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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. That's so nice of you to say Falcon. Thank you so much. If you ever need any other reference that I can help with, let me know and I'll do my best to help.
  2. LOL. That's actually kinda cute
  3. Thanks, I'm really happy I was able to get Vol. 2. I'm not likely to buy all the Master FIle books, but I do own the first two VF-1 books, the VF-19 book and the VF-25 book. They have some good stuff, including some uncolored line art....hmmmmm
  4. Nice work. I like the details. I'm just working on a complete revision of the VF-3000 Crusader profile and I read the details about the GU-11D gun pod in the Variable FIghter Master File for the VF-1 Valkyrioe, Vol. 2. It's cool that you named your gun the GU-11E and made it a variant off the Crusader's gun.
  5. Wow, that is a very cool design. I have to admit, while Elysium wasn't all that great upon reflection, I adore the mecahnical design for the film. Chappie again seems to really nail that same aesthetic. I hope this turns out better as a film.
  6. A hangar and a Valkyrie would be awesome. But perhaps it would be better to make that in the upcoming "Star Citizen" game, since I hear mods and community content is going to be a really open and widely available part of the game. I posted once before about my idea for an Isamu/YF-19 hangar and VF sequence in that game. Hoping it happens The SDF-1 bridge sounds like a great idea. I made a bunch of new scans for the next update of my site, I'll post the stuff here.
  7. That is damned cool! That is a clever use of the graphic, just like the show.
  8. For the next update to my site I did fresh new scans of the VF-1 landing gear. I'm not sure if the information you're all looking for is in the line art, but here is the best version I was able to create (built from individual pieces taken from both TIAS Vol. 1, TIAS Macross Plus and Macross Perfect Memory).
  9. Ah, great catch! You're right, the ARMD is used in the Macross Quarter trivia. And according to the written fiction, they are supposed to be separate ships too. So I guess the tradition lives on.
  10. It's certainly a Marvel movie, but I think they've enticed me yet again. It's again the character that has grabbed my attention, something Marvel keeps doing right. That closing line from Paul Rudd is a brilliant way to simultaneously undercut the general audience reaction to something as silly as Ant-Man while drawing us in with some great humor. Liking it so far.
  11. It could be. Macross has a history of co-opting real brand names to create fictional companies and products. Not sure if it's any less silly in my mind, but the overall effect is to communicate something sci-fi-ish to the viewer/reader that indicates a material that is beyond conventional science.
  12. I think Macross 7 was the last Macross to mention ARMD. At least, I personally haven't seen the title appear in any art books after that unless they refer to the original SDFM/DYRL/FB2012 or M+/M7 era ships. I revised the colored and uncolored line art for the Guantanamo Class for the next website update, I'll attach the uncolored art to this post for reference.
  13. I know it can be difficult to divorce the perception of a transparent material as anything other than glass becuase that's what we know in our everyday life. But I think it goes without saying the material used for the transparent sections of Macross space ships cannot be glass simply due to the structural demands of such a craft. That said, they do mention in the Macross fiction that immigration ships use special transparent alloys, naturally they are unexplained in nature and have silly names. The Stellar Whale Passenger Ship indicates the transparent pellucida of immigration ships is composed of a special alloy called "Herculite", by name alone the term is obviously meant to imply a fictional super-strong transparent material. Which would make sense given the ridiculous structural strength requirements of the ships in the Macross universe.
  14. Wouldn't call it a weakness, just two very different eras of fight choreography that contrast with each other so vividly because the films are all part of the same series/franchise. That not something that could be helped, it's simply the changing reality of filmmaking over 20 years. IMO, the prequel's numerous problems eclipse scrutinizing the fight sequences. But I will say I'm hoping for a more grounded fighting choreography with this next Star Wars film; something more interesting rather than showy.
  15. Most likely hired for the fight choreography. Uwais and Ruhian not only starred in the Raid films but also acted as choreographers. Makes sense there would be fighting choreography needed for Star Wars.
  16. Over the last week and a half I've gone through the series completeing Jupiter Jazz, Part Two (episode 13). So far, this Blu-Ray set has been outstanding. The sound mix is excellent, with great use of directional sound for everything from dialog to sound effects to diegetic music. Much has been written about the sound changes to Bebop from one format to the next and I will admit, I do hear some differences. However, I have to say that even as a fan that has watched the entire series a very unhealthy number of times, thus far the changes have been minor to my mind and not worth the digital ink that's been spent. Maybe my true outrage is yet to come, but for now I've few complaints. Visually, the Cowboy Bebop blu-ray set is everything I hoped it would be. Bebop has always been a series where often times much of the humor, action and mood is set by the background or far shots every bit as much as the single face close-ups and detailed beauty shots. In high definition, the fine detail of the artwork comes into sharp contrast with beautiful results: all of Bebops best small moments and far shots are crystal clear in HD style and tone. As a long time fan I am thrilled to be able to enjoy Bebop the way I always wanted. I'll post more once I finish off the entire set, but so far the Bebop blu-ray set is a stellar hit.
  17. Very nice work! I like how the colors look on this suit.
  18. Beautiful! Love them both. Well done!
  19. Nice colors. I've been thinking of scanning more than a few black and white line art drawings from the VF Master File series and coloring them. Well done.
  20. Got the Bebop Blu-Ray set, Amazon.com exclusive. The book of line art this thing comes with is amazing! 140 pages of black and white drawings from the series printed in really high quality. A great source for the Bebop line art for anyone who is interested. GOing to delve into the series very soon, using this set as the first introduction for a new friend.
  21. If you aren't predicting a horde of merchandising that will explain every little technical detail of the Star Wars vehicles, space craft, equipment, and costumes, you're forgetting Star Wars merchandising history to date. I fully expect cross-section books, schematics/blueprint collections, technical manuals and making-of volumes along with all the rest of the merchandise they've sold following each of the original 3 films and the 3 prequels. Explanations will abound within the pages of those books. Whether or not you like what those books actually have to say, that's another matter entirely
  22. Thanks for the update. And the msg. I'll definitely check it out.
  23. Ralph Baer, the man called the "Father of Video Games", has died at the age of 92. http://www.polygon.com/2014/12/7/7350497/ralph-baer-obituary While it's natural that we all pass, it's worth a moment to think about and celebrate a man who was instrumental in creating one of the great art and entertainment mediums of the modern age. Thank you Ralph.
  24. THat's what I'm saying; he can't kill her right away because he has to spend at least some time listening to Sarah talk so he can imitate her speech. Kill her before she gets a word out and how is he supposed to mimic her? They do state the T1000 can imitate anything it touches (though it's not elaborated "how"), but again...I would think a physical copy wouldn't mean a mental/vocal/memory copy of course. So some vocal sampling would be required. THat's how I've always interpreted it.
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