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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. I admit I'm no expert, but just looking at the Alpha, it doesn't appear to have nearly enough surface area on it's wings to provide any lift. Since this is science fiction, I suppose you can make virtually anything fly if you provide enough thrust. So technically, the Alpha could fly in an atmosphere if it had sufficient propulsion to overcome gravity, drag, and it's own weight. I bet Dave Hingten knows
  2. Where did you find those? They look great!
  3. That would be cool!
  4. Since when are members at MW forbidden to point out a flawed arguement when they see one? It's amazing how everyone has great things to say about my opinions when they correct a newbie or or common member. The moment the elite, long standing members are challenged for saying something stupid, I'm labelled a whiner or I MUST have a motive. Thanks for letting me know your garb of consideration and maturity is donned only when it's fashionable.
  5. Max: I've challenged the fact that you haven't a clue what you are talking about when you say Peter Jackson is a no talent hack and isn't to credit for the LOTR films. Your supposed "reasons" for why you've got this position amount to "I realize", "I know", "I understand" without providing any real tangible arguements. Is "PJ wasn't part of the art department" one of your supposed reasons? Cause if that's what you call a reason, it's captain obvious to the rescue. PJ is a film director, not a clay sculpture artist. As for the nonsense I'm focusing on you and no one else, you and you alone made the outrageous "no talent hack who's not to credit for the work" garbage and I'm responding from a filmmaker perspective. No one else in this thread has been that audacious, nor made a generalization nearly as arrogant. If they had, I'd have debated them. If there is anyone here who isn't understanding and needs to be pointed from A to B to C, it's you. Lastly, I'm keeping this debate directed. You don't get to push the arguement away from "Why Max is calling PJ a no talent hack and claiming PJ deserves no credit" and into "Mr March, you are ordered to state what you like and why you think PJ's talented because Max said so". Like I've said, it was your mistake, not mine...and that's what I'll debate. And just to clarify: No, March never said anything of the sort....guess what that just proved. Thank you, have a nice day, come again soon.
  6. That was a nice attempt to force closure. But you're right in one respect, if you can't defend your position without retreating to "it's my opinion", then by all means, attempt to place onus on the person who called you out and end the debate. As for PM, there is no reason to move this discussion to any other venue...this thread is the perfect forum for this very discussion and is in no way off topic.
  7. I see no position except expelling venom at PJ for no apparent reason other than "my opinion, I'm entitled, and I don't like him". As for the rest, it's just diversionary except for the only relevant point. And I again ask why? For my part, I've no need to explain myself or my position. This debate began with your generalization and being called on it. As for my opinion, how about we wait until you provide some reason or critique of why PJ has nothing to do with the success of the LOTR films. If you don't have anything, other than just your opinion, that's fine. However, I say again, it's ignorance to state PJ has nothing to do with the success of LOTR...and that is what's called my opinion.
  8. Starcraft had great single and multi-player. The single player especially was a treat because the story and characters were so engaging. The tale definitely ranks highly among the best video game stories ever made. I did like Starcraft multiplayer quite a lot and still play it from time to time. However, I do understand the reluctance of many to avoid some types of multiplayer gaming. I recal my early days of Master of Orion II online and it was atrocious. You basically played one of two primary race systems because all the other ones were a disadvantage in multiplayer. Playing online games for days even though you knew the game was already over on Monday and here it is Wednesday. Multiplayer gaming like that I can do without. First Person Shooters are definitely my favorite type of multiplayer game. Ya get wacked, you get back on your feet instantly and try again. You don't wait a minute, an hour, or a day for the damn game to end when you've already lost
  9. Since when is it a requirement to like every film done by a single director? You are aware most filmakers have worked on numerous commercially unsuccessful/barely profitable products before they ever make a film that has mass appeal yes? None of that is the issue anyway. You're somehow claiming Peter Jackson isn't to credit for the quality of the Lord of the Rings films because "you" don't like his other work. Does that mean the James Cameron is a talentless hack because I personally hated all his films except Terminator 2? Is Steven Speilberg not to credit for Schindler's List because I didn't like any of his films up until that point? I sure hope this isn't what you're saying. You've already said you liked the films twice and now I'm going to say something twice, how does your dislike of PJ's other films negate Jackson's credit for his work on LOTR? Cause I'd love to hear a logical reason, which so far I haven't.
  10. Wow. The ignorance toward filmmaking in those statements is utterly astonishing. As I'm reading it, the only way you can make a case for what you just posted is to mean PJ didn't invent the LOTR story. But that sure doesn't sound like what you just wrote. As fas as credit for a filmmaker (to say nothing about thecredit for the work that goes into a film the size of LOTR), well I'll just wait to see if I'm mistaken about this post.
  11. Worth mentioning twice anyway. The game rocks!
  12. No. 10 is from the Robotech action figure of Scott Bernard from New Generation (originally Mospeada). I once owned both the toy and the bike set. That gun also sucked. Not only did it look bad, but the grip wasn't shaped. It was just a rectangular block. I broke the thumb on my Scott figure when I tried to fit it in hand. I fixed the figure, but that's not the point No. 1 looks like the gun pod from my old Jetfire Transformer. I remember the stupid scope and how much I hated it cause it wasn't like the Macross show No. 7 looks like the gun for the New Generation (originally Mospeada) Alpha fighter. The toy was about 1.5 times larger than your average action figure. No. 5 is also a gun I recognize. Unfortunately, I can only remember the gun and fitting it into the hand of some robot. I can't remember what the actual toy was, but I seem to recall it was some very cheap, no-name robot toy. Man, the stupid crap I remember from my childhood...
  13. Nah, I've always loved Hikaru's hair style. In the grand scheme of things, it really gave his character distinction and it made him look very young. The black hair/green costume and the watercolor pictures on the top of that page make him look like an anime version of Luke Skywalker
  14. Ahem! I beleive I mentioned it. First page my friend.
  15. Very niiiiiiice! The Gouf Custom looks great.
  16. Mr March

    TV style f-1s

    Hikaru looks fancy in the VF-1S Roy
  17. Go Go Gadget... Someone had too sooner or later
  18. The region 1 (north american) release does in fact feature credit-length animation sequences at the end of the DVD.
  19. All time favorite game would be Star Controll II for the PC. Nothing else comes close. Other favorites would be: Mechwarrior II (PC) Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast (PC) Halo (X-Box) Soul Calibur (Dreamcast) Soul Calibur II (X-Box) Super Castlevania (Super Nintendo) Starcraft (PC) Fallout (PC) Half-Life (PC) Homeworld (PC) Unreal Tournament (PC) Aliens vs. Predator II (PC) Master of Orion (PC) Master of Orion II (PC) X-Com UFO Defense (PC) Master of Magic (PC) Full Throttle (PC) Hope I didn't forget any
  20. Never too late to try something new. I started out in Accounting, but I've been doing film for the last year. The moment when I can make money in film and stop doing accounting is going to be a great day
  21. Thank you. Reason at last. You're not a film student by any chance?
  22. Hehehe. Funny, because it's true
  23. Technically, the golden age of anime ended around 1987-1989, so for purists of the medium, it's been downhill long before Tatu As for alternatives, I'd sooner watch re-runs of Beverly Hill 12345 or submit myself to water tourture before I ever touched Trek
  24. Wow, this is a monster! If I get a chance, I'll post my thoughts later tonight. Gotta go pick up my Nausicaa DVD set from the courier right now
  25. Oh. That's lame, but whatever works I suppose
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