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Everything posted by Mr March
Terminator 5/Terminator: Genisys, opening July 1, 2015
Mr March replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I was fairly certain that like all Terminators, the T1000 needed some time with the "subject being copied" to record enough speech such that the victim's voice would be convincingly reproduceable.- 508 replies
- Terminator
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Terminator 5/Terminator: Genisys, opening July 1, 2015
Mr March replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Arnold killing the image of the success of his youth? Yeah, That about sums up this trailer. Looks cheesy in all the wrong ways. Repeating dialog that you love from better Terminator movies, repeating stunts you love from better Terminator movies, repeating effects you love from better Terminator movies, blah, blah, blah. This trailer is selling Terminator based on the iconography of the series rather than blazing it's own path. All the new sequences are just trying to sell "bigger and better" for the sake of bigger and better. There's nothing engaging about any of the performances shown from any of the actors (Emilia Clarke, you deserve so much better than this). I'm struggling to see anything in this trailer that shows any kind of spark, enthusiasm or inspiration. Definitely not feeling this.- 508 replies
- Terminator
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
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Hmmm, not sure about this... EDIT: So did some digging into this and talked it over with other fans. The Macross Ace appearance certainly isn't anything that indicates it should supercede the Chronicle continuity (1st edition or 2nd edition) or the offical Macross II products. And Kawamori's comments in the Tezuka Meseum talk show confirm the same thing that has always been stated about Macross II in the official products; it's an official Macross production, regardless of it being a parallel universe. I believe it's safe to remain with the official notes about Macross II's continuity status at this time.
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Is this something new? I've not heard this before. I guess that's good for MII then
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Oh damn, I missed this YF-19 in a SU-47 paint job. That is an awesome look. I HAVE to do some custom line art for this
Other than the SDF-1 thing, I don't think there's any "production" reason why the 2092 date can't work to integrate MII into canon (srry, "official continuity"). IMO, I think it would be fine. From a "trivia" side, some fans have noted the valkyries of MII lack some basic technology now inherent to all valks (arm shields, wrap-around cockpit imaging, pin-point barriers, inertia store converters, etc). Some have also noted the MII valks are way behind where variable fighter performance would be by 2092. The Macross Plus era fighters already greatly surpassed the flight performance of the MII mecha and now with the Fronter era, it's just all wrong. But that's not a big deal in my mind, as MII has very few official statistics for the Valkyries. This could all be solved if the official stats for engine/thrust performance were simply "adjusted" to suit the time frame. Problem solved
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Luke stated he hated the Empire and lamented the fact that he was so far away from everything to do anything about it. I'm not sure about the Academy he mentioned, but it's likely it was not an imperial institution on something as far out as Tatooine. Nonetheless, Luke's friend Biggs went to the Academy and was in the employ of the Rebel Alliance. So maybe the Academy is even a Rebel institution. Or perhaps it is an Imperial institution that just trains people, some of whom leave to join the Rebel Alliance
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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Agreed on the CG effect; they look great to me. And yes, I did notice the lightsaber blade and I do think the actual function of that lightsaber is more interesting than discussing the damned blade guard. The lightsaber looks really rough. Almost like fire in some respects. And there are strange electrical discharges cascading along the "blade". Could it be a NEW type of lightsaber? A very OLD type of lightsaber? A malfunctioning lightsaber? An improperly built lightsaber? I just hope the reason is more interesting than what I can imagine on my own
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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"Well, with a black guy being the first person we see, I guess we're making some leaps here with movies" Don't know about a leap, but it sure was a bold, badass and looooooong overdue surprise to see a guy like Boyega opening one of the biggest franchise films of all time. Bravo!
