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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Let Trek die. Ironically, it's the logical thing to do
  2. Do what I did; sell your 1/60 Yamato and put the cash towards another 1/48 Yammie
  3. Obviously the Protoculture's mastery of genetics was far from absolute. If the Zentradi were able to be created as near-invincible soldiers, they would be a lot better than their human counterparts. Every Zentradi pilot would be an ace if it was all in the genes right? The entire Zentradi and Meltrandi fleets would be filled with Millias There are also other factors that can affect soldery as well. I beleive it was Misa who said Max's situational awareness was almost perfect. That skill wouldn't necessarily be a matter of genetics but more a matter of learning, cognitive process, and mental discipline. Kinda hard to clone those aspects of a living organism. There is also the point (I think someone else pointed it out) of a lack of Zentradi creativity and innovation. Cunning and skill can only take one so far. If a pilot can creatively innovate and adapt in combat situations better than a Zentradi, the Zentradi training and genetic advantages aren't really all that impressive. Just a few points to ponder
  4. Why wouldn't I? The last 5 years have been the best time to be a fanboy for a very long time...especially a fantasy fan. Lots of anime, plenty of great genre films, tons of merchandise releases...enjoy it while it lasts, cause it never does.
  5. "Ha, was there ever any doubt!"
  6. Like the man says... I got my shipping confirmation just the other day.
  7. I kinda like the sound of this. I wouldn't mind giving a new mecha series a try and Kawamori did a good job with Escaflowne for the most part.
  8. Wow! Great stuff! I like that the fighter mode can use the backpack clip to stabilize the FAST packs in fighter mode. Very innovative!
  9. Well, it's really good to see some Dreamcast owners and fellow Soul Calibur fans. Soul Calibur was such a good game and so ahead of its time, it's very sad the DC didn't survive. Well I finally purchased Soul Calibur II yesterday and I must say I'm very impressed. I'll say right off that the game doesn't have the impact and sheer brilliance that Soul Calibur had for its time. It's really hard to match up to the DC game, given it's high level of sophistication. But for a lot of gamers that never played Soul Calibur on the DC (which is probably the vast majority, considering how the DC failed to sell), Soul Calibur II is very much like an update of the DC game for all the current game consoles. I stayed up until 2:00 am playing the game yesterday and I'm having a blast. I have the Xbox version which is an absolute graphical dream on my Xbox. More to come later...
  10. Mr March

    Sci-fi sizes

    Cool! Always enjoy plenty of size comparisons.
  11. Another guy that has SC and a Dreamcast! I thought I was the only one
  12. I actually enjoyed Runaway quite a bit. I haven't seen the movie in years, but I remember very much enjoying it. I clearly remember those spiders. Damn they freaked me out when I was younger I can definitely see the Patlabor similarities. Guess it's little wonder that I like Patlabor too
  13. That was intense I'm willing to take a few things on faith. Both my 1/48 Scale yammies have not failed to impress me at all and the 1/60 scale I owned for a breif time was very satisfactory in its own right. I'm certainly getting a FAST Pack set for my 1/48 before handling the merchandise in person. I'm very confident it will be everything I expect.
  14. Macross Plus narrowly beats out DYRL. I listen to both those Macross soundtracks many a time, but the broad scope and depth of the Mac+ stuff wins me over.
  15. Just like I purchased my Dreamcast for the purpose of buying Soul Calibur, I got an Xbox for the sole reason of playing Soul Calibur II. So Obviously I'll be buying the Xbox version of the game. I've read the reveiws and they've been really good so far. Not as good as Soul Calibur, but it's hard to beat the perfect game I'll be purchasing the game at a local Future Shop as soon as it's released. In the interim, I have Halo to play, Bowling for Columbine to watch, and Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers to obtain on DVD today
  16. Well, I was just hoping to get across my interpretations. Ultimately, Macross Zero is a piece of art and every aspect of it leaves some room for interpretation. Some areas more than others, but we all know what a fan Kawamori is of alternative human perceptions. He loves it when his audience interprets his art as something he never expected. In fact, he encourages it. I've always concentrated on reaching a middle road with my interpretations of any artwork. Especially retroactive redesigns that are so common in today's industry of prequels and classic revisitations (Star Wars, Mobile Suit Gundam, etc). It's important to remember (ESPECIALLY because we are such ardent fanboys who think we know everything about our beloved franchise) that we have not and never will be told "the whole story" of Macross. Any story is given to the veiwer as only a small look into the unvierse through the eyes of the characters upon which the story focuses. Even after 20 years, there is not nearly enough information or product avaialble to us as Macross fans that we can simply dismiss or reject parts of the continuity that conflicts with what we thought happened. That's ultimately Kawamori and company's pervue. Nonetheless, a very worthy discussion. Beleive me, I do understand your points. You have some valid criticisms.
