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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I don't know how much dropping off the hardware market hurt Sega.... but they make alot of things besides video games. What else does Sega do?
  2. That's something you do9n't see everyday...80's era character design with modern animation. It actually looks quite good. I liked the original Area 88.
  3. I was under the impression Sega's big money maker was video slots and games anyway. For years I've seen lots of Sega machines at Casinos and sports bars. They gotta be making a killing with those markets, so why not expand into them? Of course, I'm very sad to see Sega leave the console market, since I'm a fan of their Dreamcast and many of their titles from the Master System/Genesis days.
  4. I actually liked Clones quite a bit. I thought it was a very worthy return to the conventions that made the other Star Wars films a lot of fun. Plenty of adventure, cheesy humor, great space fights, and even a few surprises. It really worked for me. Not sure why it gets such bad press (putting aside the fact that this is Star Wars, a technically brilliant film series with weak dialogue and acting).
  5. It's funny, but I've never heard of a single tune by Tatu. I've heard of them only through people that have told me their some russian lesbian music group. That can't be a good thing As for the rest, there is very much a truth as "too big"
  6. I hope the secret character is Sharon Apple.
  7. That's exactly how I feel too when I look at this pic, man, is that chick insane or what ? why would someone in it's right mind wear such a clown outfit. I can see her running in a troop along with Disney characters "Hyuk, yuk, yuk" Hahaha
  8. Strictly speaking, there should not be contrails in space when you fire a missile. The definition of a contrail is the humid air that forms from the hot exhaust of a jet engine mixing with a low pressure, low temperature atmosphere (typically at high altitudes). Since there is no atmosphere in space, the mixing of the two never takes place and hence no contrail. Space is low temperature, but there is no humidity coming from the propulsion system of a Valkyrie or it's missiles. Nor is there any humidity in space, because it's a vacuum. Having said that, the nature of the propulsion systems used in Macross is somewhat vague. The contrails could be artificially produced, much like the smoke trails we see on land-to-air based missile systems. In this case it's not so much an atmosphereic interaction, but a chemical byproduct of the actual propoulsion process (I think). How visible they would be and how they would form outside of an atmosphere is beyond me. Not much help, but hopefully I made ya think
  9. LOL! I just don't find that sexy. I can't stop laughing at it
  10. Don't worry, hints given by big G are pretty clear GBP armor is coming. The 1/48 line is shaping up to be popular enough for tons of versions and accessories.
  11. Been a fan of Star Wars almost as long as I've been a fan of Macross, Alien, anime, fantasy, and science fiction. It's probably hard to tell which one came first at this point For my part, I disliked The Phantom Menace and have no intention of buying it. Call it a lifestyle choice As for the rest, I liked them in this order: 1) The Empire Strikes Back 2) A New Hope 3) Attack of the Clones 4) Return of the Jedi
  12. You want to know what's worse? I'll show you what's worse. Sabrina's Playhouse . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
  13. *enters Jerry MacGuire Mode* "Oh...my...god"
  14. Yes it is true, the meat once enjoyed in one's youth, a man can not endure in his old age LOL That one could be used in sooooo many ways... *evil grin*
  15. The pillows aren't even the worst of that picture. Has anyone really looked at what those fellas are wearing? I wouldn't be caught dead in those getups
  16. I wouldn't buy this film on DVD, but I admit it did totally immerse my imagination as a child. The CG effects were lots of fun and I remember the work fondly. I still appreciate that early CG stuff, even if today, the movie isn't to my liking as an adult.
  17. I think Macross Perfect Memory is totally worth it. The book contains thousands of screen shots from the Macross series, but it's got large sections on many other aspects of the show. It includes an exhaustive section of lineart, everything from sets, to characters, to mecha. The book also contains plenty of text, although I can't read the stuff as yet. It's just plain huge and packed with all things Macross.
  18. The Babylon 5 DVD sets are up to season three so far. Season four is to be released January 2004. So you might have just a bit of a wait. Just some advice, speaking as a huge Babylon 5 fan, you might not be so thrilled with fifth season. It's easily the weakest season of the five-year show. Personally, I can watch and enjoy it, but I beleive the fifth season could be skipped quite easily by most fans. Worth a look regardless.
  19. I would hope the special effects for this new Battlestar Galactica show are better than Babylon 5. I love Babylon 5, but the show and its effects are ten years old now!
  20. Kawamori did do just that. The stats on the VF-0 SWAG Armor on the Macross Compendium specifically says the other Valkyries use a similar version of this basic technology. I don't think a reason given now is actually changing canon, but rather it's finally giving veiwers an explanation for what we see in the series and films of Macross. The VF-1 crashes through buildings, bridges, or plows into the ground at high speed with no noticeable damage. An ordinary aircraft would have been smashed into scrap by such events. So how did the VF-1 stay in one piece? We were never told. But finally, now we know.
  21. I'm thinking the Macross will appear. It's made an appearance in every Macross series/OVA/movie to date (I don't know about Macross 7, since I've yet to see all of it).
  22. If it helps, I'm a fan of Tom Cruise's acting. Have been ever since his role in A Few Good Men dramatically (pun intended) changed my opinion of him. I'm very much looking forward to The Last Samurai and can't wait to see it.
  23. That'd be me too
  24. there are only two Alien movies...
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