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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I think of myself as quite positive most of the time. Though no doubt its understandable that you might get somewhat annoyed with a few members of the naysayers club after a while. We could always discuss the stuff I do think looks promising, but AVP isn't one of them
  2. Damn, I'd love to bring up all these great points, but other people keep beating me to them
  3. Thank you. I needed to hear that Oh, Macross Plus rocks!
  4. Hehehe. Kawamori himself
  5. I'm a big fan of film. Aside from the many anime films I own, some of my all time favorites would be the following: A Few Good Men Alien Aliens Amadeus Bowling for Columbine Braveheart Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Die Hard Gladiator Goldeneye Good Morning Vietnam Hunt for Red October, The Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade Interview with the Vampire Jurassic Park L.A. Confidential Limey, The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition Boxed Set Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Men in Black Mask of Zorro, The Matrix, The Memento Minority Report Monty Python and The Holy Grail Mummy, The (1999 Remake) Patriot Games Phone Booth Predator Presumed Innocent Princess Bride, The Raiders of the Lost Ark The Road Warrior Saving Private Ryan Schindler's List Star Wars A New Hope Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Return of the Jedi Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Tombstone Unbreakable Usual Suspects, The Wall Street X-Men Of the anime films I own, this selection would be my favorites out of all of them: Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven’s Door Grave of the Fireflies Macross The Movie: Do You Remember Love? Patlabor Movie 1 Patlabor Movie 2 Princess Mononoke Spirited Away Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
  6. I'm afraid I have to agree with my bud bsu on this one. Paul Anderson's involvement is not instilling confidence to expect a quality film, especially the way these articles keep pimping Resident Evil as if it were a good film. I liked the first Predator film and love Alien and Aliens. Aliens vs. Predator 1 and 2 on the PC are two of my favorite games of all time. I own the original Predator and Aliens comics and have Aliens vs. Predator series (including the Dark Horse Presents prelude comics). I hope as much as the next fanboy of these two classic sci-fi monster franchises that a combo movie would blow my mind. However, this film seems doomed to failure. None of the characters sound particularly interesting. They are described more as uninspired banal rather than interesting archetypes. The plot is far too "present" to sound like the fiction of Alien and much too been-ther-done-that for the fiction of Predator. The climate makes no sense whatsoever for either of the two alien organisms and placing the alien on a planet should be a total disaster for the humans. I cringe at the plot device that could be used to end the film. Depending upon how the film is marketted will determine whether or not I see it. If I see one more trailer with Hollywood's flavor-of-the-month in a cat suit as the narrator chimes "She's here to kick alien butt", I'll definitely vomit
  7. Since Gundam's explosion of popularity, people ALWAYS compare any other mecha show to Gundam like it's some kind of universal fan standard for mecha. Not unlike the annoying "Oh that looks really cool. Reminds me of this one episode of Star Trek where they..." In many ways, Gundam's need to redesign its mecha with every series means it sometimes takes influences from other mecha shows. Seed's commonality to Full metal Panic is obviously no accident. As far as I can tell, the FA VF-0S has absolutely no Gundam design lineage whatsoever. This full armor variant for the VF-0 is undoubtedly all Macross, I can see the design elements clearly. Anyone who has a copy of Macross Perfect Memory would know what a Gundam-ized Macross would look like if it ever came to being. The Valkyrie design looks as much as a Gundam as a Patlabor looks like an Eva. In other words, nothing. As for the arms, people often make the mistake of assuming mecha work like humans because they share the same form. It's a common science fiction falacy to assume a small or thin structure is somehow weak. In the case of the VF-0, the small forearms would actually reduce the load bearing weight of the forearms because the upper arms are small. You'd have the same weight, just spread across less arm. Also, the smaller upper arms look like they provide the VF-0 with much more freedom of movement for the arm and much more flexibility.
  8. WOW! Where the heck did you get those CGI shots from? ANd is there any wallpaper of those screens?
  9. Thank you. I was hoping to see that fact brought to everyones attention. Cheers!
  10. Thank you, thank you.
  11. You're basically onto the same thing I am but you're examining the need for both Destroids and Valkyries. I agree totally with your analysis. It can be summed up with the term "Combined Arms".
  12. You are just itching to discuss this one aren't you? I recall a thread not long since which mentioned this...hehehe.
  13. I cleaned up the picture a little and played with the saturation and gamma a bit. Hope this looks a little better.
  14. A better reason for why tank supporters are insane to suggest mecha are inferior, I can't imagine
