happen. It should happen. I will not accept any excuse for why it isn't happening.
  3. Seeing this thread come back from the dead in 2004 makes me lament the official trivia we don't have for Macross. Don't get me wrong, Macross has been very reliable over the years providing statistics for all the major hero valkyries, in many cases far better than the other mecha franchises. But I had always hoped that eventually they would expand the trivia fiction for the VF-1 Valkyrie and far beyond, providing power ratings, loadout weights and weapon muzzle velocity/explosive yields for all the major variable fighters of the franchise. Now 10 years after this topic, we've had two editions of the Macross Chronicle and five Master File books. While some of my dream trivia has been published, most has not. I suppose we'll always be left to guess just how much more power was generated by the later VFs after the 650MW engines of the VF-1 Valkyrie. It looks like this era will likely be the apex of Macross technical trivia, so I will shed a tear and force myself to be thankful for what we do have
  4. I suppose the SV-51 is a true "enemy" Valkyrie since it's a war design made by an enemy faction specifically for combat, but it still feels like a "human" design to me. And yes, I know the Varauta are all alien-derived craft stolen from human originals. But I guess Macross is at heart a human vs. alien world to my mind the Varauta fit that mold, just using variable fighters. Regarding the "alternate" line art for the Varauta variable fighters (Fz-109A/F Elgerzorene, Az-130A Panzerzorene and FBz-99G Saubergeran), I was never able to find any official answer on what they are. For one of the drawings - the Fz-109F Elgerzorene - I was able to source the "Battroid" drawing to the Macross 7 Sketchbook. I've colored it and it's included in the next udpate. My assumption? the alternate drawings appear to be animator-friendly versions of the original designs. The "alternate" drawings do have some added detail in a few minor areas, but overall they appear to be simplified, with fewer lines and more dramatic "animated" proportions. If anyone has a better theory, I'm open to it. But that's my best guess. Okay, I updated my vote a third time to cast two votes for the secondary choices. Fz-109A Elgerzorene is still there, but I added the VF-5000 Star Mirage since Macross has so few delta wing craft (though I suppose the recent YF-30 Chronos and the upcoming VF-0D Phoenix releases are changing that). The Star Mirage isn't a favorite of mine, but like the VF-4 Lightning III, once I saw the toy I really liked the idea of the product existing as a toy. I could see myself buying the VF-4, so I could see myself buying the VF-5000. To touch upon Kelsain's post about what you wouldn't want to see, I don't really have a list like that. Ideally, I'd want to see all the Macross designs in a toy format at some point. However, I write about his post because I have a variation of it I'd like to share called "valkyrie toys I'd rather see later than sooner". That design would be the VF-3000 Crusader. Not because it's a design I don't like; I do like it. But I just feel that it's so much like the VF-1 Valkyrie - and we've got so many VF-1 valkyrie and VF-0 Phoenix toys - that I'd rather see that toy come last before almost anything else on the list.
  5. Revised my vote. Primary is still VF-2SS Valkyrie II, but the second one is the Fz-109 Elgerzorene ("A" model). The Fz-109A was always a fun design to me, but the Battroid was rather bulky and dramatically exaggerated by the oni-like art style. I would be very interested to see what a real, toy-proportioned model would do for the arms and legs of the Elgerzorene robot mode. I have a feeling the line art Battroid mode would benefit from a "slimming" proportion that would make the robot feel more real and not so cartoony. Plus, we could finally have a real "enemy" valkyrie toy, not just the "competing" valkyrie thing of the YF-21/VF-27 Lucifer.
  6. I voted VF-2SS Valkyrie II. All the major Macross transforming valkyries have gone through multiple toy interations, whether with one manufacturer or multiple manufacturers. Hell, we even got a transformable VF-4 Lightning III. It's well past time the flagship hero valkyrie of Macross II was given some modern transforming toy love. I don't care that it's not a Kawamori design, I don't care if Macross II is the bastard child and I don't care that'd I'd probably not even buy it; enough people like it and it's time to see it. The fact that a hero valkyrie like the VF-2SS has been ignored this long is ridiculous. Its moment is now. Make it happen Arcadia.
  7. I think I may have heard about this Harmy Despecialized version before, but it's been a long time since I thought about it. Very ambitious project. I hope the end result is watchable.