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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Watching the teaser again today I became consciously aware of something I only saw subconsciously the first time I watched the teaser yesterday: the flight of the Millenium Falcon. One of the things that really registered with me about the teaser was that fantastic flight sequence at the end. On a repeat look today I can see now why I liked it so much: they really nailed the sense of motion and inertia of the Millenium Falcon in flight from the original trilogy. The way the camera would often dip and pitch to enhance the climb or dive visuals of the Falcon. The way the Falcon often spins and flips during maneuvers. Just the overall wonderous "ride" you feel as an audience watching the Falcon soar through the air. It's so much like the original trilogy but enhanced by the new technology. So yeah, that really worked well
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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It's certainly looking like a far different film than the prequels, both in tone and technique. Which we knew to expect, but I will say some of the shots felt slightly jarring just to my eyes as a long time film fan. I still associate Star Wars with a 1970's style of filmmaking. The inclusion of more modern camera shots (especially the tight-in hand held) definitely stands out. Not saying it's bad, it's just a very noticable visual departure that you can't help but recognize when you know the style of the original films so well (and the dated camera work of the prequels). What little was shown is very promising as far as visuals, but there is again (as is his bad habit) a fixation upon iconic visuals of the film eras of the past that Abrams adores. Yes, it certainly looks, sounds and feels like Star Wars, in most ways even far more than the prequels ever did. And therein lies my greatest concern about these new films: a slavish reverence to the past. Abrams did it with "Super 8" and with "Into Darkness", both of which suffered for it. I'm really concerned this is going to be another of Abrams fan fiction-like film, where all the iconic nostalgia of classic Lucas and Speilberg is recreated so perfectly that the entire film feels exactly like something we've already watched, right down to the story and character beats. I just hope this Star Wars film doesn't fall prey to Abrams worst tendencies. I want this to stand on it's own. In order to avoid being another internet critic, I'm going to try to remain positive about this. I did like what I saw. I want to be hopeful about this. The visual look of the film is great and plenty of what is teased intrigues me. What is Boyega doing in a stormtrooper suit? Who is the droid? Why is there so much imagery of the Imperials? Who is the black robbed figure with the sith-colored lightsaber? The mystery is certainly there and the teaser definitely succeeded in getting me to ask questions and start to get invested. I also just have to say this; it was an awesome statement that the first moving image we see of the new Star Wars is John Boyega. THAT was bold. A real break from the norm and an excellent cultural shot in the arm.
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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Trailer is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOVFvcNfvE Not bad. Better than I was expecting.
- 3763 replies
- Star Wars
- J.J. Abrams
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I know I've said this before when it was another company, but it bear repeating. Please, oh gawd please...let HG try to sue Amazon. Let that world become reality
As far as compilations go, this is pretty damned good. Quite a good spread that hit a lot of the really good marks, including representation from Patlabor, Escaflowne, Evangelion and even two mecha from Five Star Stories, WOOT! Naturally, I would have liked to see more Macross representation, at the very least the Monster MKII should have been included or the YF-19/YF-21. But it is cool they got the Macross Quarter, the SDF-1 Macross and the Macross 25 Island Cluster Class in there. Also, serious lack of Battletech/Mechwarrior: the TImber Wolf/Mad Cat should at the very least have been there to shout out to that franchise.
Interstellar - In cinemas and IMAX November 7, 2014
Mr March replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
It actually works in reverse. If a movie has no aspirations to be great and just wants to be trashy, disposable fun, all it's failings are easy to forgive and/or forget. But when a movie clearly aims for the top and expects you to take it seriously, every sequence has to be up to that level or it gets pulled down to dumb movie zone- 197 replies
- nolan
- interstellar
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Space travel is still too far removed from daily life for most audiences to understand, so popular culture has a way of presenting space flight inaccurately in TV and movies that does not educate the viewer. In a experience similar to yours, I recall some dork online once arguing the VF-11 Thunderbolt's 30mm gun pod was actually weaker than the VF-1 Valkyrie's gun because it was a smaller caliber than 55mm. This guys is debating ballistics and doesn't know about muzzle velocity Still, there is so much information available about the valkyries of Macross I'm really surprised folks couldn't find out about a "vernier thruster" with a simple google search.
