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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Very nice! This is something I never would have expected.
  2. I thought of posting a thread with a link to this film at my old stomping grounds, but I don't think my profile is there anymore. And I don't feel like signing up again.
  3. A hearty second for that vote!
  4. Wow! Nice trailer! I must admit, it's hard not to get excited about the game. It appears the game is focused on the the conventional military battles of the Star Wars universe and not the force users. That's a very interesting direction for a Star Wars game and not something that's been done "successfully" yet. Since I have both PC and X-Box, I'm kinda wondering what type of control would be best for this title. It looks like the mouse/keyboard may be best if it's run similar to a 3rd person shooter.
  5. Macross Zero has the weakest music of just about all the Macross releases. It's really not a good point of comparison for the Macross franchise as a whole, although I think it's better than Robotech. Robotech music has the nostalgia factor going for it but little else. Much like most of the popular music in the 1980's, it's overplayed, too melodramatic (though the same goes for the music from Do You Remember Love?), and I'm glad it's gone from the mainstream. As for Macross music, Macross Plus is definitely the best music for Macross. When I first saw Mac+ I was blown away by the soundtrack. It was nothing like Robotech, it was far superior. After I learned the history of Macross/Robotech, I understood why the sounds of Mac+ were so much better.
  6. Wow, so many new members lately. Welcome to the forums! Macross Plus is very good. The general concensus seems to be it's the best of the Macross sequels to date. It's available in two versions; a four part OVA series and a film edition. Check it out. I hope you have fun here. Good to see more friendly faces.
  7. It's been the policy of Nanashi's to leave the translation as true as possible, not correcting grammar of any written material for fear of changing the context of what is said. Unfortunately, that makes it very difficult reading. I admit, keeping the translastion literal has me wondering if I might understand less from this "pure" translation than if they cleaned up the grammar
  8. WOW! That was fantastic! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've seen plenty of fan made movies for Star Wars, Babylon 5, and Star Trek, but never anything from Macross. This is a great short! Fantastic. Can't wait to read everyone's reactions to this.
  9. Thanks big S. DL'ing now. I'm looking forward to this vid.
  10. Weird.
  11. Mr March

    Gualg CG

    Lookin shinny
  12. I love that Matrix-esque picture! Brilliant.
  13. Very cool! I like the work you've done. The Valkyries looks wonderful.
  14. Macross Plus era mecha seem to have far superior technology to the MacII world. That was one of my criticisms of Macross II, a story that takes place nearly 80 years after SWO yet there are more significant technological advances in the Macross Plus era, a mere 30 years after SWO (yes I know Macross II was released years before Macross Plus came around). The only major technological leap MacII mecha seem to have is that every Valkyrie is outfitted with a Strike Cannon, ala Roy's Strike Valkyrie from the 1984 film Macross: Do You Remember Love?. The Macross Plus mecha have far more advanced cockpit controls (whether it's Virtual Enviroment Cockpit or the BDS system), they all use active stealth systems, they all use micro missiles, they have fighter-mounted pin point barriers, the have much more streamlined FAST packs, the 19's Heavy Weapons packs, the 21's wing morphing, etc. The list is extensive. Comparing governments, the Mac Plus era seems to have way more colonies and much more impressive fleets. Earth's defense fleet alone covered nearly the entire planet in a shield of satellites, orbital guns, space cruisers, and destroyers. This isn't even mentioning the Macross itself and the Megaroad class ships, or the Battle 7-like fleets.
  15. Mr March

    Gualg CG

    Looking great! This sure is a nice change.
  16. And the 1/60 Monster or the Queadluun-Rau aren’t??? Why is it that everyone loves the idea of those two but the moment someone mentions a 1/48 VF-0 or YF-19 or some other large valk it’s oh no that would be too big I mean seriously a VF-0 is not that much bigger it’s about the same size as a F-14 and companies make plenty of 1/48 scale versions of those. Btw Mr. March i'm not trying to pick on you. You just happend to sum up what the anti 1/48 VF-0 people almost always say. Well, I'm not a collector who is going to purchase the Monster (even if it were to be released) or the Queadlunn Rau (which I beleive is basically the same size as a 1/48 Valk even though it's 1/60). Second, I do in fact prefer a certain size of models/toys. There is such a thing as the optimum scale for any particular model/toy, which gives the best balance of all the products facets. This holds true for many different products. Why are paperback novels the size they are? Comic books? It's an optimum size, making the best of level of detail, cost, space, etc. A 1/72 scale for a 12 meter tall Valkyrie is what I consider the optimum scale. A 1/100 scale for an 18.5 meter tall Gundam is what I consider the optimum scale. I love my 1/48 Valkyries, don't get me wrong. But as much as I love them, I sure would like it if they were smaller. Just preference.
  17. I prefer the 1/72 scale. As much as I love the 1/48, it's big and anything bigger would be way too big. Although I'm not a collector of Gundam or a big fan by any stretch of the imagination, I prefer the sizes of the Master Grade models. Just big enough, but not too small. I'm glad the VF-0 is going to be in a more compact scale. A 1/48 of the VF-0 would be ridiculous.
  18. Great stuff! The Enigma looks fantastic.
  19. No it doesn't. That penguin looks like he's having a ball. I want to try that!
  20. Weird. Looks like some sort of magnification set on top of a Stormie helmet.
  21. That's a brilliant idea! I'd love to see that on other Macross toys, even those with perfect transformation. Very cool!
  22. I've always held this opinion. Critical part swapping is far superior to design compromises for a "perfect transformation". Besides, perfect transformation just means "complicated and time consuming process"
  23. I love this particular angle of the VF-4. This shot is going to make a great high res wallpaper. *eagerly awaits finished shot*
  24. That sucks. I'm using a 21' monitor right now, but I want to upgrade this year. Everytime I do, I purchase one size larger. Maybe if you get a larger monitor, your PC partner won't object to a higher res.
  25. Hehehe, Jedi Knight gamer
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