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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Perhaps the left/right engines may increase thrust coordinated with firing of the gun pod to compensate. Or maybe (evil grin) dual gun pods could be mounted on either side. "Maximum firepower"
  2. Sadly, MW locks versus threads so this won't last. My 2 cents, the SDF-1 wouldn't have the durability to perform against the Death Star using the same tactics against the Zentradi Mothership. Going through a couple kilometers of hull to get inside largely hollow mothership is one thing; going through hundreds of kilometers of hull to get to a far smaller Death Star core is totally different. The SDF-1 (circa-SWI, fully armed with thousands of reaction missiles) would have the firepower to destroy the Death Star, but the Death Star has a shield and more numerous defenses than the Zentradi Mothership. IMO, I'd say SDF-1 is out of luck. Now, Death Star vs. Grand Cannon...Macross wins
  3. More VA-3 love is always a good thing. Apparently, the VA-3 Invader had the largest KNOWN gun caliber of the Macross gun pods (60mm) until just recently (something in Macross The Ride, I think has a larger known caliber). I always wondered where the gun pod would go on the VA-3, probably mounted left or right because I don't think center can work.
  4. Coming along nicely.
  5. The art work that AgaveCacuts builds with his models is amazing. I sympathize with working on this craft, since there is so little reference. When I colored it for the M3 I just took cues from the color scheme section at the back of the TIAS book (with some minor modification). Always good to see more of this variable craft.
  6. I like the blog. Nice work
  7. Been investigating some more. I can fully understand the criticism against the edits now and I don't like the idea. It's Watanabe who has done the changes, but that doesn't make it right. On the flip side, almost every review I've read has praised the quality of the audio over the old stereo presentation. So at least the quality is there. I'm going to order. I'll have to see this for myself to make a determination. I don't have any doubt that I'll be put off by some of the edits. Bebop - like Macross - is one of the signature anime series of my life; it's a show I've watched an unhealthy number of times, so I know it inside and out. Some of the edits might irk me, but I'm not yet convinced these changes will put me off to the same degree as others have complained. Also, I am not getting a "Ghost in the Shell 2.0" vibe here for this Bebop blu-ray set. The GitS 2.0 was a pervasive extreme edit to sound, picture, color and VFX that made the film something I could not stomach. This doesn't sound like the case here for Bebop. But again, I have to see it myself. Nonetheless, thanks for the heads up. Reading into this has been very enlightening and frustrating. But I'd rather know than be uninformed.
  8. This is just so much fun. Who could have guessed the amount of ancillary entertainment this "game" would bring. Popcorn time! Sega Blames Gearbox for Aliens: Colonial Marines Misleading Marketing http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/137262-Sega-Blames-Gearbox-For-Marketing-In-Aliens-Colonial-Marines-Lawsuit It's noteworthy how personal this debacle has now become. Each news item is talking less and less about the companies and more and more about the people involved. We're starting to read names more than anything else and that might be a good indicator of who the big egos/personalities were that clashed on the way to making this pixelated turd
  9. So all the HD versions of the series (Japanese and this new Funimation release) feature the remix audio. Well, that doesn't leave much choice if one wants the HD release. I already own the first DVD release of the original series + movie on DVD, so I'll always have them. Think I'll still be buying this. Perhaps some fans might attach the old audio tracks to the new HD footage some day
  10. Robbie was fantastic in The Wolf of Wallstreet so she is a solid actor. But yeah, in my opinion Kelly Hu is THE actress for the role of Kusanagi...or nothing. Not seeing stars here
  11. I was looking for releases here in North America. I'm aware of the Patlabor movie blu-rays in Japan, but I was hoping for a domestic release.
  12. I have to check this out sometime. Still haven't read anything past the first few issues, which were excellent. That's a crazy SV-51 space booster.
  13. I've not seen anyone else post about this, but there is something of a mini-renaissance coming up for fans of 1990's-era anime classics. Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell and Princess Mononoke are all set to be released in North America on Blu-ray before the end of this year. The Ghost in the Shell blu-ray is quite notable since this "25th Anniversary Edition" release will be a remastered presentation of the original 1995 film, NOT the GitS 2.0 that was previously the only domestic high-definition version of the film available. Personally, I'm thrilled about these releases since my anime blu-ray collection is small and consists of mainly import discs from Japan. Details of each are below: Ghost in the Shell Release Date: September 23, 2014 Princess Mononoke Release Date: November 18, 2014 Cowboy Bebop The Complete Series Release Date: December 16, 2014 Apparently the Cowboy Bebop set is also offered via exlusive versions for pre-order on the Amazon.com and Funimation websites. It's difficult to decide which of these releases I'm excited about most. Regardless, I'll be buying them all. Now there's still a rather large catalog of other anime I want on blu-ray (Patlabor, Spirited Away, etc) but this is a good start. It's about damned time
  14. Nothing wrong with a film where the villain is the show, but nothing wrong with the pure joy of well-written heroes in GoTG either
  15. Sure. This is almost everything I have. There's one other piece from one of the "This Is Animation Special" series, but I don't seem to have a scan of it.
  16. My favorite Iron "Man" suit
  17. This looks like more fantastic work. Can't wait to see more. If you need any line art reference, I'm your man. Just let me know
  18. Good old Roy Welcome back twdc!
  19. Wow, great story. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Looks like "I, Robot"...but done the right way. Banderas is always good, so I'm in. Damn, Dylan McDermott is nearly unrecognizable in this; this seems way different for him.
  21. Need a sound warning for that missile defense video, that was LOUD!
  22. I believe I saw Macross Plus at some point in 1995. I remember being in college at the time, living as I was in Calgary back then. Absolutely loved the 4-part series. For me, Macross Plus was the gateway back into Macross. At that time, anime was beginning to gain plenty of ground in North America. Especially since moving to a large city (I'm orginally from a small town) my friends and I began finding all kinds of new avenues of distribution for anime, from hobby shops and asian markets to mail order services and indie film houses. We were watching all kinds of anime including Mobile Police Patlabor, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Mobile Suit Gundam, Bubblegum Crisis, Appleseed, Gunbuster, Space Battleship Yamato, Heroic Legend of Arslan, Record Lodoss War, Ninja Scroll, The Vision of Escaflowne, The Five Star Stories, Vampire Hunter D, and dozens more I can't even remember now. I also managed to see the original version of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind at that time, which was the first anime I ever saw back in the 1980's when I was a very young child. I remember Macross Plus was so confusing to me at the time, but in the best way. Until then I'd only known Macross through Robotech. I tried revisiting Robotech a few years before seeing Macross Plus, but it was terrible. Macross Plus however grabbed my interest and wouldn't let go. I loved all the new terminology like OverTechnology, Valkyrie, Battroid, etc. The leap in setting and time was so interesting and I had to know more. So i did. The rest is history.
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