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Interstellar - In cinemas and IMAX November 7, 2014
Mr March replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
See again, another great element that I wish was in a much better film. Initially, I thought the robots were so ridiculous, they felt like something out of Doctor Who (not all that surprising, since Nolan is English). And then the humor and personality of the robots began winning me over. By the time you get to the tidal wave action sequence and they pull out that great "cartwheeling" mode, I was totally on board with their execution. Then the movie hits you with more lameness and that offensively abhorrent monologue from Brand. ARRGGHH! It is so rare that a film achieves such great heights and plunges to such awful lows, I'd forgotten how truly infuriating flicks like this can be for me.- 197 replies
- nolan
- interstellar
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Oh yeah, I love that film. So damned funny. "In the middle of my f-ing lunch break!"
- 393 replies
Lauren Graham is just a pleasure, no guilt involved
- 393 replies
Interstellar - In cinemas and IMAX November 7, 2014
Mr March replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Saw "Interstellar" this week. A very aggravating movie. I do appreciate very much that this is a type of movie we don't get much of anymore and it does offer so very much to enjoy. The film shows you scenes you've never seen before. The visualization of the Black Hole was astounding and I loved every moment of it. The gravity effects the black hole had on the ocean planet was so amazing and made for a unforgettable tidal wave sequence. And that wormhole...my gawd, the conception and visualization of the effects for it are so damned cool. There are some emotional moments that are genuinely affecting with some great performances. When they discover Dr. Mann, the film just breaks your heart. When Coop sees decades of his family life pass before him, its simply devastating. But then so much undermines the film. The beginning is atrocious; that first 30-40 minutes is just mind-numbing. At times it contains some truly awful dialog and I have to say - even being one of the converted to which this movie is claerly preaching - I found this movie almost insufferably pedantic. I don't know how, but the movie always feels rushed (how is that possible in a 3-hour movie?) and that tacked on ending was lousy, making so little sense the way it was hurredly played out and just truncated into pointlessness. Then there's that sound mix. I felt blundgeoned by the sound, like someone was kicking a calculus text book into my face. I know this is an ongoing issue across the globe; some say they have no idea what sound problems people are complaining about while others are confirming by the thousands that there is clearly something very wrong with the sound mix at hundreds of theatres. While this may be unique to my experience, I also suffered an IMAX screening where the sound problems others have descrbied plagued my viewing of the film. The backgound music and sound effects often seriously intruded upon - or outright overpowered - the dialog of the actors. I think this is a miss for me. One of Nolan's few but I honestly didn't get enough out of it. A real shame because I had the impression this was going to be one of my favorite space films of all time and quite possibly another Nolan masterpiece. It was not to be.- 197 replies
- nolan
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I'll admit that Macross has never been all that great at doing space flight justice, but I dare say the Macross animators at least tried to depict space flight more realistically than was generally done at the time, at least compared to our western popular culture. I feel Macross is more Firefly/Battlestar Galactica (2004) as opposed to Star Trek/Star Wars. I feel the most important distinction is that every Macross aerospace craft is designed for spaceflight; even the "naked" Valkyries are all built with vernier thrusters and reverse reaction thrusters visible on the finished designs. And of course the FAST/Super Packs are visibly obvious spaceflight systems. The Macross productions have also featured more than a little zero-g newtonian physics in the animations in all three modes and we've often seen reaction thrusters used in productions like DYRL and Macross Plus. I think it's also important to note most of the Macross action in space is combat or travelling to some destination under a dramatic time limit. So the spacecraft are going to be using thrust most of the time to either survive a battle or beat the clock. I agree Macross could do better when depicting space flight, but to be fair, Macross hasn't exactly done atmospheric flight correctly either
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It's amazing that we now have the technology to do this. Every step brings us closer to cool stuff like space mining, space habitats and all kinds of activities in space. So happy to see this.
- 26 replies
- Comet landing
- science
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