  15. I love these threads. I'll provide my thoughts. Let's start with the basics. As a few have already mentioned, the UN Spacy was very much aware that the aliens were giants. How much more they knew is left to conjecture, but it's confirmed in Macross canon that the UN Spcay knew the existance of aliens and the UN Spacy knew they were giant in stature (Roy's revelation in SDF Macross). Second, they wanted a military vehicle to go toe-to-toe with the giants, just like any other infrantry. So they made the Valkyries giant robots. Digging beneath the surface of Macross, we can see numerous, better conceived reasons to create a transforming mecha. Hence, I'll analyze why Macross has one of the most spectacular setups for a sci-fi series ever created. The best and most obvious reason a Valkyrie was created was need; the whole "necessity being the mother of invention" cliche and what not. The UN Spacy needed an anti-alien soldier. The revelation that the aliens were giants must have come as a terrible blow to the human militaries of the world. Despite all the advances in technology, the most numerous and deadly unit in any military is the soldier. The fact that the aliens were giant told the humans their primary means of waging war - the human soldier - is totally and absolutely obselete. All factors of warfare being equal, your human grunt will lose to this type of alien grunt everytime. A soldier was needed to combat the alien soldier, so they made a humanoid mecha. The second and less obvious reason a Valkyrie was created was because it could be done; the means were available so the reason to create was obvious. In addition to the need for a soldier to defeat the alien soldier, the UN Spacy needed new hardware for a new type of war. They needed to build new weapons like starships and humanoid mecha, but they still needed tried and true military hardware, like fighters and tanks. Hence, the OT proved mecha could be made practical, so why not solve the need for a mecha, an atmosphereic fighter, and a space craft all in one shot? Think of the versatility; a single weapon system that could meet the alien soldier, meet the alien airforces, and meet the alien space craft on their own battlefield and win. Why make a transformable fighter/mecha? The real question should be "Why wouldn't the Valkyrie be made?" The third and definitely least obvious reason was time; the UN Spacy was against the clock. There was no question more aliens would arrive on Earth. An alien ship already had arrived...contact was inevitable. The only question was when. The UN SPacy obviously decided aliens would arrive sooner...not later. So an answer to all the UN Spacy's new military needs was required. They need new mecha; they needed new space craft; they needed a single answer. The Valkyrie was created and solved all their needs. And while it was designed with the drawbacks of any multi-purpose unit, new hardware was developed to make up for its shortcomings. The FAST Packs were designed to give the Valkyrie space superiority, something the standard configuration may have lacked agaisnt dedicated enemy hardware. The GBP-1S Armor System was developed to give the Valkyrie ground superiority, something else the standard configuration may have lacked against dedicated enemy hardware. The UN Spacy was unprepared and out of its league in this new era of warfare and they knew it. They gambled that they could create one machine that could at least allow their military to set foot upon the new battlefield...and fight. So the UN Spacy put all their hopes on the Valkyrie. Moving on to destroids, the reason they needed Valkyries over destroids was simple. The UN Spacy required a soldier to defeat the alien soldier not just on the ground, but anywhere an alien soldier could go. The UN Spacy needed a solider on the ground, in the air, and in space. Destroids could fulfill only a single role. So the Valkyrie was made. Well, that was fun. Hope you like it
  16. OH YEAH! Fantastic! My absolute favorite...anime mecha and disposable armor. I love it! Thank you so very very much for the pictures Graham. My first impressions of the Full Armor VF-0S: it screams "test bed." I agree with Graham's assertion that this Full Armor package appears to have less armament than the GBP-1S system for the VF-1 Valkyrie. It also appears to have less armor and fewer additional thrusters. As a result, the design looks less formidible than the GBP-1S as far as defense, offense, and added thrust. However, because there is less to this Full Armor system, I suppose it's a trade off of less weight versus less arms/propellent/protection. The design elements of the original GBP-1S system are very apparent. Like the VF-0 itself, the design aesthetic of the Full Armor is undeniably VF-1. However, I see many VF-11 Full Armor design similarities. Most of all, the armored forearm sections on the FA VF-0S look very much like the FA VF-11 shield. Also, the shoulder mounted missile pods are more prominent than the traditional GBP-1S, just like the FA VF-11. Damn this is great stuff.
  17. You're not kidding! That is awesome! I can't wait to see the VF-0 Full Armor.
  18. Very nice! Always a treat to see some great Macross Zero stuff.
  19. Not bad. I like the beach scene. That scene reminds me of Macross Zero, except with a VF-1.
  20. I'm going to go buy it today. Damn it looks great and the reviews are hot. That and Homeworld 2 if I can
  21. Mr March

    Your Valks

    I want to buy those display stands. Are those a personal creation made by sithlord and sold privately or can I purchase them somewhere else? I would love to have one of those stands for my 1/48 Yammies.
  22. LOL
  23. Yes, Yamato needs to use smaller boxes for the Macross Valkyrie products. The 1/48 appears in a box that is easily twice as big as need be. Sure it's pretty for display, but a cover picture is perfectly acceptable. The FAST Pack set used a box almost as large as the 1/48 Valkyire itself. That was absolutely ridiculous.
  24. Mr March


    I'm not purchasing any. I'm waiting until Yamato gets the smarts to release a FAST Pack set that includes the special hand set. It's the reason I purchased only one FAST Pack set though I own two 1/48 Yammies. Come on Yamato, get with the program
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