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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Here, have a cookie, I promise by the time your finished youll feel as right as rain LOL! That's brilliant!
  2. Thank you. I'm glad someone said it. I totally agree.
  3. Uh yeah, thanks for coming out <_
  4. Fantastic stuff! That arm looks great! I'd love to have one. The 1:100 VF-0 is looking nice. This is some great news!
  5. Sure, let me have it
  6. Very nice. The final battle looks very intense. I wonder what is going to be substituted for the sword fighters in the blue and green screen costumes?
  7. On Cinescape, they just posted news about two and a half minutes of Star Wars Episode III that is circulating around the internet. Sounds like it's some fella who recorded it from a marketing meeting. Check out the story. News at Cinescape Has anyone seen it?
  8. "Victory for Ziiiiiiim!" This will be cool. I always wanted to see more episodes. "Filthy, squirmy Dib! SQUIRMY!!!"
  9. Not bad. The art work looks bad (like Anime Friend bad) but the site is kinda cool. Those flash games are fun.
  10. Thanks EXO. I took the 1280x1024 and the 1600x1200. Always good to plan ahead for my next monitor upgrade
  11. Hell yeah. The Zaku Kai is easily the best looking of all the Zaku variants to date. I find most of the Gundam 0080 mecha are the properly refined versions of what most OYW mecha should have looked like.
  12. Hell yea, I like it!
  13. Yes! Like 007-VF1 said, we need it bigger with a high resolution. I'm looking for 1280x1024 myself
  14. I love Halo, but I'd much rather put $3,500 towards a Canon XL-1. Way too much cashola for this Halo addict
  15. I've always considered the essential Macross fan to have the following: Super Dimension Fortress Macross series (preferably on DVD) Macross: Do You Remember Love? Macross Perfect Memory Macross Gold Book Macross The Complete OST Yamato 1:48 Valkyrie with FAST Packs (and GBP-1 Full Armor when it comes out) Shoji Kawamori's Macross Design Works Macross Plus OVA Macross Plus Movie Edition Macross Plus OST I, II, For Fans Only, and Cream P.U.F. You can always have more, but I would consider anyone who has a list similar to this to be a hardcore Macross fan. It's not so much whether you have a bigger collection than the next Mac geek, but more about owning the essential products (especially the original series stuff).
  16. I own the first two seasons on DVD. But I think I'm finished with the series. Aster the firsat two seasons, with everyone coming back to life all the time, I decided to call it quits. However, I do want to get some individual DVDs with some of my favorite episodes from thrid and fourth seasons. Especially "Window of Opportunity", the fourth season episode that hooked my on the show. It was brilliant
  17. I like the Milia version, but for some reason the Max doesn't look right. Like others have said, I think it's far too bright. At any rate, thank you very much for the pictures MCC
  18. I don't like the added gadets and the symbols are a bit over used, but the paint job is fantastic. It actually looks better than one would think.
  19. Any pictures yet?
  20. 1) Super Dimension Fortress Macross 2) Nausicaa of The Valley of Wind 3) Macross Plus 4) Cowboy Bebop 5) Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket 6) Vampire Hunter D 7) Patlabor Movie 1 and 2 Macross DYRL? 9) Macross Zero 10) Grave of the Fireflies
  21. There are several ways to stand the 1/48 on it's own with FAST Packs. The action pose is the obvious choice. Just manipulate the toy in a pose where the weight is distributed enough so the 1/48 will remain standing. The picture of the VF-1J (without FAST packs) on HobbyLink Japan shows one. Note that even though this is without FAST Packs, it works with them. The second is to either lean the toy slighty forward while angling the legs backward. Like stretching your own ankles, the feet will be angled forward while the legs are angled backward. The third way is actually reall easy and looks the best. Angle the upper body just slightly forward and have the legs straight and the z-axis of each knee angled out. This keeps the mecha almost completely in a standing pose, but is solid and keeps itself upright in battroid mode with FAST Packs. It almost looks as if the mech is in the standard pose, but the torso is slightly forward. A note, the hips (Ie tips of the intakes) must rest upon the side of the fighter nose canards. If they sit in front like usual, you won't get the angle you need and the mecha will be tilted too far back.
  22. Sounds great! Although I think I'll stick to the stuff written by JMS for now. I would really like to get those two issues, issue #0 and issue #1/2. Rising Stars is great stuff. I'm almost finished the second act
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