  8. I haven't RPG gamed in decades, but I know well of the problems finding the balance in our games of old between the min/max ROLL-players vs. the story-telling ROLE-players. I just recently listened to the DLC podcast on 5by5, where they discuss a lot of video, table top adn board gaming. They chatted a lot about the new edition of D&D. Apparently, there is a shift in this edition going back to an earlier form of D&D and several new mechanics that reward/encourage disadvantaging your characters with personalities that might not always benefit the player in all situations. http://5by5.tv/dlc/35 Don't really have any opinions myself since I've long been out of it, but thought I'd mention the podcast for anyone interested
  9. Lee Pace is always good, but he was a little wasted here as Ronan simply because there wasn't much written on the page for his character. But that's okay, because the film was about the heroes and we've had more than enough villain-centric films in recent years (looking at you, Dark Knight).
  10. Thanks for the pics and the detail no3ljm. This is helpful. I sent you a PM with some more questions.
  11. My gawd, I actually remember that and I wasn't even a part of it. What a disaster.
  12. Thanks fellas. This is very encouraging and doesn't look all that hard. I really like the silicone rubber shims idea, which is a variation on the fabric shim idea I original asked about. Have you ever tried using rubber washers? Seems like that might be a good shim too.
  13. *cry, sniff, wail* No love for the M3? I'm so rornry Welcome back "old man". Seems like quite a few of the old school have decided to revisit the old stomping grounds. Be careful, the temptation to buy stuff is as great as ever
  14. An excellent article. Couldn't agree more on a lot of the choices Gunn made for the film. Very smart craft work. Having read that article also makes this an excellent time time to talk about CG characters. Perhaps giving credit to Guardians of the Galaxy is unfair, but Jeff Canata said on the Slashfilm Podcast that he doesn't even see the CG characters as CG creations anymore and felt they were totally seamless in their integration in this particular film. While I agree with Canata to a point, I think GotG simply benefits from the "Gollum" effect but on a much larger scale with a grander cast. As long as the creatures created are given character of their own and good dialogue that can engage the audience, we as the viewers can forgive any shortcomings of the photorealistic animation itself. That's not to say GotG had that problem: in fact I was really taken in by the natural, casual effect of the CG animation for characters like Rocket and Groot. The technology of CG effects has advanced leaps and bounds in the last decade as has the experience and skill of computer animators. It's sometimes easy to forget these creatures don't actually exist, not even as inanimate physical props in some cases. Perhaps it also has to do with ourselves as the audience; perhaps we've become so used to these creations in our films that we don't even notice them as separate elements anymore. But they say the best special effects are the effects you notice the least, so I don't want to deny credit to the great character effects work done for this film.
  15. I think we've had those 70's sci-fi elements show up in a lot of films over the years, but I agree that we've not seen them in quite as big a way as GotG has and not for quite a long number of years. I thought The Matrix was good cyberpunk on film, though I can understand how the sequels may have destroyed everyone's happy memories of the first film. And speaking of a good number of years...
  16. I'm afraid of any "Alien/Aliens" product not because of the alien terror, but for a far more horrifying reason; nostalgia exploitation
  17. Then I applaud either your incredible skill at perfectly choosing games, your incredibly low expectations for games or your charmed lifestyle. Joking aside, your experience is clearly not that of most folks. Or perhaps my own experience and social circles just have had it really bad
  18. anime52k8 Can you let me know how you got the pins back into the sockets? It's very likely I'll have the same problem, so I'd love to know what you did. Silverstreak Okay, I'll make sure to do 2-3 coats if I do decide to try the liquid layer route. For the YF-19 ankle, I simply disassembled the leg. It's rather easy and more important than that, it's safe
  19. Exactly! I think the reason GotG is doing so well is because a lot of us have been starved for this kind of space opera adventure movie and the visual freshness of the film's color palette is a big reason why the movie stands apart. It was so much fun to see space look so vibrant and alive on the big screen once again.
  20. If a few good games lose a few preorders, it is a small price to pay for putting an end to the boundless abuse that preorders have loosed upon consumers. You'd be hard pressed to find any gamer out there that hasn't been screwed not once, not twice, but many a time by preorders before we all learned our lessons. And like all good scams, preorders are perpetuated not by the experienced or informed, but by younger gamers who have yet to learn better. Eventually it will get better, but it will take another generation's time to do so. So be ready for another 20 years of this crap before things change. However, we can take something away from all this; Alien: Isolation is doing a preorder scam offering DLC of the original cast reprising their roles for an added mission. Don't fall for it twice and avoid preorders of this game. If it turns out to be good, you can always buy it later (DLC be damned). Besides, if anyone still thinks the odds are favorable for ever seeing a good "Alien/Aliens" franchise game ever again, maybe you deserve preorder remorse
  21. As far as I know there's not any "production" summaries of each episode, but there is written synopsis of each episode one the back cover of each Animeigo DVD disc. If you google for it, you can see some of them in the images.
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