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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Oh, it gets better. One of the reasons the Infinity Gauntlet is so much fun is because a part of the subtext is a great morality play about young comic book fans; a critique of single, socially awkward males that make up a lot of the younger comic book consumer base and their unrealistic, romanticized perceptions of women. Get ready for a ride
  2. Hell yeah! If anyone seen Edge of Tomorrow, they'd cast her without a second thought. Kick ass!
  3. I second Kaneda's endorsement. The Silver Surfer comics (starting at #34) that build up to the Infinity Guantlet, the Thanos Quest 2-issue series and the Infinity Guantlet 6-issue series itself are all amazing with a strong build up, great battles and a very personal finale. The saga still stands as one of the best cosmic cross-over events in Marvel's comic history.
  4. Kevin Feige and company have spoken a few times about the offbeat nature of what they'd like to do with the Doctor Strange movie. They've often invoked descriptions of the supernatural, a pseudo-horror film theme and even mentioned a Kubrick-style representation of the surreal. I'm hoping that amounts to more than dark sets and a few dutch angles, but Marvel has proven track record that they like the challenges of doing things differently. So I'm very encouraged by what I hear thus far.
  5. I know how ya feel. Sometimes these castings are also depressing because we are forced to imagine what could have been. But look at it this way; it's great that we have an abundance of our favorite actors to fill the roles of all these characters. It's better than the reverse like it was in decades past, where no actor of any worth wanted to play a fantasy, sci-fi or comic book character.
  6. Not necessarily. Feige said Black Panther is a big part of Civil War, so that story could be stretched over multiple films without the "group film" to connect them. Marvel could certainly pull it off.
  7. I don't think comic book movies are going anywhere. They are the new sci-fi, which has become a staple of entertainment ever since it was first created. Fantasy comes and goes in popularity, easily sliding in and out of the popular culture, but comic book movies seem to be here to say. I will agree that the TYPE of super hero film that is currently popular is already getting stale. There's only so many origin stories that I can find entertaining before they all start bleeding into each other. But just like certain formats of othere films, they will adapt. I'm really glad they are doing Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet in two films. They'll really cover the story well over two film. And speaking of fantasy, it's cool how the two Infinity Avenger films are being released back-to-back from 2018-2019 like LotR. THat's cool.
  8. The stories all have to be condensed for the films. Like Kevin Feige says, they are the film versions of the same broad strokes of the story from the comics and they have to fit the format of the films.
  9. I have faith. The Marvel movies seem to have casting licked. They got it down. I'm far more worried whether the film will be good than the casting. I hope this movie works, because I think the magic side of the Marvel universe can be enjoyably awkward, bizarre, and surreal.
  10. Eventually, someone else other than Thor is gonna have to pick up the hammer. It's like breaking Captain America's shield; it's an iconic image that will have to be seen eventually. So, Beta Ray may be more likely than we think.
  11. This was an easy choice for another Marvel film. The first one was wildly successfull beyond what most people thought it could be. As a result, now Marvel has a new fictional world that film audiences would love to spend ever more time watching. I definitely count myself among them. I am wondering though if the next film will retain the more "action hero" feel of the first one rather than the "super hero" feel of Marvel's other movies.
  12. If the Thor films move toward the big story lines like The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill or The Surtur Saga, that would be epic. Though I suspect most of the best Thor arcs would need at least two films and likely three to be told properly.
  13. There are so many Marvel announcements. Well, first FEMALE standalone super hero film from Marvel. IT'S ABOUT F-ING TIME!
  14. Hahaha, leave it to Marvel to make an annoucement that just decimates WB/DC for both details and excitement level Yeah, looks like Cumberbatch is a lock. A fine choice, IMO.
  15. I recently started going through the HD release of Star Trek Next Generation and that brought back the old memories when I read your post
  16. Can't read. The board re-sizes the graphic so that the text is too small
  17. Sick! Too bad the low-thrust vernier thrusters aren't real
  18. Oh, hell yeah! THAT'S what a real summer blockbuster trailer is, done the right way. Eat choade, Michael Bay! Love Ultron's dialog and James Spader is perfectly cast as the voice. I hope the character's personality delivers on the promise of these bits from the trailer, because his strange ideology sounds really entertaining. Lot of really interesting pieces here, hulk-buster armor being an obvious comic geek highlight. The armor is realized for live action expertly; totally digging the design and the fact that they retained the thick, turtle-shell like motif of the comics. Nice to see Rhodes, even if just for a second. And Andy Serkis what? Looking lean and mean he is! And that music...perfectly creepy, echoing the theme of Ultron's character. Overall, a great trailer. Really feeling this.
  19. I've no horse in the race, but the debut is the debut. EDIT: My mistake, the VF-17 debut was Macross 7, episode 1 in October 1994; the VF-17 debut in Macross Plus was the Movie Edition, which was August 1995!
  20. The VF-17 Nightmare debut was actually in Macross Plus in an blink-and-you'll-miss-it sequence. There is a screenshot of it on my website under the VF-17 Nightmare profile in the Macross Plus section. EDIT: My mistake, the VF-17 debut was Macross 7, episode 1 in October 1994; the VF-17 debut in Macross Plus was the Movie Edition, which was August 1995!
  21. I just found the perfect gift for my friend. He's a huge Dredd fan. Hells yeah.
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