  17. Very cool! I like it.
  18. Let me tell you that the net is 100X better than most walk-in anime/collectibles shops. I have one about 5 min from me and they overcharge like Imageanime.com does. I can well imagine. I recall one store selling a 1/60 scale Yammie for nearly the same price I paid for my 1/48 Yammie (all additional charges included).
  19. Two 1/48 scale Yammies is all I've got. I had a 1/60, but sold it.
  20. Got 'em online. All of them from Hobby Link Japan so far. Before getting the net, I simply had no access to any stores that sold them. Now I can find some Yamato's in hobby stores in the city where I live. However, the Yamato's I've seen in hobby shops or conventions are so outrageously expensive, its worth exchange, duty, shipping, and even the waiting to purchase them online.
  21. My Yamato 1/48 Scale VF-1S. When I get the FAST Packs, I'll have it bronzed LOL!
  22. I've always loved disposable armor on mecha. My favorite mecha like the VF-1 Valkyrie or the RX-78NT-1 Gundam Alex feature disposable armor. Just something about the versatility and the design of ejectable armor really adds a lot to any good mecha design. Of course, the loads of missiles and thrusters on the GBP-1 Armor system doesn't hurt either
  23. Yeah, that would be much more appropriate. The VF-0 is designed with physical limits, imposed by the need for a true CGI model that can handle transformation while maintaining proportion. The original lineart/animation allows for altering of physical characteristics. I beleive "anime magic" is the popular term for this. Yes I agree with the makeover as well. The VF-0 shares the defining traits of the VF-1 design, kept within the era but tweaking and refining a proven design aesthetic. Personally, I love the revisitations as long as they remain true to the era, which the VF-0 most certainly does.
  24. I agree there's some room for criticism and a few areas that make the VF-0 appear more thrilling and dynamic from an entertainment standpoint. However, most of these claims stem from the differences in both scene composition/technique and the differences between animation two decades prior compared to the present. What I don't get, especially comparing the lineart, is the remarkable exaggeration made about the differences in the two designs. People seem to approach the design discussion with such vigour as to suggest one Valkyrie is a circle while the other is a square. Or worse still, suggest the VF-0 looks sooooo advanced that it belongs in an entriely different era. The VF-0 looks similar in battroid mode to the VF-11 only in the shoulders and arms, but these features don't fit with the overall aesthetic of the VF-0. To me, the thin arms and small shoulders on a VF-0 battroid makes it look much less refined and clunkier in than the VF-1. Thin features work for the VF-11 design because the VF-11 is a thinner proportioned battroid. The VF-0 is not, and those thin arm/shoulder features are jarring to the overall design. The VF-11 is also a "V" shaped torso design. The VF-0 torso is much more triangular and flat, just like the VF-1. The VF-0 Fighter looks far more like a VF-1 than a VF-11 Fighter. The mid section, forward nose, and wings are far more dissimilar than alike. The VF-0 is very much linear and square like the VF-1. The VF-11 is much different, being very flat and wedge-shaped. The feet of the VF-0 are much more square than the VF-11 or any of the other era Valkyries. Except for the pointed ends, the look very similar to the VF-1, just in CG. I find the VF-0 is very suited to it's era. The VF-0 would look out of place next to the VF-4 of Flashback, way too clunky for the YF-19 or YF-21 of Plus, and way too good looking for the mecha of 7. It suits the Space War One era...it wouldn't fit anywhere else.
  25. I own both the OVA series and the Movie Edition. I like the OVA a lot more, but I enjoyed the movie edition more than enough to purchase it. That should be sufficient motivation for you to buy it
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